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Find ya first post and place it 'ere!


How to: Click the "search" button on the lower part of one of your own posts. Then a list comes up with all your posts ever made (w00t? :p), with the latest at the top. Click "last ->" and find your first post at the bottom... :D


Also, if you will, you can tell us why you posted it, or give the link to the thread. As you can see, my posts back in da day were fairly long... LOL!




I don't know how u fight or what your philosophy is on skill, but u sure do sound like an idiot i met online a few days ago...


He claimed that "winning is skill". No more, no less. BTW, I asked him because he seemed to support a player who used nothing but light lunge and *sigh*... "backstab", with the occasional regular swing.


Now, do all of u people believe that if somehow the developers added a BFG from q2 or something similar, and using it solely to kill people with, then that said player using it would be very skillful indeed? Or what if some player used a cheat, where he simply typed "K" and then won the game?


Or what if a player used every special move in the game, with moderation, employed all the stances, rarely got hit because of his lightning reflexes and had a sixth sense of where his opponent would strike?


Or what if some player comes along who ONLY thought of his own score, not his enjoyment or others, but ONLY his score. That player only knew only 2-3 moves in the game which he had developed to such a degree that he could kill anyone who was foolish enough to stand in the way of his preprogrammed step-by-step fighting system. This player could not adapt to any new situation or vary his attacks at all, and so got brutally slaughtered by another player who learned from his mistakes and wiped his arse with a pink lightsaber.


What is SKILL? What is fair play?


Backstab as it is now is a joke, a bug, a mistake.... an exploit.

No more, no less.


Backstab should be used in those rare occurences where you find yourself with your back to your opponent. The so called "arse mastas" running around backwards trying to hit something they can't see are spoiling the fun for me. This can sadly be done because some developer thought it could be fun if players could block attacks coming from behind by some pure f*cking magic. Assmasters shouldn't be able to do this, it's pure logic. And the term is wrong as well: last i checked, a "backstab" is where you strike the BACK of your opponent who has his BACK turned towards your FRONT. Not the other way around. Please correct me if i'm wrong, english is not my first language.


Thus, i propose they add a new move to the game: the forward stab. This is a quick direct jab forward with your lightsaber just like the blue "backstab", but directly in front. This move could be easily blocked, and the animation takes as long as say, the new DFA, so the defenders could simply block it, sidestep and strike their attacker. It could, however, be used to quickly strike your enemy if he has your back turned to you, of if he spams the strong stance without thought. And it shouldn't deal an insane amount of damage either.


I take playing multiplayer as seriously as playing any other sport. If you met a footballplayer or golfplayer who misbehaved and played unfairly, kicked his opponents if the game was going against him etc, wouldn't you guys react offensively? I would, and I do. Contrary to what many people say, you CAN misbehave in a multiplayer game, and there ARE cheap moves.


This is my opinion, flame me to hell and back if you like.


*Sigh* I feel like I don't know the person who posted this gibberish... :(

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I was showing some people this before, no one seemed to care. I'll show it again: http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=32146 and http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=32155. I havn't changed much since I joined the forums way back when. :cool:


Originally posted by Boba Rhett

It doesn't exist anymore. :o


LOL! My god... :eek:

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LOL - I got some good laughs out of your thread Legion! :rofl:


Hehehehehehe.... I actually took the liberty of searching for Rhett's first post - it dates back to some thread about a bunch of people losing their posts... :confused:


Sorry Rhett!


[edit] - I see Kstar got the same idea!

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Originally posted by rskateboy



I still haven't figured it out!:mad:





I replied to your question. :D




I can't find mine. It was in the general editing. I came to LF to look for help on an outcast question. I think it was in the generl help section. The search doesn't go back far enough?!

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Ok. For those ppl reading this thread, let me assure you that that other guy has no clue what he's talking about. Our clan is just like all the other clans out there and we believe that a good way to advertise is to let ppl know that we aren't playing. It's just our I guess you could call it" marketing technique" Every other clan attracts attention in whatever way they see fit. I don't see why we can't do it our way peacefully without some ****sucker ruining it. That's all. Well, I leave the rest to you. I have some padawans to train!



"No! Try not, do. Or do not"- Master Yoda



There it is.... my first post.


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