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A Thread About Nothing!!!!

Bob Gnarly

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anyways whats your ABSOULT FAV. EPISODE of SEINFIELD™®©......and i would think you people have seen it cause that SHOW ®Ø×€®§


my fav is the one where seinfield wins a van and the guy is very emotional who gave him it so seinfield lends geaorge the van for a date, so the guy finds out he lent him the car and goes to the woods cause hes sad AND LOW-AND-BEHOLD theres george with the car, so the guy runs to it and starts hitting the windows and YELLING "Sinfields van, Sinfields van, Sinfields van" so ther girl YELLS WHATS HE SAYING AND george freaks out and says i think hes saying "SON OF SAM, SON OF SAM, SON OF SAM"


awwww that was the best episode EVER





i like the witty name i chose for the thread, cause seinfield was a show about nothing

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the only one that sticks out in my mind, is the one where kramers apartment has a chicken place go in across the street... and the giant red neon sign renders his color vision useless...


i can see it now... he comes to sinefelds place and grabs some cerieal off the shelf... dumps some 'milk' on it, and procedes to throw it across the room... " 'WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING PUTING THSIS ROTTON MILK IN HERE!!!' goerge: 'thats tomato juice' 'THIS IS RED!?!?!?!'"


oh man, thats great:D

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I don't watch it on occasion but the one I remeber of is when they are trying to go to a basketball game. Then they go to the Airport and clame to be other people just to get to ride in a limo. Then they find out that they are in a limo that is supposedly for the leader of the White Aryan Race organzation. Basically Nazi's. Then the people in the limo think Seinfield is the leader. Then when they get to Madison Square Garden they get mistaken for Nazi's by protestor's and then they get chased.


That was one of the funniest episodes I ever saw. Hope you guys know what I'm talking about.


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