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The Baby Is Here!! (Name Inside!!!)

Boba Rhett

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That's right! My lil' nephew entered this world on Tuesday at 12:41pm I believe. He was about seven and a half pounds, 20in long and had a lot of black hair. :)


You may have noticed I've been gone the last few days, that's because we had to go down and see the lil' guy, of course. ;)


Anyways, a few weeks ago I had you all guess what his name would be. Well, here's what it is! I just found out what it was myself on tuesday,





Larson Raphael Gard




Pretty "unique" aint it? :D Oh well, I like it. Now I just need to come up with some nicknames. Larrs? Chief? Raph? My lil' Ninja Turtle? What should it be? :rhett:

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I'm sorry I know this is OT(off topic) Chase_Windu and Boba Rhett are twins!? I just guessed this. I have been wondering since I joined "Who is Rhett's Twin?" Now I have figured it out!



Anyways Congrats Rhett(and Chase(who is Rhett's twin))

My dad wanted to name me "Langdon Patrick Bowman".*shudders*

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