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Girl Problems

Reborn Outcast

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Ok where to start... :D

Alright... there is this really nice girl that I like A TON*can't say love because i'm to young :D *. We talk and hang out sometimes and she goes to my church as well as my school so we see each other a bunch. She doesn't know that I like her yet and I need HELP on how to kinda.... get her :o . I havn't had much experience with girls and I don't really know what to do so any help AT ALL would be gladly received :D . Oh I don't know if this will cahnge the circumstances but she is a junior in highschool and I'm a lowly freshmen :(

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...yah i guess sivy, but i mean not alot of gurls like it if your really ****y. it depends on the gurl really how to make your approach.

just act like you like her when your together, like kinda flirt with her and stuff, shell like that if she wants you back or not, start like that. just keep it real and act yourself, gurls like that to. dont tell her yet until u think she wouldnt mind, cuz outa the blue would scare her! lol, thats just what id do.

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Originally posted by dAno

...yah i guess sivy, but i mean not alot of gurls like it if your really ****y. it depends on the gurl really how to make your approach.

just act like you like her when your together, like kinda flirt with her and stuff, shell like that if she wants you back or not, start like that. just keep it real and act yourself, gurls like that to. dont tell her yet until u think she wouldnt mind, cuz outa the blue would scare her! lol, thats just what id do.


It’s a question or balance, you’re right if you’re too confident you will appear c()cky, you need to find somewhere inbetween.


But this is what to remember, rejection hurts, but you get over it. If you do nothing and miss your opportunity then you will look back and think, oh if only and you’ll end up torturing yourself for ages.

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Well, i'll give you my strategy for getting girls. Note that this method has only failed me ONCE, and that's because the girl that i was dumb enough to ask is a very superficial stuck up ***** who wasn't worth my time. (that's not just a biased opinion, most others agree with me) But anywho, this is what i do. Since you've already got the advantage of being around her a lot you've got a better chance. Some day, when you're talking to her, you just say,

"you know, i was thinking that maybe if you weren't doing anything this weekend we could maybe go see a movie or something....."

Edit - make sure that you bring this up towards the end of your conversation, so if it doesn't go well you can just leave and not stick around and have it be all ackward

I know, very detailed and complex, just try your best ;)


The age difference might pose a slight problem, as most high school girls seem to think that dating such a younger guy is a bad thing, but you migh luck out. I have a friend..(who happens to be my ex girlfriend) she's a senior and she's been dating a freshmen friend of mine for about a month now i think....(damn freshmen, stealing my girlfriend ;))

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I have herd why us boys have a hard time asking girls out.

The biggest thing is that your brain can't think straight and it demands You-know-what-I-mean.:D

Don't be ashamed for being scared to ask her. It is a stage that goes through with our lives.

Hi hopes for ya man. It's a boy thing;)

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I have a friend who is a Senior and she is dating a Freshman. They both go to the same church and they have a lot in common. You already see her a lot. You have a edge that can more than make up for the age diffrence. Go for it. Even if it doesn't work out at least you got the expierence and you know that you had the balls to ask a Senior out.


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sometimes u just gotta forget the consequences and just go with the flow and ask


sometimes u gotta be patient and worm yer way in to her mind ... if shes thinking about you ... even as a friend ... thats a good thing ... might make her realise how much she likes you


not all girls are the same you just gotta work out which technique will work with this 1


i prefer the second all the time cos even if u dont got yerself a gf youve gained yerself a good friend ... and thats the worst case scenario

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Originally posted by Cjais


We have. I'm in no rush, I figured I should love someone before I start dating them :(


I've never really been in "Love" methinks...probably just puppy love..(i'm 17) But i think if you wait until you truly love someone to try and date things might end up really bad. If you have no experience, (never dated, never been broken up with etc.) and you wait until it's someone you KNOW that you love, and you get hurt......it's gonna hurt BAD, and you wont know how to deal with it. I think almost all dating in high school is just for the experience. To learn how to meet and talk to girls and learn how to nut up and ask them out, and how to behave when with them.

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