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Project Peragus 426


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Well, as there is another Peragus thread here discussing changing it, I may as well post something I have been working on and off on for a long time...


Personally I found Peragus a great planet for first play through as you don’t have a clue what is going on and everyone is dead, then a very scary Sith Lord arrives; I remember thinking, crap I’m no way ready for this dude I don’t even have a lightsaber. However there are those who complain about Peragus, partly I think because of the lack of actual character interaction; though this is partly the point.


The Aim of this mod is to make Peragus more interesting to play through for those who don’t like it, by adding Gigers Alien(s) and a few NPC’s for the PC to interact with. I've always liked Aliens, and thought combining two of my favourite sci-fi universes could be fun. The mod will be self contained, and leave the NPC’s (Atton, Kreia, T3-M4 and the HK droid unaware of anything with regard the mod having taken place). The mod will only add a small additional amount of game play, and occur along the usual path the PC would take through Peragus; it would aim to increase atmosphere rather than decrease it.


With regards the Alien, here is something Quanon has been cooking up and works in game;




I'm currently working on a re-skin.


Before setting out the ideas I thought it would be best to introduce you to the various characters, you will run into (they could be dead or alive ;)).

As the Jedi have all but disappeared from the Galaxy the Republic Senate has had to use other personnel to do the sensitive jobs Jedi used to do. Introducing RSF (Republic Special Forces; Team Omega).


Joseph Dredd (new custom face?) - Leader of team Omega, originally a member of the Coruscant Security Force, he heard the call to go to war with the Mandalorians and has now been a special forces operative for the past 10 years, and has much combat experience. He has a no nonsense approach and will do whatever it takes to accomplish a mission; though he will do everything in his power to protect the innocent as far as possible. His orders for this mission are to stop the Aliens no matter what the cost.


Wilkes - Known only as Wilkes, he was one of only 3 survivors from the world of Wayland after a Republic post stationed there was overrun by an Alien infestation there. The other survivors were a young nurse named Billie and Jedi Master Vandar Tokare who had come to investigate the situation (Vandar ordered the bombardment of the post from above destroying all trace of the Aliens). Vandar was so impressed with Wilkes he had him moved into the Republic Special Forces. Dredd specially requested Wilkes come along given his previous experience with the species.


Pohsib – A much revered Ithorian scientist and a great expert on many different species across the universe, with much interest and concern he has studied what little information can be gathered about the Aliens. Specifically chosen by Dredd for this


Shaelas – A Selkath and the teams intelligence officer.

Shudo Saresh – Is a Twilek and the teams Computer and medical expert.


Zulu – Is a Chadra-Fan (small bat like creatures) giving him many more senses than most species making him an excellent scout (one of the best in the whole Republic Military) he is also a very talented engineer. ( http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Chadra-Fan)


Atton Rand – Pilot, we could have as a backstory for Atton that he was a part of the team – it is certainly a side quest I think would be interesting to add; how he got onto Peragus, perhaps in this we could indicate why he has a passionate dislike of droids.


There is also the matter of surviving miners, I suggest cannon fodder for the Alien.


Right here where we start in Peragus facility; the Administration Level (nicked from http://www.gamebanshee.com/starwarskotorii/locations/administrationlevel.php) The numbers in blue represent the usual plot point for a normal game, numbers in red are my suggested points.




1. Dead Twilek body ( of Shudo Saresh) Body should also contain a few useful items; (user created Special Forces Equipment) and a Data Pad, containing a entry along the following lines; ‘Damn, Stuck! In case I don’t make it hopefully this will help you. I am a member of a Republic Special Forces team, beware of this facility; extreme biological hazard and risk of contamination, get out of here as soon as you can!


Under orders from Captain Dredd; I tried to reach the Jedi, unfortunately someone or something has broken the door to the medical bay and without a plasma cutter I have no chance of getting through that door. No point heading back through the facility, lockdown has been initiated so I can’t do much and with all those droids about its too dangerous. That thing can’t have caused the lockdown or the droids to of malfunctioned, some other force must be sabotaging things perhaps Czerka is after it for its bio weapons division and has sent a team. What’s that nois...


The message ends abruptly and unlike the other bodies around this Twilek seems to have been killed by an animal with very sharp teeth and claws and not laser fire. – Journal/Quest; ‘Unknown Force’.


2. Signs that a mysterious ship had been docked here.


3. Add a body to the morgue and if the player examines the body text pops up saying; ‘Examination reveals this poor individual died of something seemingly bursting out of his chest’.

Ahhh, the real fun begins… The mining tunnels map courtesy of; http://www.gamebanshee.com/starwarskotorii/locations/miningtunnels.php




As soon as the PC enters this level, an event is triggered, and the writing at the bottom of the screen says; ‘You feel as if you are being watched, your getting a bad feeling about this…’


Point 1 is where we run into Shaelas and Pohsib; here a few things will be revealed. Conversation with Shaelas will reveal that the door behind the party was sealed using sonic mines by Dredd, Wilkes and Zulu to stop the Alien getting to the Administration level - the rest of the team where meant to head there but the Turbolift was locked down. Dredd has already ordered Shudo Saresh to use the air ducts to reach the Jedi.


Dredd, Wilkes and Zulu’s fate is unknown though Shaelas has assumed the worst given the current situation. He also reveals the heavy weaponry needed to kill the Alien cannot be used as it could cause the whole facility to explode (atmosphere setting). Finally he will give an appraisal of the situation that the explosions around the facility are not the work of the aliens as there is intelligence behind them, and the plan seems to have been to contain or kill the miners by forces unknown.


Conversation with Pohsib, will be around his knowledge of the Alien, explaining their biology(eggs, facehuggers, acid for blood, ineffectiveness of lower grade weaponry). He inquires if you have a lightsaber as this is an ideal weapon as it cauterises wounds immediately thus negating the danger of the aliens acid blood. He reveals the droids and aliens seem not to bother each other; the aliens aren’t interested in the droids, and the droids seem unable to see the aliens. He will also speculate that they are not from our galaxy and could well be immune to direct force attacks, also speculates from their design that they seem to have been biologically engineered as a bio weapon, presumably to commit genocide against planets.


Following that he adds the revelation that the Peragus core explosion was no accident, but a solution to an alien infestation; tactical missiles were dropped from orbit; and a cover story was released to explain what had happened. He adds he is impressed that the creatures survived an explosion of that magnitude.


You can now try and persuade the survivors to come with you and that you will protect them for LS points (they will refuse) or for DS either kill them and take their stuff or tell them you hope the Alien eats them and your going on without them.


Section 2 will be cleared of droids, to add tension, in section 3 you will hear screams from behind; depending on what’s possible with game mechanics; returning to where the survivors were will either have no-one left, or perhaps them all dead, or blood and a few weapons left. Depending on what people think is scarier.


Section 4 – Possible signs of battle


Section 5 – the Alien ‘nest’ consisting of a few kinrath eggs, dead bodies on floor with dead kinrath hatchlings next to them to give the effect of dead face huggers. and a body with a few useful items on.


Point 9 on the map is the exit whereby you enter the fuel depot in the normal encounter Hk-50. Nothing will be changed in the following area; http://www.gamebanshee.com/starwarskotorii/locations/fueldepot.php

Below is the first site of the Alien, which Quanon has been making….




Point 1 is a trigger point… When the PC is EVA and reaches here, the game will focus back in at point X near the Airlock, where an Alien will have emerged; the Camera will slowly move in on the Alien, then see it start running in the PC’s direction; the PC has to run to the other Airlock before the Alien reaches him; failure to do so means death….




Having gone into space, you get back into the facility at point 1.

Where I have marked X is a possible character encounter point. I'm currently town between to options as this needs to be tied up before meeting back with Kreia and Atton in a few levels/maps time for continuity reasons.


The options as it seems to me are to


a) Have Dred and Wilkes alive, and them sacrifice themselves as the Alien tries to break through the airlock so the PC can escape...


b) The PC makes a last stand with the RSF and fights the Alien, and then leaves the squad hunting for the second Alien.


c) Have the PC find the remaining members of MSF dead and continue to be stalked by the Aliens


There would obviously be light and dark side choices in the above scenario's but I'm torn between the better option.

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a) Have Dred and Wilkes alive, and them sacrifice themselves as the Alien tries to break through the airlock so the PC can escape...


b) The PC makes a last stand with the RSF and fights the Alien, and then leaves the squad hunting for the second Alien.


c) Have the PC find the remaining members of MSF dead and continue to be stalked by the Aliens


There would obviously be light and dark side choices in the above scenario's but I'm torn between the better option.


Looks to me like (a) and (b) could be dark/light side variations of the same scenario.


Shaelas is the same Selkath from K1, I assume?

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Wilkes - Known only as Wilkes, he was one of only 3 survivors from the world of Wayland after a Republic post stationed there was overrun by an Alien infestation there. The other survivors were a young nurse named Billie and Jedi Master Vandar Tokare who had come to investigate the situation (Vandar ordered the bombardment of the post from above destroying all trace of the Aliens). Vandar was so impressed with Wilkes he had him moved into the Republic Special Forces. Dredd specially requested Wilkes come along given his previous experience with the species.


Is that a reference to the Weyland-Yutani Corporation?




Also, will your mod be compatible with Ulic's Prolog, Peragus, and Harbinger Issue Correction Mod (1.1)?


Lastly, how will you deal with not having sound files for Atton if you add him to your Omega Squad?

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Awesome! If possible, could you have two Aliens? One with the normal human animations, and if at all possible have one with Rakghoul animations?:D

And maybe you should think of a valid name for the Aliens.

But enough of my over-active imagination. This is great work you guys are doing/planning thus far. I can't wait to see this mod finished.:D

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Awesome! If possible' date=' could you have two Aliens? One with the normal human animations, and if at all possible have one with Rakghoul animations?:D[/quote']


I was also wondering how you'd animated them as they are often crouching before they pounce. But Rakghoul animations sounds pretty good to me. Will the head have extended teeth attack animations as well?


And maybe you should think of a valid name for the Aliens.


They refer to them as "xenomorphs" in Aliens.

Additional reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xenomorph_(Alien)

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Looks to me like (a) and (b) could be dark/light side variations of the same scenario.


Hmmm, interesting point.


Shaelas is the same Selkath from K1, I assume?


Indeed :) I'm a sucker for tiny little tie ins.


Is that a reference to the Weyland-Yutani Corporation?




Yeah it is... Kind of; it was picked for that reason, but there is a planet called Wayland in the SW universe.


Also, will your mod be compatible with Ulic's Prolog, Peragus, and Harbinger Issue Correction Mod (1.1)?


It should bem may require a bit of tweaking.


Lastly, how will you deal with not having sound files for Atton if you add him to your Omega Squad?


This was the reason I haven't implimented it as of yet.


Sweet idea j7!


It's definitely got a scary survival horror feel to it. Just the thought of being chased by an "alien" on the asteroid exterior got my adrenaline rushing. :o


Glad you like it :)



Awesome! If possible' date=' could you have two Aliens? One with the normal human animations, and if at all possible have one with Rakghoul animations?:D[/quote']


The initial Alien skin I did was based on a Rakghould - the problem however is the bannana head, as I did think the Rakghoul animations were ideal. There are two Aliens in the mod - if you see the second one is debatable.


And maybe you should think of a valid name for the Aliens.

But enough of my over-active imagination. This is great work you guys are doing/planning thus far. I can't wait to see this mod finished.:D


They refer to them as "xenomorphs" in Aliens.


And the Special Edition of Alien 3 in the Quadrology special features they are also refered to as Internecivus raptus.


I was also wondering how you'd animated them as they are often crouching before they pounce. But Rakghoul animations sounds pretty good to me. Will the head have extended teeth attack animations as well?


Animating them is the biggest issue with the mod. Me and Q were discussing the second mouth - it is possible, but it wouldn't be controllable and would go off constantly, so that is a matter of discussion.

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Wow. This looks awesome!


Indeed :) I'm a sucker for tiny little tie ins.


I know that Obsidian left a lot of K1 assets in TSL, but I didn't know that the Selkath were left in too. That's brilliant, as I quite like the fish-people for some reason.


This was the reason I haven't implimented it as of yet.


Forgive me if this sound silly, but would it be possible to 'splice' parts of his existing dialog to create new sentences? Or is that a no-no along the lines of porting assets between games?

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About the Alien: So far its a mask, I made it a long time ago, before Settokons Hex edit matter.


I've been thinking again, and the Raghkouls has a better animation set, then the regular female body. As I fear now the Alien will be shaking his lovely shaped ass when he runs.

And it'll look more funny then scarry. Nor do I see the Alien doing "Karate" when he fights.


But at the time using the regular body and a mask seemed the best option.

*sigh* Though I'm not that content of it anymore... so I guess I'll need to think about altering the Raghkoul heavly and hoping that the Hex-edit method pays off. Because the Raghkoul head doesn't have enough vertices to do the long "banana" head smoothly.


Anyway, J7 has a stand in at the moment, so he can start the works, I'll see what I can cook up. I might put a hold on my other personal project. Been doing that a lot lately, puttting things on hold :lol:

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I can't tell you how enthusiastic I am about this mod, so a smiley will do. :clap2:


As far as the logs go, I'd take a few pointers from System Shock 2, particularly this one for "interrupted" logs. The same goes for corpse placement; always include indications on how they were killed, both visual and textual, and if possible, auditory:

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As for module reskins, will they be included? If so, would it be possible to create a unique texture for blood on walls and floors; for example:

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Other than that, I'd love to help in any way I could. :)

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Slightly warped idea: Save the female reskin and make armor out of it.


You have killed the alien > click on alien's remains > get "Alien Skin" > go to work bench make skin into "Alien skin armor" that's Resists Darkside/Lightside X%, immune to Poison X%, etc


Mean someone would need to skin a male version though.

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Finally a use for that freaky alien thing then eh? :p


Yeah, I've been delving into the Rakghoul, altered the models arms slightly and did an export.


Then used MDLops to compile to Binary format, no luck, an error occurs and a big bunch of data gets kicked out.


I do get my MDL and MDX, but I'm very positive that I broke the model.

As I used my Hex editing programs to compare both files to each other, the edited one is far to short.


And I even didn't add anything, just moved vertices around.

Hmmz, back to thinking what might work best...

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Animating them is the biggest issue with the mod. Me and Q were discussing the second mouth - it is possible, but it wouldn't be controllable and would go off constantly, so that is a matter of discussion.


How about animating it to you can record it for a BIK to play the first time you encounter one? Then - after you've recorded your BIK - you can remove the animation.

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Wow. This looks awesome!


Glad you like it :)


I know that Obsidian left a lot of K1 assets in TSL, but I didn't know that the Selkath were left in too. That's brilliant, as I quite like the fish-people for some reason.


I was kind suprised Obsidian didn't have them in anything...


Forgive me if this sound silly, but would it be possible to 'splice' parts of his existing dialog to create new sentences? Or is that a no-no along the lines of porting assets between games?


Attons already in TSL so no porting ussues ;)


I can't tell you how enthusiastic I am about this mod, so a smiley will do. :clap2:


Glad you like it :)


As far as the logs go, I'd take a few pointers from System Shock 2, particularly this one for "interrupted" logs. The same goes for corpse placement; always include indications on how they were killed, both visual and textual, and if possible, auditory:
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Other than that, I'd love to help in any way I could. :)


You fancy being in charge of oraganising the above? i.e. What should be said, what should be found and how the body looks.



As for module reskins, will they be included? If so, would it be possible to create a unique texture for blood on walls and floors; for example:
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It's certainly possible, the other option is to have stain hover just above the floor, or wall, giving the same effect.


Slightly warped idea: Save the female reskin and make armor out of it.


You have killed the alien > click on alien's remains > get "Alien Skin" > go to work bench make skin into "Alien skin armor" that's Resists Darkside/Lightside X%, immune to Poison X%, etc


Mean someone would need to skin a male version though.


It's certainly possible, though with the Aliens blood the issue would be how you managed to cut it up...


Finally a use for that freaky alien thing then eh? :p


This was why Q originally made it :p


Yeah, I've been delving into the Rakghoul, altered the models arms slightly and did an export.


Then used MDLops to compile to Binary format, no luck, an error occurs and a big bunch of data gets kicked out.


I do get my MDL and MDX, but I'm very positive that I broke the model.

As I used my Hex editing programs to compare both files to each other, the edited one is far to short.


And I even didn't add anything, just moved vertices around.

Hmmz, back to thinking what might work best...


Any suggestions at this point would be great, though I think Q may have had a succesful break through with the Rakghoul model :)


How about animating it to you can record it for a BIK to play the first time you encounter one? Then - after you've recorded your BIK - you can remove the animation.


Aye, thats a possibiltiy, as Q said to me could have several variation of heads and script them in and out...

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It's certainly possible, the other option is to have stain hover just above the floor, or wall, giving the same effect.


Actually this is how 99% of all the games do it.


Examples enough in the Korriban modules, with all the "cracks" in the stone and blast marks on the floor. Nothing more then a simple plane just, tiny millimeters above the floor.


As most people don't stand still and look for things in the levels, they never notice these kind of things. If you really go looking around in the areas you'll notice how "ruff" they can be finished in certain little corners.


Anyway adding extra blood stains and smears should go easly as placeables, as these don't need a walkmesh to block off the player.


On other news: using MDLops 0.6 alpha 1, I got 0 errors with my slightly edited Rakghoul. I just need to do some test runs with the beasty, see if it work out OK in the game.


From there I'll see how I'll shrink its oversized fat head, so I can transplant the sleek banana head on it.

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J7, you've certainly given this a lot of thought. This is the way a WIP should start out (new modders take note), with real ideas, a fairly fleshed out plan, and plenty of preliminary work already done. Good luck with it :thumbsup:.



About the Alien: So far its a mask, I made it a long time ago, before Settokons Hex edit matter.


I've been thinking again, and the Raghkouls has a better animation set, then the regular female body. As I fear now the Alien will be shaking his lovely shaped ass when he runs.

And it'll look more funny then scarry. Nor do I see the Alien doing "Karate" when he fights.


But at the time using the regular body and a mask seemed the best option.

*sigh* Though I'm not that content of it anymore... so I guess I'll need to think about altering the Raghkoul heavly and hoping that the Hex-edit method pays off. Because the Raghkoul head doesn't have enough vertices to do the long "banana" head smoothly.


Even if it doesn't work out adding new verticies, could you still do the Taina's replacer method? I know that the elongated head would be quite blocky, but maybe you could make that work for you by editing the texture to purposely give it edges. Those aliens always look different when they've gestated in a different host, so maybe it could have a slightly ridged/bladed/edged head.


On other news: using MDLops 0.6 alpha 1, I got 0 errors with my slightly edited Rakghoul. I just need to do some test runs with the beasty, see if it work out OK in the game.


From there I'll see how I'll shrink its oversized fat head, so I can transplant the sleek banana head on it.


I wish you much luck :D

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It's certainly possible, though with the Aliens blood the issue would be how you managed to cut it up...


Plasma torch? Or maybe you just say "You went through a lot of blades on your vibro-cutter removing the skin from the beast"


-shrugs- I just like the skin and am warped enough to think it amusing for my girl to run around looking like that.

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