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Greetings all. My Dad wants me to learn how to write HTML code. I'm all for it and glad to be learning it but I'm having a hard time finding a suitable template to test my codes. Any body know of one? (preferably free)

And does anybody have any advice on HTML code in general?



~Te Mirdala Mand'alor

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Just remember - real men use notepad.


Actually, really real men crack open the platter and use a tiny magnet to switch the 1s and 0s into their correct places. :carms:




real men throw iron shavings at the motherboard until the computer does what you want it to


also just save as .html and open it in your browser

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I'm looking for a website template (Weebly' date=' Google sites) that will let me use my HTML and show me the results[/quote']


Right-click any website and use View Source to view the site's HTML data. Copy it over to Notepad and have fun messing. Should be worth warning you that most high-profile sites are beyond the reach of newbie messing, however.

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I'm trying to verify my site (hosted by Weebly) with Google webmaster tools, and I'm using the method where I insert the meta tag into the sites HTML. I did it like it told me to -by inserting it in the head section before the first body tag- but it won't verify. I ask here because the Google help section is useless, and I want to know if its an HTML problem.

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