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Asking for HP during a duel.


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Its like im trying to have a nice duel. Then someone unwields there lightsaber so i dont attack them (i dont attack someone when they want to speak, but thats another topic altogether) and the little box appears above their head. I think they are about to say something interesting or ask an important question or something, but not asking how much health i have left. Then i when i respond with something along the lines of "enough" or "dont worry about that" they get pissed off. Im one of those guys that feels that you shouldnt know how much health your opponent has, thats the challenge of the fight. I dont mean to make anyone mad when i dont tell them my hp but i dont think im the only one that does this.


Anyway, feel free to express your opinions on this. Im really curious as to how everyone else reacts when they see "whats your hp?" pop up on the screen.

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It's very annoying for someone to ask you this during a duel. I dont want to let my opponent know how close to death i am.

What's really annoying is when in a duel server and your opponent asks you your hp and you refuse, then one of the spectators tells your opponent.

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There is NO place for that kinda psycho-babble when I fight.

I simply reply: not now.

It's a dumb thing to ask for and I totally agree...why give them the edge?

If they are any good they don't need to know...


masta747:hp? = geez:rolleyes:

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I'm glad you posted this thread! I find this one of the most annoying things during a duel, it drives me mad :mad: hp? hp? hp? I always reply with "just fight" and they get the message straight away! What a stupid question anyway, who says you are going to get the truthfull answer? I used to type "full" all the time to bluff them out, idiots :rolleyes:

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I see alot of people agree with me, but where are the ones that disagree with me. I know there has to be at least one person that LOVES knowing opponent's hp. Come on out of the closet and tell us why you HAVE to know your opponent's hp.

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I *always* ask the other player for his HP during a duel.




Naah.... No I don't.. I hate that crap. I do one of two things when they ask me. I either totally lie (100 when I'm at 5 or 5 when I'm near 100) or I'll press the key I have binded for "It's a good day to die!"


Usually they type back something like "wtf?" but just as I continue to fight. After the other player is laying there, I'll type back "sorry... thought you were ready." They usually stop asking dumb questions during a duel then ;)



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Heh, i noticed this thread has over 160 views and only 16 posts. Maybe all the others that viewed but didnt post are the ones that like asking for your hp but dont really feel like getting flamed.


Ah well, nice hearing from everyone else even if they do agree with me.

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There's gotta be tons of people viewing these posts that are HP askers :p Post damn you!

If I know someone's HP, i will prob change my strategy. If they have 100, it's not going to effect me. If I find out they have 20, im prob going to rush in and try to get a quick hit or 2 in light stance. If I find out they have 100 and I have 10, im going to hold off. It directly affects your strategy.

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i dont mind telling my health cause most of the times the guys who ask cant hit me at all or barely.

and even if u have 10hp u still can win a match, so hp doesnt mean anything. let the suckers know

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yep, easiest way is to dfa them and then just lie and say you're sorry but you didn't see they were typing until after you started your dfa.


er... and anyone who plays me, and I do this,. er.. I really am sorry and it is an accident. :o

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People who ask for hp during a fight are the worst examples of humankind. I would rather tear off my own arm and beat myself to death with it than be within 100 feet of a HP-asker.


Also, asking for hp betrays the fact that you have no skill. Good players don't need to ask.

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I have jsut bound a key that says "SHUTUP AND FIGHT". This si just sooooooooo silly to ask people this during combat. I also have kicked people when they asked this question. This is best left to AFTER a fight. But maybe the people asking this are just too new or stupid to know that this is just not right.



This may come from that lost scene that was released a few weeks ago from Return of the Jedi......


Luke: Noooooooooooooo


(Luke starts to kick Vaders butt)


Vader: Hold on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Luke: WTF?


Vader: How many HP do you have left?


Luke: 100/30 Why?


Vader: Thanks dude mine is 20/40.....but go easy on me ok?


Emperor: This is soooooo lame! Just kill him because I am tired of this BS!


Luke: Whatever...........


(continues to kick Vaders butt)

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