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Theory to the Ending


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Originally there would be 1 monkey island game....


If you fit the ending of MI 2 at the end of MI 1 it all makes sense. don't it??


It would be just like Mickey Mouse and the Magical Quest on the SNES. He awakes from a dream....


they put this ending at the end of MI-2 this makes everything so damn confusing.

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i'm an optomist and i also have a huge imagination. this works well when i'm trying to figure things out as there are so many possiblitilies.


but before that, i'd just like to backup Jake research with a movie. has nobody seen Beverly Hills Cop (III i think it was) where he investigates money forgery in a theme park? there was a system on underground tunels all over teh place there, and they were well hidden, like in little magical trees with dors on, the doors actually led to places such as staff rooms and control centers. this is true for a lot of theme parks (also, i think there is more than one mickey in disney land, he can't sign autographs and be in the same parade three times at the same time now can he)


now for my version of the story. guybrush goes in search of big whoop, but lechuck wants revenge on guybrush (one thing i didn't like was the way they dismissed the idea of lechuck liking elaine in this game, he hardly mentioned her). guybrush ends up in lechucks fortress somewhere and then blows it up blowing him away. he lands on an island called dinky island and then finds the X and the tunnels. now, everything that happend at that point actually happened, lechuck tried to send guybrush into a dimension of eternal pain, but failed miserably, and guybrush tries to concoct a voodoo doll for lechuck (how he managed it i don't know, as far as i'm conserned, the whole brother thing was a trick played by lechuck to decieve him and confuse him so the skull shouldn't have worked). after guybrush starts hurting lechuck, lechuck starts to panic (i think at this point you start to see sweat, or is that befor lechuck blows up in the first one?). when lechucks leg comes off, lechuck uses the only voodoo trick he can come up with in his time of panic. he convinces guybrush to pull off his "mask", which is actually just his face. when guybrush gets close enough and starts pulling, lechuck looks into guybrushes eyse and casts a spell on him making him beleive everything that happens after that (mask comes off, man takes them, find parents and so on). after that, lechuck sails off to find elaine leaving guybrush in what he would think is a good state to leav him in, how could he change back?


guybrush then nags and nags his mother (skeletal warrior, but mother in guybrushes eyes) for an icecream. the 'mother' gives in and buys him one to shut him up. 'she' accidentally puts pepper, merrangue (sp?) and dog hair on it (somehow, don't ask me to figure it out now) and when guybrush eats it, he gradually turns back into the guybrush we all know and love, steals a bumper car and gets the hell outtah there.

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Well actually the theme park idea seems the most likely and least full of flaws...although Chuckie does do 'Evil Eyes' at the end. Although I guess that could be an evil brotherly thing. But to be perfectly honest, I dislike that ending, which is why I don't like to believe it. After all we get to know and like Guybrush and then it turns out he's just a little boy. I know he's the SAME little boy, the lil guy that's Guybrush, but still, you know, it sorta tears the soul outta him. Well for me anyway. Does anybody else feel the same?


Since I dislike the theory so much, I have to make it difficult for ya, no matter how well proved it is :p so how come Guybru...

oh yeah, damn, right. Never mind.


Leave me a while to think about it. So far my only argument is, "But that's DEPRESSING!!!"


LOL Sorry had to mention it you know the Pirates of the Carribean film? http://bventertainment.go.com/movies/pirates/index.html

At the bottom of the page, look at their typo.


LMAO I'm easily amused.

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I just found THIS!


"Let's also not forget that he said the idea of the whole game being Guybrush's fantasy while on a theme-park ride was "cold." Check out that IRC chat again"


On that message board, which made me look at the Chat Log again, which is correct, Ron DOES that that theory is cold! So even though there are few flaws in it, GOD SAYS IT IS NOT SO. I THINK he would know. He DID create the goddamn thing. So Guybrush is still an eligible bachelor!!! He's still 19!!! Everything is STILL REAL. Why? Because RON SAID SO. Therefore I have successfully proven YOU WRONG.



*Sits down and gasps for breath.*


Oh god, I'm so happy.

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Originally posted by Yufster

I just found THIS!


"Let's also not forget that he said the idea of the whole game being Guybrush's fantasy while on a theme-park ride was "cold." Check out that IRC chat again"


On that message board, which made me look at the Chat Log again, which is correct, Ron DOES that that theory is cold! So even though there are few flaws in it, GOD SAYS IT IS NOT SO. I THINK he would know. He DID create the goddamn thing. So Guybrush is still an eligible bachelor!!! He's still 19!!! Everything is STILL REAL. Why? Because RON SAID SO. Therefore I have successfully proven YOU WRONG.



*Sits down and gasps for breath.*


Oh god, I'm so happy.


I'm sorry Yufster, but you mustn't take everything said in that chat too seriously - Ron was still fairly gung-ho on maybe getting the rights for Monkey Island back then (probably still is), and therefore weren't very forthcoming about anything revolving around the secret.


Like it or not, the "Guybrush is a kid" part is the secret.

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Originally posted by Suuri Yksl


Remember when you need to get those pieces of LeChuck's beard and you go up in the elevator onto Monkey Island? Well, the tunnels that connect Dinky and Monkey run under Melee then, so that's where it comes in.


Which obviously means that that is one heck of a long underground passage.


BUT... since those tunnels don't keep leading on, and you're still on the same island even at the end of the tunnel, than Dinky and Monkey are really the same! And if there's an elevator to lead up to Melee, then Monkey, Melee, and Dinky are all the same! *shivers run up and down spine*


HOwever, what if LeChuck really did send Guybrush into another dimension, but he ended up in some tunnels underneath Melee, and Melee and Dinky are in different dimensions also.


Or, he falls down from Dinky, lands in some tunnels way underground, the elevator can only go up for a short while, which means that Dinky is on the surface of the Earth and Melee is closer to the center, inside the Earth. No, then it's too sci-fi.


There really can't be an answer unless someone actually thought of all the possible theories, piled them up into one huge thing, eliminated all the impossible things because they are contradicting other ones, and we've got our answer! But, of course, there would be a lot of detail, it would take a lot of time, and it would probably exceed the allowed message length.


I'm up to it!


How about this... LeChuck is one of the most famous pirates in the Carribean.... So he must have tunnles all over the Carribean! It's as simple as that. Every Island in the Carribean is not the same in an alternate demension or a dream. Guybrush has not been dreaming (Besides bone dance) in any part of the 4 games! The series would just suck if it were like that. (God, I love this thred).

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Originally posted by RemiO


I'm sorry Yufster, but you mustn't take everything said in that chat too seriously - Ron was still fairly gung-ho on maybe getting the rights for Monkey Island back then (probably still is), and therefore weren't very forthcoming about anything revolving around the secret.


Like it or not, the "Guybrush is a kid" part is the secret.


I will not exsept that thery. Ron does not make the Monkey Island series, so that is just his thery.

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He also said he had part III planned before he left. It was originally meant to be a trilogy, as he has mentioned other times in various interviews. If MI2's ending was the ending of MI2 (You KNOW what I mean!) then there would be no need for MI3. Therefore Guybrush is NOT a lil kid in a theme park.

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Originally posted by Yufster

He also said he had part III planned before he left. It was originally meant to be a trilogy, as he has mentioned other times in various interviews. If MI2's ending was the ending of MI2 (You KNOW what I mean!) then there would be no need for MI3. Therefore Guybrush is NOT a lil kid in a theme park.


Actually, it was only planned to be one game. Then when they couldn't fit everything into the game, and so they did MI2. The thought of doing an MI3 came up during development of the second game. From what I understand the third game was supposed to have some reality vs. fantasy theme going on, but the game didn't even reach real planning stages.

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I think it might help if we started from the beginning and built a theory from there. We're always building theories from MI2 ONLY. Well if it WAS supposed to be a trilogy then the stories would tie in TOGETHER. I've also heard that MI2 began production before MI1 was finished. Remember also that as games had no voices, conversation could be edited up until the last second before release, (Which is why these games are so hysterically funny) and therefore there may be clues hidden in MI1, and Ron would have seen MI2 as directly part of MI1.


So lets try this. Discount the ending of MI2 for now.


Start from MI1, and build up what you BELIEVE IS HAPPENING.


IE., I believe Guybrush is a 17 year old guy. The fact he remains faithful to becoming a pirate long after MI1 begins leads me to believe he's a very goal-orientated person. He's determined and obviously has wanted to be a pirate for a long time. Maybe he immersed himself in fantasy novels or whatever, because I believe his parents died. In one scene in MI2 Guybrush may ask "Where do Babies come from?" where LeChuck replies, "In your case, an Orphanage" (Thanks mr spanish dude) Maybe he was just referred to how annoying he thinks Guybrush is. Maybe not. Maybe Guybrushes parents adopted him and then died too. It's not THAT important, because we first meet him as an enthusiastic wanna-be pirate who rarely if ever referrs to his past.


He accidently gets wound up with LeChuck and falls in love with Elaine. Elaine seems a lot older than Guybrush, so maybe he's looking for stability or something. Another clue that he's insecure. Anyhoo he's also pretty obsessive because he's obsessed with being a pirate AND obsessed with Elaine.


Oh yeah, he gets wound up in the whole monkey island thing as you know. Eventually, he 'defeats' LeChuck, or at least believes he has. In fact he's only destroyed his spiritual essence. or something. He falls for Elaine even more. The end?


Then MI2 starts. He broke up with Elaine and is now setting out afresh looking for Big Whoop. He's trying to be a lot older and more sophisticated, because he's growing a beard and stuff.


From here on, I think he's digging up his past. I mean, the original post on this thread says a lot of what I think, about his parents and the bone dance and all. Since then I've accumulated more evidence to suggest that while I don't know the ending, I believe that MI2 is about the PAST, the things that caused Guybrush to be Guybrush, the things that STARTED Guybrush on his trek. One of the first things is Voodoo Lady telling Guybrush stuff. The conversation which I can't remember goes something like this:


VL:"It's been hard for you, ever since you defeated Lechuck, people just wanted more of you.... it became hard to live up to peoples demands, and then...then you lost the one you loved."


Guybrush: ....I've heard enough.



SOMETHING like that. I'll find the exact convo for you. Anyhoo, He also digs up the past in the Graveyard. His parents, the references to MI1...it's memories damnit, and stuff! So I think maybe MI3 would have been a conclusion to all of this. One Big Reason. One Big Answer.


Does anybody think this is interesting? I think loads of people think Guybrush should be emotionless or something because he's funny. But I think the above proves he's NOT emotionless, maybe even very sorrowful at times, but he's STILL FUNNY!!! Good old Woodthreep! Maybe this will help you decide what kind of ending MI2 should have. I just confused myself beyond belief so I'll add my conclusion later, when I've worked it out.

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Oh yeah. So another thing, what happens to Largo? He just disappears from the scene yet he was pretty central. Anyhoo, I guess that the ending of MI2 is just like...Well it's a spell cast by LeChuck. Obviously it's something horrible, if LeChuck cast it on him. I mean he's not gonna send him off playing in a fairground for the sake of it. Har har har I bet the rollercoaster frightens him and makes him sick! Nuh uh. Seeing as the story so far seems to revolve around memories and the past, I still believe his parents died in a fairground accident. The use of Booty Island BG is probably because LeChuck randomly chose a place to recreate in Guybrushes mind. We've already seen LEChuck is pretty hell bent on torturing Guybrush for eternity...he wanted to make him into a screaming chair at one point and listen to him scream when he st on him....weirdass.....anyhooo....maybe he intends to watch Guybrush watch his mom and dad die all over again and stuff. Either way, I believe MI3 would be about Guybrush recounted a lot of his past and why he wants to become a pirate, Escaping from his dream and killing Lechuck or something. Did Largo even appear in MI3 at all?

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From here on, I think he's digging up his past. I mean, the original post on this thread says a lot of what I think, about his parents and the bone dance and all. Since then I've accumulated more evidence to suggest that while I don't know the ending, I believe that MI2 is about the PAST, the things that caused Guybrush to be Guybrush, the things that STARTED Guybrush on his trek. One of the first things is Voodoo Lady telling Guybrush stuff. The conversation which I can't remember goes something like this:


How could it be about the past if it starts with Guybrush talking about himself blowing up LeChuck?


Here's what I think: When you do fall into the pit of acid in LeChuck's chamber place(which I did for the first time today and I thought it was hilarious), remember Guybrush said that he was making it more dramatic or he was exaggerating or something? Well, since he has all that money in the beginning, maybe he's exaggerating that, too. Which means that technically he could have made up the whole thing. And then the whole game would just be a big lie.


However, all the games could be a whole big group of lies if Guybrush really is a kid.


Is it possible that Guybrush remained KO'd even after he "woke up" from the bone dance? Because, like Yufster said, Guybrush is probably a determined guy, and maybe he even still wants to carry out his duty even after he's unconscious. But wait, wouldn't that mean that he would be unconscious so therefore, he couldn't be telling Elaine the story?


Here: I'll just list all the impossibilities and for sure things I can think of, and we'll work it out from there!


1. This is a for sure one: Guybrush had to have been knocked outAFTER (extreme emphasis on after) he fell down. Or else, the beginning couldn't exist when Elaine came down, because he wouldn't be hanging there to tell the story if he was already unconscious.


2. He definitely had a spell cast over him at some point, we just don't know when.


3. We need to take MI1 and MI2 into consideration, as Yufster and others mentioned.


4. What Elaine says after you fall down. "What's taking him so long?"


5. Dinky and Monkey are connected via underground tunnels, as LeChuck even said himself.


6. What happened in the time period between the beginning of CMI and the very end of MI2?


7. When is it possible that GUybrush was knkocked out or had a spell put on him?


I'll put down more as I think of them.

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GB: Tell me my fortune.


VL: I see a hard road for you, Guybrush. Things didn't get so easy after you defeted LeChuck, did they? People only wanted more. You had to keep proving yourself... Until you lost it all. Your fame, your fortune, the one you love.


GB: Okay, that's enough.


Some parts wrong.

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