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Lucas: I'm doing Star Wars in 3d OMGROFL!


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in my case, my old eyes can't see 3D films. I'm one of the few percentages of people that the 3D tech doesn't work. Well, other than triggering my migraines ;)


Other than that, imo, the 3D is gimmicky. It's fine for films that were developed for it (again Avatar).. but rehashing old films "just for the sake of 3D" is a pure & simple cash-in. imo of course.


Of course, agreed.

Lucas probably couldn't afford to buy his own country yet, it reeks of shameless franchise milking. But after seeing a 3D movie myself, I (perhaps wrongfully) hope ILM can make something decent out of it. ILM is still the best there is and most 'bad' 3D movies didn't have ILM supporting them.


Question though, does the Nintendo 3DS technique do work for you? I heard about the headaches, but never about it not working at all.

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It'll be better then al those "ANNIKON PWNED OBI-WON. ASOKKA IS HWAT" fanboys the prequel trilogy and Clone Wars multi-media madness has created.

I'm quite sure that if you watched the trilogies again you would see that Obi-Wan pwned Anakin in the PT and Anakin pwned Obi-Wan in the OT, not the other way around.

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I'm quite sure that if you watched the trilogies again you would see that Obi-Wan pwned Anakin in the PT and Anakin pwned Obi-Wan in the OT, not the other way around.

Take a nice little trip over theforce.net forums and read the highly eloquent prose archived there, bring an alcoholic beverage to dull your mind a bit so you may enjoy the humor behind sperg without wondering why you would ever read it in the first place.

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Question though, does the Nintendo 3DS technique do work for you? I heard about the headaches, but never about it not working at all.

Honestly don't know, I haven't tried.. or rather, don't feel like risking it. ;)


My migraines are the "shut out the world, kill any hint of light/sound and for goodness sake don't move your head or you'll be projectile vomiting all day long" kind. Real cripplers :whacked:


As for it not working, it only affects around 10% of the population, but I've had gimped eyes ever since I can remember.. hehehe. I've been told it's correctable, but I'm not really keen on seeking treatment just to spend more money on expensive toys :lol:

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Question though, does the Nintendo 3DS technique do work for you? I heard about the headaches, but never about it not working at all.

In order for 3D to work, both eyes have to be pointed in the same spot at the same time, and both eyes have to have good vision. People with a turned eye (turned in or out), or with lazy eye (amblyopia), or with only 1 eye (lost due to injury, disease, or birth defect) can't see the 3D effect that the rest of us 90% can.


Even people who have had surgery to correct a turned eye often don't ever have good 3D vision if they ever have it at all. The brain pathways that allow us to process stereopsis (the fancy term for depth perception) are laid down before age 2. If you miss that window of brain development, it's very hard to develop anything greater than very rudimentary depth perception/3D vision after that time.


/Jae's visual processing lesson for the day

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