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Administrator Rhett!

Sherack Nhar

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Ever since I stepped down and became a normal member, the GB board had been lacking a regular admin to take care of certain things like deleting accounts.


Now the gap has been filled: I talked to Chris and Zero and they promoted Rhett to administrator status, effectively replacing me as the regular admin here :)


Congrats, Rhett!

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Yea for Rhett!!!


This is a great way to start of a party for GeeBee Birthday!!!


Well ok, not like really great because Sherack stepped down and all, but still great news!!!



So Sherack there is one thing i am not totaly clear on... are you a Mod now?

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:eek: Time to test these this out!



*jumps out the nearest window*



*walks back into his room several minutes later with tattered clothes, dirt stains and blood running down his forehead*



Ok... so I can't fly. Owww....



Thanks for this thread and all the congrats everyone! :rhett:



*grabs a Sunny D from Clefo*



Lets party! :naughty: Havoc, you're in charge of the tunes!



*take his shirt off and jumps up onto the table*

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Sherack, are you sure this thread was such a good idea?


our new admin is dancing on the tables, and taking his clothing off, and he has only been on the job for a few hours...



Oh and dash, I remeber when our new admin was just a little newbe ;)

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YEAH! We need more mods!


*looks around*

Oh yeah! Sorry, had a breaf flashback to my roots...;)


Yeah, one thing I'm wondering about though. Are Jay and Kudar still sanctioned mods/supermods/admins? or have they been taken off finally?


:sniper9::fire11: (the mod squad) ;)




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Originally posted by darthfergie

one thing I'm wondering about though. Are Jay and Kudar still sanctioned mods/supermods/admins? or have they been taken off finally?


Funny, I was going to ask you that question! ;)


So... if you don't know, then who does? Rhett, Zero, Chris?

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*wonders why mods who've long left are still left there, presuming that their job is being done*


We have a *phoenix* at RSN, who's posted like two times in the past two years. (Maybe a little more, but...0.09 posts a day or something. ¬_¬)


And until recently, our RP forum didn't even have an active mod. Cracken officially, but he never goes there...just the Community Forum...


Problem fixed now, tho ^_^


Oh yeah, and Sher, it's Administrator Boba Rhett to you ;)

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