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Plane Hit By Lightning

Boba Rhett

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:eek: That's shocking!!! It's revolting!!!


But the thought of it actually happening is just plane electrifying :) But I hear these sorts of things are currently happening all over the world.


I had a dream that was exzaply like that....


I'll bet all the passengers now have a fear of..... frying.... :cool: If that happened to me, I wouldn't be going on an airplane any time monsoon.


That storm really did socket to 'em :)



How's that rhetty? :p

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Originally posted by GonkH8er

:eek: That's shocking!!! It's revolting!!!


But the thought of it actually happening is just plane electrifying :) But I hear these sorts of things are currently happening all over the world.


I had a dream that was exzaply like that....


I'll bet all the passengers now have a fear of..... frying.... :cool: If that happened to me, I wouldn't be going on an airplane any time monsoon.


That storm really did socket to 'em :)



How's that rhetty? :p


Your command of electrifying your audience with those zap ping words was amazing. :)


Oh yes and I love the pic... I have actually never seen anything like that on vidoe before. O and I don't know if people know this but planes get struck by lightning all the time when they go through clouds and stuff its just that their so small tha the passengers don't notice it. :p

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Since it never actually grounds, there is no problems with planes getting struck like that...


The charge has to ground itself somewhere for the electricity to cause any damage in what it hits. No doubt birds can get hit by lightning, but since they are in the air, they aren't grounding the charge to anything, therefore it won't shock them.....


*Cues the Ride of the Valkyries

*Start rolling the footage of the plane

*Fades to black


On screen:


[Random Airline In The World]


You'll be as shocked as our competitors at our new lot fares

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