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TOP Secret Project (Just kidding, it's all of the gritty details, or not)


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There's a gun, and the upside down triangle is pointing straight to the gizka, so I hope it's a gizka shooting turret minigame.


That would be awesome. I hate those things.

I wish... Maybe I should make that as a side project though


OK, after reading Zhaboka's observation and thinking further, multiple new planets are involved. I still think Tatooine is involved somewhere, and there is definite reference to ROTJ, so I can see it pointing to K1. Is any of this right?

That's an interesting observation.


Sing me a theme song, oh joyous bard!


I like big butts and I can not lie

You other brothers can't deny

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There's a gun, and the upside down triangle is pointing straight to the gizka, so I hope it's a gizka shooting turret minigame.


That would be awesome. I hate those things.


That's an interesting observation.


You TEASE. This project's straight up pole-dancing with one of those loose but not loose enough uniforms.




That's an interesting comparison.


Is any of this right?


That's a good question.


Sing me a theme song, oh joyous bard!


As lead song-singer for this project, I sure will!



-The Theme Song-



































(It's a slight rework of Monty Python's Camelot Song)

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So, it's full of cheesy action, it involves a corvette, it's got plenty of cannon fodder to mow down, loads of lightsaber fighting, and Hutts.


So I think it's an OT-based project in the same vein a [MECK] was, many moons ago.


(Also, astronomy is a science, and your song-writing... needs work. :p )

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So, it's full of cheesy action, it involves a corvette, it's got plenty of cannon fodder to mow down, loads of lightsaber fighting, and Hutts.


I'm not sure where you got that idea...


So I think it's an OT-based project in the same vein a [MECK] was, many moons ago.


That's an interesting conclusion.


(Also, astronomy is a science, and your song-writing... needs work. :p )


Ah, of course astronomy is a science! The song never exactly says that it's not. And yeah, my songs aren't the greatest. But, they are going to get better!

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After all this singing and songing I believe your song writing skills shall be quite impecable.


Oh, they already are!


Quite fitting actually, as I just reread J.R.R. Tolkien's, The Hobbit, in anticipation of Peter Jackson's film release. :thmbup1:


:eek: EPIPHANY.. Perhaps this mod entails an, "Unexpected Journey!"


That's an interesting connection.

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