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LucasArts Posters: The Revenge


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  • 3 weeks later...
On 10/16/2023 at 5:53 PM, LoneWulf79 said:

Here you have my collection of Lucas games, well pretty much (minus yours), sourced from press kits, websites, frankly I can't remember for every image. I do have other games if anyone is looking for something, but I guess that's a story for another thread.





just a notice that I removed a link to google drive. Art will be available on my site, so check back once in a while.


Keep up the good work. Happy holidays everybody.

Edited by LoneWulf79
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  • 4 weeks later...
6 hours ago, Laserschwert said:

Wait, why did I never realize that there are two versions of this painting??





And the first one looks final enough to be used. Did they just realize they needed a narrower aspect ratio? Why repaint it, though, instead of cropping it?

I wonder if it’s a process test thing? To my eyes the top one looks fully painted, the bottom one looks like markers or water colors. Maybe the bottom one gives a good not approximation of the top one, but was quicker to produce?


The other reason might be, it’s not a crop but is a stretch - the top and bottom of the compositions are the same but one is taller. Maybe the original painting was done at “square pixel” aspect ratio and the second one was done at the true 320x200 full screen 5:4 tall pixel aspect ratio?


Those are my two theories at least 😛

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7 hours ago, sanguinehearts said:

The new FMT Zak posters are a beautiful addition! Thank you for adding them, did they come from scans or some alternative source?


Oh right, haven't posted it here yet. I've added this to the project:




For this I've used scans of both the FM Towns box and CD cover. With a bit of machine learning magic I've trained the smaller (but textless) image against the larger one, thus upscaling the smaller one to a similar level-of-detail. That and some manual touch-up and clean-up.

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  • 2 months later...

Don't know where to ask this:
Does anyone have the box art of the back of Fate of Atlantis without all the text as well as the sides of the box?
I would like to use these as a reference for a book I am doing for personal use.

Edited by MichaelSon
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@Laserschwert, are you interested in creating poster art for the Fate of Atlantis Action game at some point? Someone on Facebook shared images for an Italian Amiga magazine(K), which has some full page advert art for it.


I've asked the person who shared the images but they don't have a scanner, If you are interested then I'd be happy to try and track down a copy of the magazine to purchase and scan, or offer to pay for the original poster to have it scanned somewhere.


The images are here: 



I also found these off-brand posters, presumably part of some magazine spreads at some point. Interesting, nonetheless.




Edited by RobMegone
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  • 4 months later...
On 1/24/2024 at 7:25 AM, Laserschwert said:

Wait, why did I never realize that there are two versions of this painting??





And the first one looks final enough to be used. Did they just realize they needed a narrower aspect ratio? Why repaint it, though, instead of cropping it?


The first one was just a colour test. The second one was the finished thing. Purcell explains on his blog: https://spudvisionblog.blogspot.com/2009/06/cartographers-cabin.html



On 1/25/2024 at 11:13 AM, Laserschwert said:

Here's a compilation of most of the logos and typography I've recreated in high-res over the years. It's always fun re-building these things or researching which fonts were used for taglines or subtitles.



A transparent PNG of this would be... *chef's kiss*

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/12/2024 at 5:10 PM, RobMegone said:

@Laserschwert, I just bought a flyer for the Japanese Famicom version of Maniac Mansion and I'm waiting for it to arrive. It's a bit of a strange one, any interest in a scan of this for the poster project?

I think it's well worth the addition. Its style is the same as the Famicon hintbook artwork (which I still have to start working on):



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