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I must have the LucasArts 20th Anniversary Mug!!


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You're the only British people I know and you all bash america, thats where my theories are coming from.


You're "facts" are just about as credible as my statistics (hint: they're both bogus).


I don't know where you're pulling these intelligence statistics from...but most people know that intelligence is difficult to measure.


You might be smarter than some yahoo in Texas, but then again Texas has 1/2 the population of Great Britain and alone is the 3rd largest economy in the world...Great Britain? Who knows where they are on the chart, but certainly not in the top twenty. In fact our 1 state out-produces all of Europe.


Is Texas bigger than Europe? No

Does Texas have more people than europe? No

Is Texas more rich in natural resources than Europe? Maybe it has more oil but thats barely enough of its economy to make a case out of it.


It seems you intellegent Europeans can't seem to compete and decide to create a (terribly concieved) European Union that is headed jointly by France England and Germany.


Rob nations of their identities? Yes

Try to conform and liberalize cultures and economies? Yes

Band together economically and finally outproduce one American state? No, sorry.


Intelligent? Absolutely not.


Really its not even the Uk I dislike its the European Union. Its really just the Fourth Reich. If it succeeds and all of Europe speaks English, that doesn't mean you created their culture, it just means you force your culture onto them.

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This is insane. What began as a harmless discussion about merchandise has mutated into a fruitless quarrel about how bad the UK apparently is. Hmmm, I wonder if this guy has even visited the countries he seems to know so much about?


manny_c444: SHUT IT, FEATURES

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Originally posted by manny_c444

You're the only British people I know and you all bash america, thats where my theories are coming from.


You're "facts" are just about as credible as my statistics (hint: they're both bogus).


I don't know where you're pulling these intelligence statistics from...but most people know that intelligence is difficult to measure.


You might be smarter than some yahoo in Texas, but then again Texas has 1/2 the population of Great Britain and alone is the 3rd largest economy in the world...Great Britain? Who knows where they are on the chart, but certainly not in the top twenty. In fact our 1 state out-produces all of Europe.


Is Texas bigger than Europe? No

Does Texas have more people than europe? No

Is Texas more rich in natural resources than Europe? Maybe it has more oil but thats barely enough of its economy to make a case out of it.


It seems you intellegent Europeans can't seem to compete and decide to create a (terribly concieved) European Union that is headed jointly by France England and Germany.


Rob nations of their identities? Yes

Try to conform and liberalize cultures and economies? Yes

Band together economically and finally outproduce one American state? No, sorry.


Intelligent? Absolutely not.


Really its not even the Uk I dislike its the European Union. Its really just the Fourth Reich. If it succeeds and all of Europe speaks English, that doesn't mean you created their culture, it just means you force your culture onto them.


I'm bashing America?

Who was the one who came onto this thread proclaiming that the UK sucked?



You tried to prove that the USA was a beautiful place to live in, because it has barren, infertile land that is uninhabitable and a complete waste of space.


Then you claim that it's the British who all bash America, and use false statistics to make your opinion seem more valid.


You then base your view of the entire country based purely on the capital city.


And yes, Texas's economy is very large, BECAUSE OF THE DAMN OIL. The Oil led to companies such as Shell setting up base in Texas. The economy naturally increased, so more companies providing amenities moved in, further increasing the economy of Texas. And so on, and so forth. It's called the multiplation effect.


And anyway, what does that have to do with anything?


You're attacking the political system of the EU? Robbing Nations of their identities? What the hell are you talking about! The USA government is a complete and utter shambles.


And as for the intelligence figures?

Well, surprise surprise, they are based on I.Q. tests, and the results were presented about a year ago by New Scientist magazine.


Now go away, you sad little man.

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Hee, yes.


And whilst we're on the subject, what's wrong with London? It's not perfect, but then it's a large city - and large cities tend to have bad parts. However, I know that London is widely regarded as a great capital city, which it is.

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What about York? That's one of the most beautiful cities in Europe, according to the posters they had up there last year. I'm inclined to agree, it has to be said.

I think what has happened is that Americans, who are just Europeans who were persecuted or who wanted to start a new life, kinda separated themselves from the rest of Europe and then wished they hadn't done it. So now they act like they are better to make themselves feel better. I know that isn't the rule, but I think that it's quite common.

I know that a hell of a lot of Americans are jealous of our Monarchy - I was in the USA when Princess Diana died, and CNN were saying things like "I feel now that she is more the Princess of the world, not just the UK." Then there was that guy who bought the old London Bridge...

I don't hate Americans. Just ones like Manny who think they are so much better than the rest of the world.

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Oh dear, oh dear what an arse you are Manny.


It seems you intellegent Europeans can't seem to compete and decide to create a (terribly concieved) European Union that is headed jointly by France England and Germany.

We compete just fine, the EU has a single market. And you know what this means? This means that tarifs within the single market between countries disappear and there are common external tarifs for all countries. This means that goods inside become cheaper and can move more freely, this <gasp, shock horror> actually increases competition. The common external tarif consolidates the EU as a trading block and handily allows the EU to protect its member countries from aggressive USA 'steel protectionism'.


With me so far? Good, do try and keep up.


Band together economically and finally outproduce one American state? No, sorry

"Finally outproduce"? I wasnt aware that we'd made that much of an effort. The point of banding together economically isnt to outproduce Texas in oil - how narrow minded of you. It is a fact that the EU is now the biggest trading block in the world - bigger than the USA, so if you want to look at it in terms of "producing trade and money" - yes we outproduced you.


Rob nations of their identities? Yes

Hmmm, now correct me if im wrong but didnt you say

But the UK (or whatever you guys want to be called) isn't exactly like the rest of europe
But we're in the EU - and we still have our own identity? How can that be? unless...... YOU ARE WRONG.


Really its not even the Uk I dislike its the European Union. Its really just the Fourth Reich. If it succeeds and all of Europe speaks English, that doesn't mean you created their culture, it just means you force your culture onto them.

The fourth reich? No

The aim being to get everyone to speak English? No

The aim being for one country to force their cultures onto others? No

The rantings of a madman who doesnt have a clue what he's talking about? Yes


I could go on, but theres really no need to, you've clearly proved yourself to be a racist, ill-informed, dimwit. Is it any wonder some people dont like Americans when theres people like you around?

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Well spoken, bg! I never minded Americans until I got on the net, got the impression that all Americans were crude, uneducated, ill-informed, close-minded people who speak before they get their facts straight... Thankfully I managed to encounter a few to show that my generalisation was just that. I still like the US for what it is, but outbursts like these don't help your country's case...


- Serge

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And every country has its share of people like that. There are a couple of them in #m-i who definitely don't come from America (and try damn hard to make sure you know it). America is pretty messed up... maybe more than other places... but it's also bigger than most places, and has a ton of people. Though its nowhere near the main "problem," I'm sure the raving ass count has gone up partly just because the population count has.


Also, how about that mug, eh? It's pretty slick. 20 years... pretty incredible. I think I must have one!

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There's alot more British people on this board than I knew.


This should probably be a seperate topic (if even a topic) and I'd rather not start an argument of epic proportions over this. I take it all back....


The UK is great. Radiohead is great (really it is). I love figurehead democracies. I love it all!

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Oh yeah well I happen to think that Australia is the greatest country in the world. The USA has far too many fat cowboys and the UK has too many tea drinking aristocrats. The Beatles are the only good thing to come out of the UK too bad George Harrison and John Lennon had to go to hell because they're tea drinking posh ppl. If you try and tell me that I'm being an arrogant piece os s*** I will only say that you british and american people are ganging up on me and being racist against Australia.

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Originally posted by spoon_man

The Beatles are the only good thing to come out of the UK


¬¬ What about the Australians (Not the aboriginies)

And the top-left of your flagg :D



And aren't you a very big Radiohead fan as well....



:D Australia rules. It's nice and warm there, and people just sit around, playing the didgeridoo, watching Kangaroos have boxing matches and feeding their pet Koalas. And then they light a fire, put masks on and dance round it, whilst putting shrimps on the barbie and then tuning in to the latest episode of 'Neighbours' :D

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Originally posted by Spaff

what we can do is this.


well maybe....


we can buy a load of those mugs and sell them for exactly the same price and ship them worldwide. how does that sound?


That sounds like brilliance!

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Originally posted by spoon_man

Scabb, I was just being sarcastic. I got a little hot headed because of Manny. Oh and btw I am a huuuuuge Radiohead fan and that's exactly what it's like to be an Aussie *mangles crocodile*


I know!

Which is why I wasn't angry, and responded with my completely sterotypical view on the Australian lifestyle ;)


(It's that time of the month for me)

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