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Christmas Wish Lists


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Dear Santa -


I hope you visit us here at Gee Bee.com and read our posts. Though most of us are naughty there are a select few who deserve your gracious gift giving. Therefore I would like to start this thread just for you to read our christmas desires. We promise to leave you "gift baskets" with jawa cookies and "chewie" reindeer snacks for rudolph. Also Rhett will give you some elves to take back with you to make your slaves. Errr..I mean Christmas Elves. Though some of them may be cross dressers and have beards some of them are actually girls. I know it is confusing but you just have to go with it. Anyways - most of us have the Episode 2 dvd, but we'd like to request it for all those unfortunate others who do not have it yet. Also, a few would like the FOTR special DVD - I know it is a really long ass movie but they really do deserve it. Now Havoc...I don't know I think you should just get him a dvd because he has out done us all in the department of Home Theater. It isn't fair. Tie Guy desperatly needs a new computer. Boba Rhett would like a sneak preview of the TTT - can you drop that off early? Rogue Nine needs a book preferably one about "what to do when the wrong woman loves you". Please don't get Young David anything - he played a terrible joke on us and stole our viginity - I mean I am not sure what I mean - but he deserves some coal. Eets - I think he wants a Life size Natalie Portman doll, I'm still not exactly sure why?? ;) NL Ackbar would like multiple copies of RollerCoaster Tycoon 2. He loves that game!!! Jediduo is still waiting for his delorian - maybe you can bring him a 86 honda? Crazy dog needs his own email address and an identity. He keeps switching it on us - and a memory too.


Anyways... Thanks Santa


Don't forget my PS2

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Dear Santa,


please don't give me the coal. You know that I'm a good boy most time of the year and that appologized ... I'd rather don't have anything because I don't really believe you exist. But if you do, forget my present and give STTCT a ps2 instead ... maybe It'll forget her how muxh she hates me :(

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Dear Santa,


You are the coolest guy I write to and don't really know, I've been good and got myself a job, but I'm saving my $$$ to buy a new computer, and will save you time by buying my family presents.




Surround Sound Speakers



Jedi Outcast

Return to Castle Wolfenstein

Red Faction

Clone Campaigns

Final Fantasy VIII

Final Fantasy IX





P.O.D. Satellite CD

KJ-52 CD

Star Wars Attack of the Clones Soundtrack

Gladiator Soundtrack





Shrek DVD

Behind Enemy Lines DVD

A Beautiful Mind DVD

Lord of the Rings DVD

Gladiator DVD

Final Fantasy DVD

Planet of the Apes DVD

The Matrix DVD


Other Things:


Walky Talkies

Video Camera


Sword of shadows



Or if you're really going to overdo it, here is other stuff i would like:



Turok: Evolution





Geforce 4 PCI

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Dear Santa,

I have been a good little boy this year so please give me:

The James Bond Special Editions DVD,

LOTR extended edition DVD,


Battlefield 1942,

Medal Of Hounor: Spearhead,

James Bond OO7: Nightfire for PC

A screensaver with my password on it.








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Originally posted by Havoc Stryphe

Haha!!!!! I love it when Eets gets it from someone else! :p


You must really feel the love around here then. :D



Dear Santa:

I've been a really good boy this year, but all i want for christmas is for the next year and a half to be over. You can handle that, right?



Merry Christmas,


Tie Guy

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Dear Santa,



Last year I sent my christmas list to you with a various amount of items. I was very displeased that christmas when I didn't even get half of what I asked. Lets get the act together huh? First off, get some new elves. The ones last year were a bunch of over paid temps. They obviously misfiled my christmas list which caused the lacking of all my christmas items. Actually you know what? Just send me a blank check so I can save you the trouble. I know flying all over the world must be a strain on your back so just drop the check off at my place.





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Dear santa,


i know i already sent my list to you (you know how i hate procrastinating ;) ), but i forgot a few things. in volume 3, the letters E and F, it somehow slipped my mind. i don't know hw, but it did. i want the fellowship of the rings collectors edition. just stick it in there between the elephant and Finland. also, i would greatly enjoy a broadband conection for my computer. or a T3. or anything faster than 56k. and just fyi, that goes in the accesories sub-list. there's a lot more that i want, but that's all for now. plz get STTCT her ps2, for thinking of us enough to start this thread, and eets really wants that doll. (i think he just wants it to play "dress up" with her, but i'm sure you know that already). oh, and you can have my elf. not that i don't appreciate it or anything, but i'm out of otatoes and she (or he. ?) is starting to get cranky. *beats elf back with long stick* please, come take her! i mean, i would feel honored if you would accept my gift. well, that's all for now, so see ya!




P.S. - YD doesn't even deserve coal. i say you give him reindeer feces.

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Dear Jesus,


Thank you for being born so we can all feel the greed and get presents.


Dear Santa,


Last year I ordered a SCUD missile and a Class IV launcher, instead you gave me socks and underwear. You must have screwed up my order with someone else's

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Dear Santa,


All I want is my debts payed off. I don't want to have to work during my Christmas break to earn the money... I'm too lazy! But I guess that's why I won't get anything. Oh well. It would be nice if you could give Rhett a fake Ring of Power. He'd be crazy over it. And don't forget Eets' doll!

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My hands were all shaky

My hands are all pale.

A letter from Santa

Had just arrived in the mail.


It was hand written,

In old fashioned ink pen

It was handsomely written

And dated Twelve-Ten.


"Dear Calvin," it said

"I'm writing because

This year I've repealed

My naughty/nice laws.


So now I urge you:

Be vulgar and crude!

I like it when children

Are boorish and rude.


Burp at the table!

Gargle your peas!

Never say 'Thank you,'

'Your Welcome,' Or



Talk back to your mother!

Don't do what you're told!

Stick your tongue out

At your Dad if he scolds.


Drive everyone crazy!

I really don't care.

Act like a jerk

Anytime, Anywhere!


I'm changing the rules!

The Bad girls and boys

Will be, from now on,

The ones who get the toys!


Good little kids make

Me sick, its no joke

Sincerely, signed Santa


...And Then I awoke.


I hate being good

(Or trying to fake it).

Six days until Christmas

I don't think I'll make it.

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Dear Santa,


All I want is a Toyota Supra that I can tinker with. Preferably one fast enough to run away from the cops when they catch me doing a hundred and ten in a thirty-five zone. :cool:


Oh, and please don't grant Clefo his SCUD missile. I fear for us all.

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