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Post-Smeagol - Pre-Gollum Picture!

Boba Rhett

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"Maybe everyone's seen this picture but me and I'm just stuffing your box w/ more bloody rubbish - but I found an interesting picture of Smeagol over at American Cinematographer. I haven't read the article yet - don't know if they talk about this pic - but I'm speculating that it's from one of the flashback scenes that was cut out of TTT and being saved for TROTK. Part of Smeagol's transformation into Gollum. I've heard about the scene but haven't seen anything from it till now."





I thought this was pretty cool and it's new to me. If it stops working, don't blame me. :p

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The picture Hèkx Nòxú posted is quite good but just a few minutes ago i found these pictures, which are totally unrealistic! ( so this means its probably a fake)






i just hope smeagol doesnt look too much like gollum just so it can show people that one of the characters is gollum. i dont mean a total change in features, it wouild be good to keep the same skull shape.


it would be good to see smeagol looking friendly and kind - just not all dirty and pale like gollum.

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Alan Serkis, the actor playing in as Gollum, said that they had filmed a fashback memory of when he was Smeagol and his cousin Deagol were fishing when they discovered the ring. Alan said that it would be ridiculous for Peter Jackson to not use the scenes in TTT. But then he said it might play in better, for which he thinks Jackson will put the scenes into ROTK.

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If the movies played out like the books, each movie would be like 6 hours long at least. And I don't know about you, but I don't feel like sitting through a 2nd 6 hour movie like the original exalibur film (I think it was called). Plus Peter Jackson said this," If you want to it to be true, read the books. They are great books. And if you want a realized dream, watch the movie."


And people also have to realize that Gollum looks the way he does because he is over 500 years old. I don't know about any of you on this matter either, but I doubt I would look any better than smeagol at 500+ years old. I am surprised he still has hair! In fact, he has more hair that Homer Simpson!

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I was confused about the whole Gollom thing though, when I first saw LotR: FotR.


I had no clue who he was. That little narration in the beginning, if I remember correctly, is a combo of what is said by Gandalf to Froto at Bilbo's house and the Council of Elrond (finished that chapter a few days ago). But they don't go in depth about Gollom/ Smeagol. I had to ask a AD&D friend of mine to explain.


As long as I know who he is, I have no complaints with the movies. IMO, the entire Moria scene in the movie was better done. The troll was in it longer, the stair case collapsing was really cool, and if I hadn't seen the movie, I would have no clue as to what a Borlog was...

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