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Contacting Aliens


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Times Article


Is it just me, or does contacting potential Aliens which we know nothing about seem like a monumentally stupid idea? The arrogance of these scientists greatly annoys me; personally, I'd say you have to err on the side of caution, given that if any extra-terrestrial life forms have figuered out how to get from point a to point b in the universe; wiping out us, would be comparatively a piece of cake.


Of course personally, I think there may well be life out there (statistically it would seem monumentally long), but I think we are the most intelligent lifeform in the universe. Howevewr, if I'm proven wrong, I'd rather not have ET calling by earth; the only place where humanity currently resides.

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Well, we're certainly the most intelligent (more's the pity, I suppose) lifeform in the universe we're aware of currently. But, as long as we're restricted to this planet I'd agree we should be more reticent about reaching out to others who's intentions we've no clue about at all.

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If a cat meows at you, do you grab your BFG and atomize it? If aliens are as sophisticated as you claim, wouldn't they probably 1. Already know where we are or at least have some suspicion, its not like we're a very quiet planet. And 2. Not really care that much. What threat do we pose to them, probably none. Or maybe they're also stuck on their first planet with less/not much more technology and we'll be like intergalactic penpals.

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If a cat meows at you, do you grab your BFG and atomize it? If aliens are as sophisticated as you claim, wouldn't they probably 1. Already know where we are or at least have some suspicion, its not like we're a very quiet planet. And 2. Not really care that much. What threat do we pose to them, probably none. Or maybe they're also stuck on their first planet with less/not much more technology and we'll be like intergalactic penpals.


This to be franks seems foolish, you make a number of assumptions about how Aliens are going to be, now I'm not saying they are going to be hostile. But I don't think we should assume anything of their intentions, and because we can't know what any potential aliens will be like erring on the side of caution is the logical choice.


Furthermore I have to wonder how "aliens are as sophisticated as you claim" - I don't actually claim any level of sophistication for any said Alien life forms; I merely point out if they have somehow managed to figuer out how to travel monumental distances in space their technology will be fair beyond our own. Personally I would be highly sceptical that there are advanced life-forms like us out there, but we shall see.. I do think there may well be more life out there, given the odds of their not must by statistically very long; but I don't personally think they will be more advanced than us.

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If a cat meows at you, do you grab your BFG and atomize it?
Wait, who has been talking around here? :xp:



There are a thousand things I worry about everyday scientist trying to phone ET is not even on the list.


If they do make contact with an intelligent species, then my biggest fear would not be from that species, but from my fellow man. I just don’t know how mankind would handle knowing that he was not alone in the universe. I also don’t know how many of us would handle the religious ramifications of such a discovery.


That said, I still like the idea that someone is trying to find those answers if for no other reason than my own selfish desire to know if we are really alone.

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I tend to see this on both sides of the fence.


The arrogance of these scientists greatly annoys me


I fail to see the point in reaching out in such a way, as it only invites possibly bad results, such as the invading chihuahua loving Martians.


If there is intelligent life outside of our planet, which as has been noted seems statistically and logically probable, it is going to be in degrees relative to ours, higher and lower, as a result of the length of their societies development... I think if any planet has intelligent life that is able to get over regional difference and cultural bias and truly go global could make quantum advances in a remarkably short amount of time. Tough task though, some may say impossible.


A culture capable of incredible technology... has to be a result of incredible intelligence coupled with incredible cooperation... cooperative intelligence that is non-Borg must be somewhat friendly... friendly beings don't vaporize civilizations to rape raw materials...


Just a linear thought chain, not something that I would propose as an argument, but reflective perhaps of my belief.



I also don’t know how many of us would handle the religious ramifications of such a discovery.
That is a large question... would be an earth-shaker for many. Perhaps part of that fuels the search. "Our" reaction would be, well, fascinating. My own reaction I think I can envision quite easily, and I wonder how nearly it would jive with the powers-that-is' view?
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I tend to see this on both sides of the fence.




I fail to see the point in reaching out in such a way, as it only invites possibly bad results, such as the invading chihuahua loving Martians.


If there is intelligent life outside of our planet, which as has been noted seems statistically and logically probable, it is going to be in degrees relative to ours, higher and lower, as a result of the length of their societies development... I think if any planet has intelligent life that is able to get over regional difference and cultural bias and truly go global could make quantum advances in a remarkably short amount of time. Tough task though, some may say impossible.


A culture capable of incredible technology... has to be a result of incredible intelligence coupled with incredible cooperation... cooperative intelligence that is non-Borg must be somewhat friendly... friendly beings don't vaporize civilizations to rape raw materials...


Just a linear thought chain, not something that I would propose as an argument, but reflective perhaps of my belief.


EDIT: That is a large question... would be an earth-shaker for many. Perhaps part of that fuels the search. "Our" reaction would be, well, fascinating. My own reaction I think I can envision quite easily, and I wonder how nearly it would jive with the powers-that-is' view?


Since they have been sending messages at the stars for about 30 odd years, it's too late to worry about it, if there is anyone out there listening, they are already on the way or ignoring us.


As for the religious ramifications, I remember a 70s era cartoon in Playboy where a cow, a sheep, a horse and a dog are all thinking 'god' made them in his image. My religion does not teach that my version of god is the be all and end all, if someone like that is in charge of any such contacts, I expect the world to be in a heap of trouble.

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If extraterrestrials have discovered Earth and are intelligent, they have seen what mankind has done not only to the Earth but to each other as well. If they have seen this, they have deemed this planet not worth visiting due to the violence, racism, and hatred shown by mankind to each other. I forgot to add that proof has been established that the Earth was visited by extraterrestrials millenia ago. There are cave drawings in Europe, Africa, Australia, and Asia that show their visits. How else can you explain the pyramids and the Aztec and Mayan temples?

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Why the heck would the pyramids be evidence of extraterrestrials?


A culture capable of incredible technology... has to be a result of incredible intelligence coupled with incredible cooperation... cooperative intelligence that is non-Borg must be somewhat friendly... friendly beings don't vaporize civilizations to rape raw materials...


I don't see why cooperation is neccesary, having multiple nations competing can be a nice way to fuel innovation.


Oh, and like mim I worry about aliens about as much as I worry about being killed by squirrels.

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I sometimes wonder if there isn't another partition in this universe for the creator's...shall we call it "team".


I don't really assume the extra terrestrial are necessarily friendly or malevolent, though I do agree attracting external attention just for the sake of it is rather foolhardy.


Err on the side of caution. :parrot:


IIRC Nikola Tesla actually tried to "contact the gods" at his Wardenclyffe labs. (Personally I really think he was closer to triggering the electrical breakdown of our entire atmosphere and igniting the earth into another sun!)


I have seen those reports of crop circles, and while many of them are frauds, some havd reports of folded grass/plant/etc/ in just such a way that it was not harmed. I don't know of conventional means to do that at least. Not saying it was necessarily extra terrestrial, though. Leading me to


Also, Egyptian pyramids and mummies: I've seen them documented where some humanoids had an elongated skull. There is still a lot here we don't know. Perhaps watchmen of an ancient civilization still exist elsewhere?

There is a ton of mysteries from the past relating here we don't know.


Another thing: Heaven Sky, Hell fire brimstone underground... Heaven off the planet, hell at the center of earth maybe? Doesn't seem like a far stretch. I am open to the possibility none of this necessarily contradicts religion--just maybe religion tells the story from a certain point of view? ...Just saying... Maybe we just don't understand jack squat?


If these beings are less intelligent, then I don't see how it matters.

If these beings are just as intelligent (if not even more so), then for all we know there may be some amongst us and nobody realizes it.

If absolutely more intelligent, we may never know...



*Awaiting the bombardment from my fellow forumites*


All I am getting at here is it's really just one more variable.

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Just an observation here; It's funny how people's own opinions seem to be imprinted onto Aliens. So first of all there seems to be thinking that aliens will use "logic" or think in a similar style to us. However personally I think if aliens exsist they will be so different from us, anything we can think of currently doesn't get close to them.


If extraterrestrials have discovered Earth and are intelligent, they have seen what mankind has done not only to the Earth but to each other as well. If they have seen this, they have deemed this planet not worth visiting due to the violence, racism, and hatred shown by mankind to each other.


Again, I'd say t his - It's funny how people's own opinions seem to be imprinted onto Aliens; you have your own view of mankind, and as such strangely Aliens have the same view? Presuming the Aliens think that way, perhaps the Aliens would revere violence as survival of the fittest, perhaps they are pacifists, perhaps they think and feel things we could never comprehend. That is all to say that how on earth do you know the aliens think the above? Apart from the fact, that's what you think.


I forgot to add that proof has been established that the Earth was visited by extraterrestrials millenia ago. There are cave drawings in Europe, Africa, Australia, and Asia that show their visits. How else can you explain the pyramids and the Aztec and Mayan temples?


You what? Please submit any of this evidence here please; and as unbiased as possible please. Furthermore I don't see what Pyramids, which are considerably different in structure really show? Aside from perhaps man had seen similar and copied, or man was thinking along similar lines. Unless of course the wheel is also apparent proof of extra-terrestrial life. To be very honest, all we know of astro-physics currently makes me think that space travel would be impossible given the distances involved.


Why the heck would the pyramids be evidence of extraterrestrials?




Oh' date=' and like mim I worry about aliens about as much as I worry about being killed by squirrels.[/quote']


I'm not really worried about it, but broadcasting signals into space, seems about as wise to me as running around in a pitch dark forest singing; sure there could be a nice furry animal who's friendly alternatively you may run into a grizzly...

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Of course other planets would contain life, and maybe intelligent life. But we may not be the most intelligent life form in the universe. There is much more out there than we can comprehend. Many people say they have seen or have been abducted by aliens for years. In fact on History Channel they have this UFO chaser show, but idk, i bet its fake

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If mankind were to error on the side of caution we would still be living in caves eating parrots.

WHAT?! I object! I'd be eating coyotes! :mad:

We never would have walked on the moon.

It was all a fabrication done by the U.S. government!!! Those were faked videos. :carms:

Split the atom (oh wait).

Umm, heh-heheh-heh. I split atoms in my own special way after I eat chili. heheh-heh-heh. [/beavis]

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If mankind were to error on the side of caution we would still be living in caves eating parrots.




Split the atom (oh wait).


Of course! If we had not split the atom, then our defenses would be surely weak, and we would have not won ww2! Then we would be wiped out with little to no defense against aliens. Unless we did it Will Smith style from Independance Day. But then again, they used a nuke as well

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I don't mind us calling out to them, I just don't think we should be making telemarketing calls during dinner. I mean we're advertising a healthy planet with scores of resources, an ample slave population and food supply(IT'S A COOK BOOK!!!). Ya know even if the majority of life out there are good and nice, think about it, if we're just shouting in all directions, chances are we're gonna hit the bad aliens first. Why, you ask? because they would be the ones to have expanded and spread their empire the furthest, thereby increasing the chances of hearing our dinner bell.


Of course it's entirely possible they already know we're here and just think it's best NOT to play with the crazies.

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Or they simply have integrated with us already and most of us are unaware. :xp:


Regarding Egypt and pyramids:

The only thing about the pyramids is that we simply don't know all their secrets. Aren't there amphitheaters even modern technology can't replicate? Or how did the tens to hundreds of tons of solid mass come to be shaped and built into these structures without any equipment?


I seriously doubt people ALONE could have done it THAT well made or THAT big--sure we have "evidence" claiming that they did but honestly there are too many pieces missing and any conjecture or statements claiming to know would be an argument from ignorance at best: We weren't there when it happened so how would we know?


As to J7's comment about people reading more presumptions into aliens than may actually be true... Agreed.


I try to consider all possibilities since we don't actually have any hard truth on them. Even Roswell is...hazy at best.

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Or they simply have integrated with us already and most of us are unaware. :xp:


Regarding Egypt and pyramids:

The only thing about the pyramids is that we simply don't know all their secrets. Aren't there amphitheaters even modern technology can't replicate? Or how did the tens to hundreds of tons of solid mass come to be shaped and built into these structures without any equipment?


I seriously doubt people ALONE could have done it THAT well made or THAT big--sure we have "evidence" claiming that they did but honestly there are too many pieces missing and any conjecture or statements claiming to know would be an argument from ignorance at best: We weren't there when it happened so how would we know?


As to J7's comment about people reading more presumptions into aliens than may actually be true... Agreed.


I try to consider all possibilities since we don't actually have any hard truth on them. Even Roswell is...hazy at best.


Well we do have some evidence that the great pyramids are the end of a series of trial and error to get it right. There are several pyramids that have collapsed and or had massive structure problems. Do we feel that aliens helped build the cathedrals in Europe? Sure there's around 3k years difference, but since progress is non-linear, and the pyramids are far less complex than the cathedrals of Europe, isn't it possible that they just happened to be built by people and designed by people?


I think IF aliens saw us, they would be more interested in our planet's resources than in us. Well aside from maybe training us to be pets. I hear we can be housebroken pretty easily. And we are capable of quite a number of tricks. We'll make great pets.

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I seriously doubt people ALONE could have done it THAT well made or THAT big--sure we have "evidence" claiming that they did but honestly there are too many pieces missing and any conjecture or statements claiming to know would be an argument from ignorance at best: We weren't there when it happened so how would we know?


I had the same doubts concerning Burj Khalifa until I struck upon the golden rule of world-awing architecture: have lots of money, and lots of cheap (preferably free) labour. Does amazing things.

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christ j7, ~snipped~


The word to describe my position would be pragmatic.


Furthermore, I fail to see how I have been hypocritical; the only thing I think of Aliens (if they exist) is that they will be very different to us, I don't know if they would be friendly or not.




p.s. we've been broadcasting signals into space for over 75 years now. bit late to worry about it...


Doesn't mean it's a good idea :xp:

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