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A Very Special Congratulations For STTCT!

Boba Rhett

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As some of you may have alread read, STTCT is with child! She's going to have a baby!


A child is a great blessing and I'm very happy that one, "or two, who knows? ;)" will be coming into your life. He or She will surely bring you great joy and a love that cannot be described, for years to come. On behalf of everyone here, I congratulate you, STTCT.


Now let's celebrate!





While we're at it.... let's take some guesses as to what the name could be! :sign2:

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I'm sure you and your wifes time will come, Havoc. Don't get discouraged. :)



btw, my name rocks, Wolf! I was the one dealing out the beatings. ;)


How about...













:D ehehehe










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Congratualtions STTCT, may God be with you and your family as you raise your child, who knows, maybe he'll even have a great place in history with a good mother raising him ;) My dad once said, "you've never really lived untill you've raised kids" , well now you'll know what that means.

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Oh my... I am almost speechless. So much change, so much change. The world keeps spinning, but here time almost seems to stand still, until something like this presses the fast-forward button.


A very, very large congratulations. I hope you get off of working the night shifts before you bear child. Because as my mom can relate, it gets pretty hard on you. Anyway, how far along are you? (I don't mean to be prying but you know waht they say about giving it away to early. *points to Havoc's old thread*)


I can't think of a good name on my own, but my favorites from the list so far are...





Anyway, Please don't lose track of these boards!

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Hey guys! Thanks soooo much for your congrats, prayers and names. I will not being going anywhere on these boards. I will still post! Yay! As far as how far along I am about 8 weeks. Yes, I know this isn't very far along...I was excited so I told you guys. Hopefully this will prove not to be too premature. Don't worry Havoc - ur guys' day will come (hopefully soon - so I won't be alone in this :D ). Alright...I'm back to reading the rest of threads. And the names are cool and will be considered! Its hard to think of names! Its hard to even believe this is happening! :)

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Oh and about names I though up some, they're all from WarCraft3 though. :D


For a dude:


Grom Hellscream(ok maybe not this one cause then everybody at school would fear him) :D





And for a dudette:


Tyrande (pronucened Tie-randy)


I can't remember any more names for women from WarCraft3, oh well not many women in WC3. IMO I would name him Grom if its a boy. ;)

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