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Star Wars: Legacy of Hope

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Cylax kept his distance from the fight but snarled as he saw the others go for Cade while the leader fought Lyna. He didn't want to get the leader angry but he wasn't about to let these others take his kill. He took aim at one of the sith and fired. A poweful blue beam shot out of his gun arm and hit one of the sith square in the stomach, leaving a large hole. He smiled as he backed away even further, hoping that would even the odds.

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"Shadow Dwellers, destroy that man!


"Oh crap..." Cade grunted, rolling his eyes. As the first one charged at him, Cade lept up through the air. Within slow motion, he took careful deadly aim at the man with the Lightsaber and fired multiple rounds from his Blaster, even towards the other foes.


As expected, they deflected the shots. Cade continued this process - leaping from building wall to wall, taking careful aim at each of the swordsman. These guys were good.

Eventually, he heard the clicking noise of his Pistol depleated of ammunition. He landed in between the circle of the men.


"You guys are pretty sharp..." he complimented. He brushed off the edge of his coat to unclip the Lightsaber he hadn't used for quite a while. But he hid it, getting ready for the right moment.


Soon, one of two of the foes charged at him. As the man lunged, Cade managed to grab his arm. Activating his lightsaber, he used his other arm to stab it through the man's chest.


"Sharp, yet predictable..." he thought. The others attacked him head on, but Cade jumped out of the circle directly behind one of them. He slashed the blade across the man's spinal cord. He fell to the ground instantly. Two left... he thought.

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Sethos took a deep breath, then lifted his right hand up. Lightning came from his fingertips, aimed at the woman known as Lyna Honso. The lightning was any seen before, and the thunderstorm occurring above their heads seemed to have amplified its power. The result was a very quick surge of blue lightning that rushed straight at its target, its power strengthened by both The Force and the lightning storm conjured by Sethos.


"Oh my dear Lyna Honso", he uttered, a hint of mocking in his voice. "How I long to go back to the day where my lightning fried your parents. How I long to hear their screams again!" Another diabolical laugh escaped from Sethos's mouth. The laugh, as it did before, only made the brewing storm stronger. The pouring rain deactivated all his Shadow Dwellers' lightsabers, for they bore only a regular lightsaber. The raindrops fell into Sethos's lightsaber without any effect at all. He looked down below, seeing that three of his elite were now fallen by two pathetic fools. The other one was battling another fool in a lightsaber duel.


"Don't wait too long young one. You're next." Sethos jumped at Lyna Honso, his lightsaber in hand.

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"Oh my dear Lyna Honso", he uttered, a hint of mocking in his voice. "How I long to go back to the day where my lightning fried your parents. How I long to hear their screams again!"


Lyna blocked Sethos' lightning with her lightsaber as best as she could. The Sith was too much, but she couldn't back down. She glared at him as he talked of how he killed her parents. How he thought it was amusing to him...


The young woman back flipped away from him, and landed on the building's roof ground a few feet away from him. "This guy is too powerful. He's the most foulest Sith I've ever encountered since Krayt! How can I stop him?" she thought to herself.


"Don't wait too long young one. You're next."


Lyna glared, and parried Sethos' lightsaber blow with all her strentgh. If he thought about hurting Cade, he had another thing coming! Meeting her lightsaber with his, she yelled, "Who are you?! What are you?!" He was unlike any other Sith she'd seen. The Dark Side fueled inside him strongly, but Lyna knew that she couldn't give up.


Meanwhile, Cyan came out of the cantina, and watched the battle with a worried look. She couldn't just sit there and let her friends be harmed. Not now, not ever.

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Cade smirked as he saw the Shadow Dwellers Lightsaber deactivate due to cause of the rain.


"Uh-Oh! Looks like somebody forgot to add enhancement crystals to resist rainfall."


Cade walked slowly towards the Shadow Dweller and was about to strike him. The Shadow Dweller dropped to the ground and landed with one hand. He kicked Cade in the face, and performed a back flip to land behind Cade. Unexpectedly, Cade was held in a death-grip.


"Damn! Echani trained..." he thought. He tried his best to struggle, but it didnt do any good. Cade began to lose feeling, when suddenly the grip from the Dweller stopped. Cade remembered hearing a sound of a blaster shot.


He turned around to see Nale was aiming his blaster in Cade's direction. He holstered his rifle on his back.


"Thanks. I guess I owe you one..."


"Three times, actually. Remember Dantooine and Raxus Prime?" Nale crossed his arms, speaking matter-of-factly. Cade rolled his eyes.


"I'll get back to you on that..." he looked up to see the duel between Lyna and that Sith guy. The downpour seemed quite dreadful.


Cade leaped up in the air and landed on the rooftop, behind the Sith man... whoever he is.


"Alright, I understand we've made alot of people angry during the past few months. But threatening my girlfriend goes a little too far for vengence."


He unclipped his Lightsaber and activated it. "Lets get this over with, shall we?" he breathed a heavy sigh.

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With all his Shadow Dwellers gone, and with two enemies at both sides, all Sethos could do is laugh. And he did, the maniacal laughter familiar to one and all roared across the battlefield. He laughed his heart out, laughing at the unbelievable mindset his opponent was on.


"So you think it would be over now? I don't think so! You have a lot to learn, both of you."


Sethos pushed a button, and with that hundreds of soldiers moved in and surrounded the cantina. The resistance of the people inside soon crumbled, and Sethos jumped down to his soldiers.



Sethos ran away, boarding a speeder and heading to the docks.


(Not over yet, guys! :p)

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((Oh snap! :lol:))


"Alright, I understand we've made alot of people angry during the past few months. But threatening my girlfriend goes a little too far for vengence."


Lyna blushed when Cade called her his girlfriend. She had to admit, they did spend time together sometimes. But then she also wanted to make sure Cade didn't get hurt by this Sith. He seemed like the powerful type. It was scary...


"So you think it would be over now? I don't think so! You have a lot to learn, both of you."


Suddenly, Sethos's soldiers, maybe hundreds of them, came to the cantina, with a press of his button, while the villain made his escape.




Lyna glared, as the soldiers began to shoot at them. Deflecting their bolts with her lightsaber, Lyna yelled to Cade, "There's too many of them! We have to get outta here, and quick!"


As her friends fought the soldiers, Cyan remembered her super abilities. The little binjinphant came a few feet away from the soldiers and began to inhale. Suddenly, she sent a strong sonic wave to the solders from her mouth, sending over 80 men flying. It was a good thing she had her powers with her still...

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Cade grumbled and sighed. "Why do we have to do things the hard way?"


He grasped his Lightsaber, and enhanced his strength with the force, as if he were charging energy.


He waited. And waited. Until the soldiers came into his presence. He opened his eyes, and unleashed powerful 360 degree turn which cut some of the men in half clean, while it sent others through the air.


Nale was having a hard time dealing with the soldiers. He had to constantly move around; to either evade shots from the enemy, or get a better view to aim.


"There's too many of them! We have to get outta here, and quick!"


"Then lets dash!" Cade announced angrily. He activated Force Speed, and motioned Lyna to do the same.


"I'll meet you guys at the ship!" Nale barked, as he fought through the streets.

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Lyna saw that Cade was slashing up every single soldier that he could come across. "Woah. He's gotten really good," she thought to herself with a grin.


"I'll meet you guys at the ship!" Nale barked, as he fought through the streets.


"All right!" Lyna replied. After Lyna grabbed Cyan, she dashed off, using Force speed, just as Cade told her to do. As she ran towards the ship's direction, Lyna thought about the Sith that claimed he killed her parents. She felt a slight anger, but tried her best to shake it off.


Finally, she got to the Ossanian Angel and met up with Cade. She smiled up at him. "Well... that was unexpected." She glanced back, waiting on Nale. Then she looked back up at Cade. "You okay?"

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Cade reached the Ossanian Angel, with Lyna following behind. They waited for Nale to turn up.


"You okay?" Lyna asked Cade. He glanced back.


"If by "ok", you mean physically endured through batallion of hired soldiers and Sith forces; then yes I am ok..."


He crossed his arms. "But after finally realising that despite all the work and effort we have gone through, lost many lives in the process, to try and rid the sith from the galaxy was all in vein? That leaves me infuriated."


Cade tried to vent his anger and keep calm. He walked over to Lyna, and brushed the hair hiding her face. He examined her arms for injury.


"You havent been hurt, I hope?"


Nale eventually reached the Dock, with his blaster rifle over his shoulder as he caught view of Cade and Lyna. He approached them. "Finally evaded heavy casualties..." he breathed. "I need a vacation."

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Cylax moved through the streets, letting one of Cade's friends get all the kills for him. The sith ruined his chance at a surprise attack, if he could get to their ship and destroy it or injure one of them than that would be enough for him to get to his ship and prepare to follow. He continued following the man with the blaster until he arrived at the ship, he was out of breath. Cylax decloaked himself and pointed his gun arm at Cade.


"Well well, we meet once again Cade Skywalker."

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"You havent been hurt, I hope?"


Lyna didn't like it when Cade was angry, but she was glad to see him calm down and not give into anger. As he examined her arms, Lyna smiled. "Oh, Cade, you always worry about me." She placed a gentle hand on his face, chuckling. "I'm okay, though..."


"Finally evaded heavy casualties..." he breathed. "I need a vacation."


The young woman looked over at Nale and laughed heartily. "Don't worry, Nale. We'll get off this rock and have a vacation for sure." Suddenly, another voice was heard. Only... it was familiar and scary.


"Well well, we meet once again Cade Skywalker."


Lyna turned to look at the same cyborg that attempted to attack her and Cade. She activated her lightsaber, and stood in defense stance. "What do you want? Why can't you leave us alone!?"

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"Because he has a score to settle," came the voice from behind Cylax.


Slate stood directly behind the strange, heavily armed, and armored man, his 'Caster' pistol pointed pointblank into the man's back.


"At least, that's what I've deduced," Slate spoke up. "Isn't that right, Mr.Cyborg?"


"Now, if I were you, I'd lower that weapon, and stay still. You may think that suit can stop regular blaster fire, and it might even be lightsaber resistant for all I know, but nothing can stand up to a 'Caster' round, especially at this short of a range, it would simply tear you apart," Slate informed the assailant in a non-threatening tone that simply gave off the feeling that one was in school learning something new.


Slate looked over at the three and motioned with his head for them to head for their ship and get it prepped. His only hope was that once they got it prepped they would let him get on board, since he himself didn't have a ship of his own, and he needed to get off the planet just as much as they did. Other than that, his only real dilemma was what to do with Mr.Cyborg himself....?

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Dravin was still caught in a heated battle with one of the Shadow Dwellers. The battle has been going on for so long now that Dravin's ears started to ring from all the clashing of metals. He looked over his nicked and cut pole carefully with his eyes as he tried to catch his breath. The Shadow Dwellers double bladed sword had done a lot of damage, soon he figured the pole would fall apart in his hands. Noticing the Shadow Dweller was no longer in the position he last saw the creature he looked around carefully trying not to show off the sense of panic that was trying to engulf his core. He would stay calm and collective anything else would get him killed.


Then in the background of all his thoughts Dravin heard the tip of the creatures sword graze against the metal of the landing bay. Spinning his pole with his fingers he quickly ducked down while spinning in a half circle launching his pole forward to make contact with the Shadow Dwellers stomach. The creature let out a grunt as the pull barried itself further into his stomach launching him backwards onto his back. As the Shadow Dweller landed on the ground he lost hold of his double bladed sword. One the sword fell and slide to a stop several meters from its master Dravin made a launch for it couple moments before the Shadow Dweller attempted the same thing.


Dravin grabbed it in his hand and held on tightly as he rolled over his head and back to land on his feet doing another low half spin shoving the blade through the throat of the Shadow Dweller. As Dravin stood up he gave another twist of the blade making sure that the blow was fatal. Still small gurgling noises were escaping from the Shadow Dweller as it clinged to the last remnaints of its life.


Dravin let out a soft sigh as he spoke out of breath "Now what on the hutts name are you?"


He could hear commotion in the background and as he turned all he could make out was some kind of big machine standing there near a ship. A ship? Well this may turn out to be an prosperous day after all. Dravin thought to himself slightly excited like a child with a new toy. Carefully he walked closer to the gathered group and noticed one with an activated lightsaber. The sight of the lightsaber made him stop abruptly, Jedi weren't something he was paticularly wanting to become involved in. So Dravin stood where he stopped at a safe distance from everything waiting to see how the events unfolded.

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Cylax was impressed when he heard the word Caster. Not many people carried those, so if someone was wielding one they weren't messing around. Than again it could be a bluff as this man was either Cade's friends or someone else who wanted the kill. Still risking turning around to attack this man would get him injured in the process no matter what pistol he had. He would have to flee this scene and track them again. He activated autopliot for his ship from his HUD and set the coordinates.


"Still using your friends to fight your battles for you I see. Very well, looks like your girlfriend and your gunslinger back here saved you...for now."


Cylax slowly lowered his right arm until it was at his side. He turned off his gravity enhancers for what he was about to do next. He pointed his forearm to the right and fired. The recoil shot him to the left as he fell off the platform. Waiting below the platform was his ship. The ship began to rise up as the boarding ramp opened up. He fired a couple of shots at the group to keep them from hitting him. He jumped to the boarding ramp as quickly as possible. He looked over at Cade once more and laughed.


"We'll meet again Skywalker, count on it."


The bridge shut behind him as he made his way to the cockpit. He raced off into the sky and activated the ship's camo when it was far enough away. The game of search and destory was over, but the second round of cat and mouse was about to begin.

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"Well well, we meet once again Cade Skywalker."


Cade turned around to see a man wearing a heavy amount of armor, threatening him with a blaster attached to his arm. It was difficult to recognise him, with that suit he was wearing.


"Crap... When will these guys leave us alone?" he sighed. "Do I know you, sir?"


All of a sudden, Slate appeared behind him and began making threats of his own to the cyborg. He then motioned Cade and the other to board the ship.


"Uh, yeah... Ok, lets get on board before this gets even uglier..."


"Still using your friends to fight your battles for you I see. Very well, looks like your girlfriend and your gunslinger back here saved you...for now."


"Not like I ask this to happen. Besides I'm already having a difficult time remembering who you are, so essentialyl you're opinion means nothing to me."


The Cyborg aimed his gun-arm away from Cade and fired. The shot rebounded against the magnetically sealed door and was about to hit Cade. Cade managed to dodge the fire, thanking his reflexes for saving his life. The cyborg mounted on a ship and was about to board it.


"We'll meet again Skywalker, count on it."


"Yeah, I look forward to it..." Cade muttered. The cyborg fleed using his ship and disapeared into the night sky. Cade put away his Lightsaber, and glanced up at Slate.


"Thanks Slate... I guess I owe you one." he added. He looked back at the Ossanian Angel, then back at Slate. "I dont 'spose you need a lift anywhere?"

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After the Cyborg attempted to hurt her friends and Cade, Lyna jumped out of harm's way. After Cade was safe, and the Cyborg was gone into the night sky, Lyna sadly looked over at Cade.


"Thanks Slate... I guess I owe you one."


When she heard him say that, she became saddened. "Cade... I... I wanted to defend you. But I didn't mean to..." Tears formed in her eyes. She closed them angrily, and brushed off everyone. "Just forget it!"


And with that, Lyna began to cry and run away inside the Ossanian Angel, followed by Cyan.


After locking herself inside her quarters, Lyna tearfully went to a small box that sat on her desk and unlocked it. Suddenly, a Holocron was revealed. She never told anyone she had a Holocron... even Cade.


It was the Holocron of Grand Jedi Master Luke Skywalker. Bantha gave it to her, after his deceased brother, Kol Skywalker, passed it down to him.


Lyna set the Holocron down on the floor, and knelt down in front of it. Then she closed her eyes, and focused on the Force to activate the Holocron. It wasn't difficult, but still, you had to do it right. Finally, the hologram of Luke Skywalker appeared. The hologram smiled warmly.


"Lyna Honso. It's good to see you again, young one," Luke said.


The young woman smiled tearfully, and nodded. Then she bowed her head. "It's good to see you too... Master Skywalker..."


Cyan made a bowing pose, following what her master was doing.

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Standing at a pleasant distance away from the comotion, Dravin watched and waited. When the cyborg type being left the group he saw the female figure yell something he couldn't quite make out and run into the ship that was laying before him. The ship wasn't bad, but in his years of being a smuggler. Dravin started walking to his left making it seem like he had no interest in the events that he witnessed. Once he was sure he couldn't be spotted he activated his cloaking device and quietly snuck aboard the ship he saw the girl run into earlier.


Dravin figured he just needed to find a place to lay low for a while until the ship made another stop. Then it would be a simple matter of acquiring the ship for his own uses, changing some codes and ownership and there he would have his own ship once again. But knowing that at least one of the people on the ship held a lightsaber, he wasn't sure how many more did as well.


Walking quickly using his heal to softly make contact with the ground and roll his feet upon the metal floor to soften any noises that would be made he searched for at least an empty room to hide in. In the background behind the noise of the humming engine he heard talking. His curiosity getting the better of him he walks closer to the door and knelt down trying to make out the voices he was hearing. One was deffinetly female and the other male, two people.


So are they're more on this ship that I'm not aware of? he thought to himself realizing he'd have to make a quick sweep of the ship at later moment in time.

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"Cade... I... I wanted to defend you. But I didn't mean to..." Tears formed in her eyes. She closed them angrily, and brushed off everyone. "Just forget it!"


Cade watched her, confused as to whether he did something wrong.


"She's crying again..." he muttered. "There are some things about that girl I will never understand..." he rubbed his head.


Nale slightly chuckled. "Hey Cade! I bet you 20 creds she's gonna cry in the next hour."


"Your on!" Cade shook his hand. "But I better go check to see whats wrong. She deserves better than that."


He turned back to Slate.


"Anyway... You wanna take up on my offer? My ship has plenty of room."

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Luke noticed that Lyna had tears. He looked at her sadly. "Oh, my dear. What's wrong? Why are you crying, child?"


Lyna looked down with tearful eyes, and wiped them. Then she glanced back up at the hologram of Luke. "Well... first, I thought that I was doing a great job at protecting Cade. But.... it feels like... I'm only making a fool out of myself. What should I do?"


The hologram of the old Jedi Master smiled. He replied, "Well, it seems to me that you're trying too hard to protect Cade. He will always care for you. Even though you feel that he doesn't need your protection. He does need it. However, do not let fear nor worry consume you. They will lead down the path of doubt and darkness. Be cautious, Lyna. Always remember that."


Lyna nodded. "Yes, Master Skywalker. I understand..." She stared down at the floor, thinking of the events that happened.


"You hesitate," Luke broke the silence, looking up at her.


"Yes. Master Skywalker? I encountered... a powerful Sith Lord. They returened..."


The hologram of Luke stood there, shocked. Then he sighed with slight frustration. "They never give up, do they?" He focused his attention back to Lyna. "Tell me more."


"This one particular Sith leader, he never gave me his name, used a most devastating Force power. He raised his lightsaber to the night sky of Socorro, and somehow created lightning to give himself strength. Do you know what kind of power that is?"


Luke thought on this. Then he nodded. "Yes. It is called Alter Environment. This Force energy is used to manipulate nature, enabling the creation of phenomena like change in temperatures, whirlwinds, thunderstorm, or what have you. Now, you said that this Sith leader used the Force to summon lightning. This is the same thing my student, Kyp Durron, did.


He would use a small amount of his own power to harness the innate power already present. This could lead to the formation of killer waves and lightning storms with minimum effort and concentration, and depending on the amount of energy expended, little stamina. That's for a Jedi. But with a Sith... it could lead to much more dark energy."


After the information Luke gave her, Lyna now understood. She smiled. "Thank you, Master Skywalker. You've been really helpful to me."


The hologram of Luke smiled kindly and replied, "Always here to inform you and help if needed. May the Force be with you, young Honso." And with that, Luke disappeared inside the Holocron, and the Holocron became inactive.


The young woman placed the Holocron back inside the box, and locked it. Sitting on the bed with Cyan, Lyna wasn't crying anymore. "Master Skywalker's right, Cyan. I have to be strong. And not be over-protective..."


Cyan squealed in agreement and laid on Lyna's lap.

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Slate stared as Lyna took off in a fit of tears that only made Slate feel slightly deferred by the strange and overly emotional reaction to his appearance, and his actions of simply preventing anymore violence than was necessary at the time, considering the whole area was being massacred, and many innocents (and not-so-innocents) were being slaughtered by a new and unknown Sith force.


"She's crying again..." Cade muttered. "There are some things about that girl I will never understand..." The confused man rubbing his head.


The Zabrak chuckled a bit. "Hey Cade! I bet you 20 creds she's gonna cry in the next hour."


"You're on!" Cade shook the Zabrak's hand. "But I better go check to see whats wrong. She deserves better than that."


Cade finally turned back to Slate, the Assassin simply standing where he'd been since he'd first arrived behind Mr.Cyborg, his arms akimbo, still holding his 'Caster' pistol.


"Anyway... You wanna take up on my offer? My ship has plenty of room."


Slate was smiling under his helmet, though if one could see it, they'd say it wasn't a pleasant looking one coming from the cool distant man; but to the outside world, he was simply an impassive figure, though, equally as intimidating considering a complete lack of emotions could be just a scary as cruel ones. Although when it came down to the fine details, Slate could care less, actually! He didn't really want to even be intimidating towards his old companion....and present company......much.


"It seems the Force has a way of informing others of exactly what I want. Sometimes to the point of when I want to kill that someone," Slate said. "I'd be very grateful, so yes, I accept your offer, and, if you don't mind, I'd like to take you up on that bet you two. Only I'll be throwing in a thousand credits, just to make things interesting, but, to make it remain interesting, I'm not telling you which side I'm betting for, so neither one of you knows which one of you two will end up with a thousand credits in the next hour, thus making things....interesting!" Slate said, his tone more cryptic than normal.


"What say you two, deal?" Slate offering his gloved hand to be shaken by the two, to make and seal the deal.

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Dravin stayed kneeling by the door until the conversation between the two people were over. He couldn't make out much of the conversation but he heard enough to know make his speculation a little more accurate about these paticular people being Jedi when the word Sith was mentioned. Knowing that it probably wasn't a good idea to stay in front of the door he slowly stood up and turned around spinning slightly on the ball of his heel. As he was walking down the hall Dravin's foot made contact with something that almost made him stumble and fall flat on his face. His foot came crashing down upon the metal ground make the contact echo and slightly vibrate through the hall. Closing his eyes he took a deep breath in and was thankful for his advanced stealth equipment.


His mind worked fast to figure his next move, people surely would of heart it and come to inspect. Then a thought crossed his mind, if he tried to make it seem like something had fallen, a piece of the ship maybe then his cover wouldn't be compramised. Even if he couldn't get this ship, which he hasn't given up on where ever it would be going he would certinely find more where ever it was going.


Ouch of the corner of his eye he noticed a lose piece of siding hanging there barely. If anything it would of fallen off when the ship tried to take off. Dravin reached out his hand slowly and pulled it off and placed it on the ground so it wouldn't make a noise. His only hope is that this would be believable and that no one was watching him.

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"It seems the Force has a way of informing others of exactly what I want. Sometimes to the point of when I want to kill that someone," Slate said. "I'd be very grateful, so yes, I accept your offer, and, if you don't mind, I'd like to take you up on that bet you two. Only I'll be throwing in a thousand credits, just to make things interesting, but, to make it remain interesting, I'm not telling you which side I'm betting for, so neither one of you knows which one of you two will end up with a thousand credits in the next hour, thus making things....interesting!"


Cade stared at Slate for some time, as if dumb-founded. He exchanged glances with Nale, who held the same look.


"Well, I wasnt planning on going that far..." Nale said sheepishly.


Cade scratched his head. "Man, we really shouldnt be doing this..." he chuckled. "This is just too mean. Thats why we cannot tell Lyna about this bet... EVER. If she asks, we'll deny it! Thats the only condition we have to follow."


He shook Slate's open gloved hand. "Deal! We'll match your wager, to keep things interesting..."


"Can we please get out of this place? Its very unnerving..." Nale complained. Cade nodded, and started walking up the ramp of the ship.


Cade walked towards the holographic projector and activated the console. The lights flickered, and sparks began to errupt from the machine. It immediatly shut down. He forgot it was still under maitenance.


"Oh crud, I forgot!" He rubbed his eyes. "Cyan chewed on the power cabling... Nale! Can you please fix up the Projector? I want coordinates before we exit the system."


"I'm suprised! He said "please" this time..." Nale smirked, as he walked passed Cade and entered the began to do his "thing" with fixing the holographic projector. Cade headed for the cockpit, so he can get the Angel up and running through space.

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After Seth had finished killing the Shaddow Dwellers he then followed the people the Shaddow dwellers were after. There has to be a reason they were attacked , he thought. By the time he caught up with them they had boarded a ship. He then threw a tracking beacon on to the ship. He then went back to the Black Dragon his ship. Vrik ," we're going to be tracking a ship , they may lead us to what we seek" said Seth. Activate the stealth mode. Yes sir. We also need to contact our friends on Coruscant .

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((Where's Darth Betrayal? We still need Darth Sethos. BTW, sorry for taking long, guys. Lot's of stuff been going on. But, I'm back. :) )))


After Lyna sat on her bed, thinking about what Luke said and everything that happened, she got up and walked out of the room. She then headed for the cockpit, just to sit down.


Walking towards the cockpit, she thought on the Sith that claimed he killed her parents. There was a slight anger and a little voice telling her to get pay back. No. She couldn't fall into temptation's trap. To the Dark Side's trap.


She sighed sadly.


Suddenly, she bumped into someone. It was Cade. "Oh. Sorry, Cade. Didn't see you there. Had my head down, lost in thought."


Lyna rubbed her neck. "So... where we headed to?"


Cyan looked up at Cade, and snorted at him.

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