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XWA one year thread V: A Slightly Better, but Used Hope

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we're both into guitar and other assorted music whathaveyous and we're around the same area, we should get together and jam sometime if you don't mind hanging out with some random 20 year old from the internet lol


just message me whenever if you're game, mang

Yeah... that sounds good. :)


I've been telling myself for years I was going to hang out with Wildstar one of these days too... Maybe this summer is a good time to make that happen.


Nitro is going to be in Boston sometime this summer, too... and I'm planning on a trip up his way later in the year. Gonna try to arrange a meeting on one or both of those occasions.


Wasn't Cracken talking about a Boston visit at one point, too? ;)

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Got my car back yesterday. Cost a bundle.


It's idling rough, and a "Check Engine" light came on while I was heading home last evening, so I might have to bring it right back. *Sigh* :rolleyes:


Taking today off from work, since I have to work late tomorrow night, and over the weekend too...

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This is what I really want...



Affording it seems to be the only issue... :dozey:


But I don't think I'd go for a Lambo if I had the cash... I'd much rather have an Audi R8 V10

Linked to make the screen-size challenged happy...


I'll probably just end up with a Jetta... or maybe a lesser model Lancer. The Lancer Ralliart looks like and has most of the same features of the Evo X... but a bit less power and gizmos... so it's a lot less cash. I can afford one of those.

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just got back from the doctor's office/pharmacy...got stuff for my sinus infection. wasn't about to pay $36 for nasal spray...just got the antibiotics.


also, they put me on the scale and i weigh 10 pounds less than i thought i did. 185 instead of 195...how the hell did that happen?

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ed you dont want evo, if you are complaining your vdub isnt reliable :)
No... I'm complaining that my car is 10 years old... and things are staring to break down and wear out, mainly from time, not use. And that kinda sucks.


It's a 2001 model that I bought in 2000. I think I got it in May or June, so I'm coming up to the anniversary... if I haven't past it already.


For most of that time, I didn't have too many problems. A few... but it's really picked up in the last couple of months/ years... pretty much since I made the last payment.


Like I said: there's no way I can get the Evo right now... So I'll probably end up with a Jetta (which is basically the mechanicals of my current car under the skin...) or a different model Lancer. I just don't want something... totally boring. I'm willing to trade a bit of reliability for a bit more excitement. No Camrys for me please.


They reset the engine comp. at the shop today, and that cleared the warning light. Told me to keep an eye on it... but it's not a big deal. Bring it back if it crops up again.


Took it for a short shakedown cruise. It was fine... though it really doesn't feel quite normal to me.


Took a walk this evening. 3 laps of the beach. 3 and a half hours... about 14 miles.


Got home, wanted a cool drink, cracked open a brand new, full bottle of ginger ale... and dropped it. A fountain of soda all over... EVERYTHING. 2/3rds of the soda over the floors, walls, furniture, me...


I kinda needed a shower before that incident... I REALLY needed one afterwards. Sticky. This laptop keyboard is actually a bit sticky and splattered too.

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rested up today, pretty much just sat on my ass playing swg...the whole day. need a break from that...tomorrow going running at 6ish. then work 8-5.


egh downsize the car pic, it's making me use the horizontal scrollbar.

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No... I'm complaining that my car is 10 years old... and things are staring to break down and wear out, mainly from time, not use. And that kinda sucks.


It's a 2001 model that I bought in 2000. I think I got it in May or June, so I'm coming up to the anniversary... if I haven't past it already.


For most of that time, I didn't have too many problems. A few... but it's really picked up in the last couple of months/ years... pretty much since I made the last payment.


Like I said: there's no way I can get the Evo right now... So I'll probably end up with a Jetta (which is basically the mechanicals of my current car under the skin...) or a different model Lancer. I just don't want something... totally boring. I'm willing to trade a bit of reliability for a bit more excitement. No Camrys for me please.


They reset the engine comp. at the shop today, and that cleared the warning light. Told me to keep an eye on it... but it's not a big deal. Bring it back if it crops up again.



didnt realize it was that old :)


I would stay away from vdubs for a new car, their reliability rep is sorta in the dumper right now.....


however odd it is, to recommend for reliability, is a ford


the new fusion is actually *really* nice

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Yeah... I've had the car longer than I've been posting here. Which is saying a lot...


I still really like the car. If I can keep it going a few more years without too much pain, I will.


But when it gets to the point where I'm paying more just to keep a decade+ vehicle going than it would be to be making payments on something brand-new, then the loyalty to the 'old faithful' starts to wear off.


I've looked a bit at the new Fords, and I don't hate them. Keyan's Focus struck me as nice. I believe I commented on it at the time.


I might also look at an entry-level (or slightly used) Bimmer... Though rear-wheel drive in a New England winter is just asking for trouble...


Before my Audi (which is what I was driving before the VW) I had only owned Subarus. Might be time to look at them again...

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Yeah... I've had the car longer than I've been posting here. Which is saying a lot...


I still really like the car. If I can keep it going a few more years without too much pain, I will.


But when it gets to the point where I'm paying more just to keep a decade+ vehicle going than it would be to be making payments on something brand-new, then the loyalty to the 'old faithful' starts to wear off.


I've looked a bit at the new Fords, and I don't hate them. Keyan's Focus struck me as nice. I believe I commented on it at the time.


I might also look at an entry-level (or slightly used) Bimmer... Though rear-wheel drive in a New England winter is just asking for trouble...


Before my Audi (which is what I was driving before the VW) I had only owned Subarus. Might be time to look at them again...


heard good things about the focus too


subarus are hard to go wrong with


used BMW's can be trouble, esp if parts of the warrenty are toast

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And is about to fall apart at the chassis btw. :D


Bought Red Dead Redemption today, see how she goes. One thing I'm intrigued about is the horse back riding. Being someone who actualy knows how to RIDE a horse and what that takes (IT IS NOT EASY, especially if the horse DOES NOT LIKE YOU), I'm intrigued on how well done the animations are.


They probably have nfinate horse stamina so I can run willy nilly all over the place, rather than have your horse actually tire out.

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