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Disbeliever's crazy project!


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Wow, gameplay footage? You'll have to wait much longer for that.

Since me and Dis need to build this planet first before anything like quests and the sorts can be put in.


Our story is in the making, or so I hope the lad I trusted with it is working on it. :p

Of course there will be something about the Star Map, though I won't go and reveal things.


Its not cool if you know all the plot twists before you played the mod.

Me and Dis expect this to be at least a years work :)


Modelling and tweaking areas sucks up time fast and its tideious. Modding in generale can be so time consuming :p

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Wow, gameplay footage? You'll have to wait much longer for that.

Since me and Dis need to build this planet first before anything like quests and the sorts can be put in.


Our story is in the making, or so I hope the lad I trusted with it is working on it. :p

Of course there will be something about the Star Map, though I won't go and reveal things.


Its not cool if you know all the plot twists before you played the mod.

Me and Dis expect this to be at least a years work :)


Modelling and tweaking areas sucks up time fast and its tideious. Modding in generale can be so time consuming :p


By Gameplay footage, I meant the party walking through the area.


And when ever you get this point, I'll do VO's if you need it. ;)



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Alrighty............. Back on track :)


Massive poly reduction has been going on. The entire area was remodeled from scratch to make it more KOTOR friendly. Alas you cannot always get what you want in game. We are hovering around 40,000 polys with all buildings, machines, crates, floor and man boxes etc :lol: Which is awesome, considering the screens you are about to see is from a version that still has all the backs, bottoms and tops to buildings. All the unnecessary stuff I will be deleting.


However, Q has a big barracuda :lol: After adding in his awesome ship polys take a huge jump. Perhaps we will have to just place speeders on the platforms and not have massive ships other than the EH. We will have to brain storm.


I am working on a version that has no backs, bottoms or tops and is ready to be put in game. Hopefully end of week or early next week we can get this puppy in game, and have some bastila running through it. Q and I will have to work on that.


Here are the screenies, lots of em:

























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Woot, nice update Dis! :p


Those shots look damn amazing!

Barracuda is rahter a poly heavy sucker, perhaps we should replace it, with a less heavy model.


Besides I believe the Barracude has some UVW issues once in the game. But anyway, its something we can easly add, perhaps via Placeables.


Guess we'll have to think about that.

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Okay, this area is ****ing big.


Suggestion: LOTS OF NPCs. You have the opportunity to make this feel like a city. Hell, my suggestion is to ask the community to come together and design characters for Sleheyron.


Yup. Lots of hussle and bussle:thmbup1:


Q and I are only focused on the areas for now. Because without those, there is no mod. We are not thinking to far ahead about scripting or quests. We have a main quest in mind that we want to do, but all we care about now is making the areas and getting them in game.


Once we are done that, and the entire planet that is playable is in game, we will be recruiting talented and motivated people to bring it to life.

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...sign...me...up? :D


Seriously, I'd love to work on the storyline for this alongside Juan and a few others.


Ah, sorry to bust your dream, but we already have somebody for the story.

Not much has been written, but me and Dis got our hands full anyway.


But I'm sure you got some other talents aswell :p


Oh and DIS: F^$p^king awesome man!

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