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Welcoming Post?


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Well, since I havent fully introduced myself about a month or 2 ago...I will now! As you all prolly know, I am AcrylicGuitar! Hi! *waves*

Uhm....lemme see here. I was an Escape MI faithful until I got in a terrible shmelting accident and lost my brain. Then I moved to other forums, such as:

Mix'n Mojo



and Here.


I hope you will all officially introduce me to this place even though I didnt post a welcoming post about a month or 2 ago like I should have!


Thank you :),

AcrylicGuitar (or you can call me Nick)

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Where am I?


I am everywhere, always ^_^


...Well, I'm in all the forums I listed in your thread, at least :p:D

Go look if you don't believe me :D


[back to the topic]


Welcome (officially) to Aresen, Acrylic :D


Be sure to leave your sanity in the box by the door (although you don't look like you had much to begin with O.o; ), don't insult Lynk Former or Mr. Weasel, don't irritate the mods, steer WELL clear of Ike, and if DSS says anything about milk, RUN!


There ya go ^__^


Did you get a proper welcome or not, Leemu?

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I didn't get a welcome.......even after I made my first post. By the time I came here and got a welcome from Redwing, I was close to 1,000 posts.......so it's not like it was a huge thing to me... :indif: It was nice though to be welcomed into aresen! Thanks! :D

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Welcome to

Rogue Squadron.Net


Welcome to Aresen.

Aresen is the word we made out of the Rogue Squadron.net first letters: RSN!.


Official welcome:

Leave your sanity at the door



1. Dont spam

2. Dont flame

3. Dont tick of the mods or admins

4. Dont insult Lynk Former and Mr. weasel

5. If Dark Sad Shadow offers milk, RUN!


C ya around i hope


-Wraith 8-

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He's refering to the Matrix revolution which has overrun the swamp! :D




we aren't invading aresen......you guys visit us we visit you.



I thought you guys were invading us for a little bit anyways....:D

Maybe you still are, the sneaky way.....hhmmm














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Originally posted by Wraith 8

ah... so what should we do 15? invade back?



You guys have been for like a week now, I've seen quite a number of ya over there.......



I just think you guys are doing slow stealthy infiltration....or something like that! :D




LeXX's cookie's are the best.....I want another!! ^_^

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