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Greatest Fear?


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My greatest fear is ending up alone in the world.


I've never been a social butterfly by definition, but my high school is rough. It's staffed with teachers that have freaky backgrounds, and the kids aren't exactly savory. I'm having a hard time surviving with kids that used to be my friends...


I don't know for sure if that's my greatest fear, but it's one of them.

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Heights. I have heartattacks nearly when looking over a railing down below. I prefer taking the enclosed staircases at my school off to the side than the main ones when heading for the 3rd floor.


And museums? Forget it! I am never looking over railings at the Field Museum or the Science and Industry!

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Im afraid of failure and wasting away. Im afraid of what may happen to our hurting planet what with polution, over population and war and all. As far as bodily harm Im afraid of burning, thats gotta be one of the worst ways to die. I once got third degree burns on my leg and bad second degree on my hand. It was the most painful thing I ever felt. I guess Im afraid of death to a degree. I would like to live forever but I know that wont happen. Oh well.

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my biggest fear is to dream my own or someone near to me's death. i have a history of dreaming the future though its somewhat ununderstandable at times. very confusing but i know ive got some potential for seeing what will be.


why you ask not the death it self? because the anticipation is much much worse. being in two car accidents within two months sucked, being in those crazy situations was awful. but NOTHING compared to getting in a car now today, knowing that my time might be up part way where im going.

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Originally posted by leXX

My greatest fear is something tragic happening to my two daughters. It plays on my mind every single day but I suppose it is something parents have to learn to live with.


i think that comes with the parental territory ... and i imagine most people (myself included) would be worried if u werent


alot of those above (cept kids) id agree with


but my greatest fear ... is my life


its fine if i concentrate on today .... but if i look forwards as to what im gonna do in life ... it scares the **** outta me

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