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Nice quote man. That was one of the funniest lines and entertaining lines ever.


Dozer:"It's a single celled protein combined with synthetic amino's, vitamin's, and mineral's. Everything the body needs"


Mouse: "It doesn't have everything the body needs. So I understand that you've run through the Agent training program. You know I wrote that program."


Apoc: "Here it comes"


Mouse: "So what did you think of her?


Neo: "Of who?"


Mouse: "The women in the red dress. I desingned her. She ummm She doesen't talk very much but if you would like to meet her. I can arrange a much more personalized miunion."


Switch: " Digital pimp hard at work."


I like this one too. :D


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Originally posted by Ratmjedi

Well I was just watching the Matrix Reloaded trailer and I noticed these guys in all white with whiteish blondish hair.

Who are they? I was just wondering and I why is this thread all the way in the back! :p




They are called Twin 1 and Twin 2. (or The Twins) They are deleted programs from the Matrix, that have been given the choice to be put back into the source or become a roaming element in the program. They use their special access to the Matrix, to shape the world in the image they want. Similar to the works of a Virus.

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Originally posted by teutonicknight



They are called Twin 1 and Twin 2. (or The Twins) They are deleted programs from the Matrix, that have been given the choice to be put back into the source or become a roaming element in the program. They use their special access to the Matrix, to shape the world in the image they want. Similar to the works of a Virus.



So they are from the Matrix huh.........man is this movie gonna have some cool sh!t!!! Do they work with the agents??

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A UK film magazine recently interviewed the two silver-coated dreadlocked baddies we've seen in the teasers, characters played by identical twins Neil and Adrian Rayment and 'Onks' has a summary: "They state that they are not called the "Virus Twins" but are simply known as Twin 1 and Twin 2. They state further that they are deleted programs from the Matrix, that have been given the choice to be put back into the source or become a roaming element in the program. They say that essentialy they are bad and have free reign, and their characters take full use of their special access to the Matrix - shaping the world in the image they want and sporting cool pearl-handled cutthroat razors and cut-glass British acents. Their characters are the guys who live the rock star lifestyle in that they have the best clothes, best car and live in the best places. Also Neil Rayment had a fight with Lawrence Fishburne, Adrian Rayment has a "particuarly good scrap" with Carrie-Anne Moss and then they both fight Keanu. There will be a sword fight, with two people against one (which i'm guessing will be Neo). But each person has two swords - "multi-sabres", armed with rotating blades at their hilt, clashing and sparking faster than anything yet seen, with impossible wire assisted moves as the camera moves around them in a bullet time waltz. The car chase will have multiple agents in a highway pursuit of Trinity and Morpheus, leaping out of cars as they're blown apart, driven into other speeding vehicles. The chase will employ a now mobile bullet time technique allowing the camera to circle the chase, swinging low and spirallling through exploding car and window doors" - source http://www.matrixfans.net/thematrix2/



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normally i dont post anyting when i agree with the previous posts, but WHOA :eek: it looks really great. and not to suck up or anything, cause its a very nice made site.

what prog did u use to make it?


btw, the greenish look is great, keep it :thumbsup:

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Originally posted by leXX

A UK film magazine recently interviewed the two silver-coated dreadlocked baddies we've seen in the teasers, characters played by identical twins Neil and Adrian Rayment and 'Onks' has a summary: "They state that they are not called the "Virus Twins" but are simply known as Twin 1 and Twin 2. They state further that they are deleted programs from the Matrix, that have been given the choice to be put back into the source or become a roaming element in the program. They say that essentialy they are bad and have free reign, and their characters take full use of their special access to the Matrix - shaping the world in the image they want and sporting cool pearl-handled cutthroat razors and cut-glass British acents. Their characters are the guys who live the rock star lifestyle in that they have the best clothes, best car and live in the best places. Also Neil Rayment had a fight with Lawrence Fishburne, Adrian Rayment has a "particuarly good scrap" with Carrie-Anne Moss and then they both fight Keanu. There will be a sword fight, with two people against one (which i'm guessing will be Neo). But each person has two swords - "multi-sabres", armed with rotating blades at their hilt, clashing and sparking faster than anything yet seen, with impossible wire assisted moves as the camera moves around them in a bullet time waltz. The car chase will have multiple agents in a highway pursuit of Trinity and Morpheus, leaping out of cars as they're blown apart, driven into other speeding vehicles. The chase will employ a now mobile bullet time technique allowing the camera to circle the chase, swinging low and spirallling through exploding car and window doors" - source http://www.matrixfans.net/thematrix2/




Looks at my explaination. Lookes at LeXX's




ok, I've started work on leXX Matrix. It is no way near complete, but I would appreciate some feedback at this early stage, and before you say "whoa, it's so green", it's meant to be.


Whoa, it's sooooo green!!!! :D

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i have 2 say that the ppl who think that the story ends at the end of the matrix, you weren't listening, neo says

"i cant predict the future im not telling you how this will end, but how it will begin"


anyway, the plot for matrix 2 sounds good

and LEMMIE IN TO ZION !!!!!!

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I think it was pretty obvious that a sequel was to be made...The Matrix was one of the most flashy, visually stunning, and downright cool action films ever made...it is one of those films that deserves a sequel, and they have made us wait long enough...and I can't wait to see Zion too, now that will be 'an eye opener and no mistake':D

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The Wachowski brothers always intended on making the Matrix as a Trilogy from the word go. They had the 'whole' story (all 3 parts) planned out from the start, they just didn't have any funds left at the end of filming to continue on with the other two parts.


Actually, they were very lucky to get funding for the film in the first place. They approached numerous production companies with the script, but because they had only previously made one film (Bound 1996), everyone laughed in thier face! Warner Bros decided to take a chance on it because the script was so amazing. Good old WB!! They certainly don't regret that decision now as it is thier top grossing film to date.

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