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This forum's boring now!

Sherack Nhar

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Delphi's clone, now lovingly known as Delphi visits altus forums :D link in my profile just in case you want to say a friendly hello :)


i like wraith8's idea....a spam challenge would rule...and i mean RULE!:D


then Krkode decided to show up :D


and aren't we happy he did :p


speaking of old spammers(:D), why doesn't rommel come here anymore ?

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Originally posted by krkode

Delphi's clone, now lovingly known as Delphi visits altus forums :D link in my profile just in case you want to say a friendly hello :)


i like wraith8's idea....a spam challenge would rule...and i mean RULE!:D




and aren't we happy he did :p


speaking of old spammers(:D), why doesn't rommel come here anymore ?

It's posts like that that makes me wish I was still an admin... ¬_¬
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well, part of it was entirely legal. Somebody wanted to know where Delphi's Clone was and i answered him...


And then i asked an entirely legal question regarding the location of Darth Rommel...


the middle might be nonsense (actually it isn't, i really mean it) but then there still is a part of the post that is normal and within rules. :)

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Originally posted by Clefo

About a year ago it was:


Tie Guy: 2000000

Clefo/Rommel/Fergie/Kvan/Abunchofotherpeopleiforgot: Less than that


Ah yes, that was the age of harmless spamming, then Krkode decided to show up :D;)



You know, i hadn't looked at it until you mentioned this, but something strange happened to my post count. I think i had somewhere around 5500-6000 posts, and unless i can't count i think what i have now is less than that. ;)

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ha! you have fewer posts than me! :D


what happened? did some forum where you posted a lot get deleted or something? or cleaned out?


you mean i can invade this place and like not get....reprimanded by dozens of mods? *hmm...haven't seen rhett around lately...surprise attacking sounds like fun...*


yessssssssss....noone to ssssssstop usssss now :evil2: except a few:(

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Ideas (please don't hurt me :p )


1.) Stop with the news posts, unless they are something big. Just put up a sticky locked thread with links to all major news sources instead.


2.) Possibly start a game review thread, and if it works, someone (maybe me) can compile it.


3.) Invite Viper (dodges tomatoes and handheld nuclear weapon fire)

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I kinda like the directory idea...sounds like fun. I'd be willing to take part in that....as far as killing krkode..well, Im up for that too...:evil2:


Dark Tides isn't dead yet, even though it seems only Havoc, Homer, and I even read it. If you don't read it, you really should, its great, at least in my rather biased opinion [/shameless plug]

:yoda: - YES! Go read! Good story! MMM-hmmmm-hmmm-hmm[/shameless Yoda plug]

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::::reads further:::


OH okay - ur lucky sherack! J/k. yes - this place is getting slow. We need some new blood. There are only a few of us around to keep the place going!! its sad. and there isn't much to talk about. World peace. Michael Jackson's nose...him dangling a baby. Not much out there. And then of course there is Krkode....


new blood - more interesting news


::::Starts picketing::::



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Sorry about the delay on the design (even though I never said when it was going to be done!) but finals are approaching so I'm concentrating on that, first and foremost.


Who's in so far? We've got


Tie Guy

Darth Homer


Only three people?! Come on, did I forget anybody? Who else want to participate in the member directory?

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