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So I'm snowed in...

Darth Homer

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Greetings from the newly snow-bound state of South Carolina :D


I have been blessed to have the day off from school today due to the fact that it is snowing at a pretty good rate....and to give you an idea of what a "pretty good rate" is here in SC, it is snowing.....that's pretty much the only requirement for my state to go nuts. We're actually gonna be getting 2-4 inches of snow today (but that was originally forcasted as 1" to 1"1/4)...I know it may not be much to some of you people, but in SC, this is a once a year (sometimes not at all) experience.


So to recap:

Day off from school for me :D

SC has gone nuts

Don't care about other peoples who will reply whit "BAH! That's not snow!!"


now to go play DOA Beach Volleyball :p

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I was waiting for someone to do that, Rhett...also figured it would be you....and I have quite a selection of games to play with other peoples...JO, CS, D2, RTCW, GB, SC (though, I'd have top reinstall), WC3 (though I'm horrible at it still), & UT 2003


and now for the abbreviationly deficient, that is: Jedi Outcast, CounterStrike, Diablo 2, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Galactic Battlegrounds, StarCraft, WarCraft 3, & Unreal Tournament 2003



but really, why would I play those games w/ you when I can play a game of volleyball w/ "bouncy" womens? (forgive my hormonal weaknesses, STTCT)


still, I'd be willing to give one of those a shot...it's been awhile since I'd played any of 'em against anyone online :D

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Well, we Floridians may not have snow, but it is really freaking cold! This morning it was like 30-40 and that was the highest! It colder right now!


Tomorrow's forcast is supposed to be colder @ 15! maybe that's not cold for yall..... but it is for us in Florida. Can't wait for the sun.

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Originally posted by StarWarsPhreak

Tomorrow's forcast is supposed to be colder @ 15! maybe that's not cold for yall..... but it is for us in Florida. Can't wait for the sun.


It's 15 degrees right now..well, wind chill is, at least...was down to 12 last night (lowest temp in SC in a decade)

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Here in Raleigh, we got about 3 to 4 inches of snow. Classes were canceled so I just went to work, which never closes (hey, it's the power company). People around here cannot drive in winter weather, but I got here with no probs.


The only bad thing is practice is never canceled either, especially in the season, so its going to be a snowy and cold practice. (I play lacrosse for the university, in case you did not know). But its cool, we have to get ready, our first game of the season is coming up in 3 weeks. Those boys in florida have been practicing every day in much nicer and warmer weather, so they are going to be in a shocker when we meet in SC. :D


Here at work its been pretty slow, but thats good since I need to rest up from last night. I went to the game and watched NCSU BEAT DUKE!!!!!! Plus UNC fell again just before our game.


What a sweet day!!

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I would love it to snow over here in the United Kingdom...


*Remembers being 6 years old and seeing snow for the first time ever*


Ah, I loved it, it was lovely and cold, I was playing in the snow....

I loved the old days.....

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Well, when compared to what we have been practicing in, its very nice and warm there. :D Yeah, there is no real need for snow tires. Doesnt snow enough. All you really need is a nice SUV and the occasional 4x4 when it gets bad, but even that is not nessecary. (Although it does help and helps the car maintain its value better.)

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Originally posted by STTCT

i desperately await the day I will be "snowed in"....


Todays Temp Forcast for Southern Ca is Partly Cloudy HIgh's in the mid 60's.


So much for that dream of snow.


Havent you ever seen your lawn covered in white before in the morning when it is really cold?

We get that only when it is really cold but it's not snow. Just frost I guess but that is the closest thing that we get to snow. :D



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Originally posted by Havoc Stryphe

I drove through 3 FEET of snow today and the Temerature is at -5 F with a wind chill factor at -20 F. So, no whining from you southerners with 2 inches of snow! :D

*points to thermometer indicating -40 F without the wind chill factor



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*sets up 50 cal behind a bunch of sand bags and starts mowing down evil people with snow*






seriously tho....we've had snow in arky...0.00000000000000006cm of snow just this year! We almost got snowed in one day! All we needed was another foot of snow added to our 1.00x10^-500cm! (dang arky weather...when it's hot it rains like crazy so it's humid as heck, and when it's 2 degrees outside it doesn't even mist/frost)

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And of course now that it's sitting at the perfect temperature for a good Arky snow-in it's as dry asa desert. Stupid Buffalo, New York. That place is the black hole of all snow. I see the weather maps and I watch all the fronts that just maybe would drop snow on us, turn and head up to Buffalo, New York. It's so wrong. And they don't even get out of school for 10x the amount of snow it would take for us to get out of school. So unfair.


*joins fergie in the bunker with several ammo boxes and a box full of grenades*



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