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God Bless America


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Originally posted by RpTheHotrod

you miss the point, Tyrion.


if it was just "God", I would have posted a cross, no?



I just said, it was an awesome picture. Some people read into things way to bad.


it's just a reminder of how it came to pass.



The cross(and the title) sure implies that it was a combination of America and Christianity....


But anyways,it's still a good picture.


And can we please get off this subject,it does seem off-topic.

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Im not saying atheists are bad people, but i do think they will be condemned in life by not living it to its fullest. I dont believe that the same god i am talking about would condemn a person to hell just for being an atheist. That is absurd, that isnt right at all. I know a lot of good people who dont believe in god, i also think theyd be better off if they did but thats just how i think... i feel more fulfilled now. I dont feel less important, i feel better. Thats why i believe in god.... its not something you can prove. You have to want it and look for it. I dont believe being an atheist gives you a one way ticket to hell.


Also with the crusades (and it fits in nicely with the if you are an atheist you go to hell thing) is that the church was a political entity, thats why i dont like catholic or mormon churches. I also dont take the bible verbatim or go to church, so i guess i just do it on my own.


Oops. went off topic again.


PS i like the picture.

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Originally posted by RpTheHotrod

Unfortunatly, America turned it's back on God along time ago...and now it's going downhill. The picture was posted to make us all "remember" how America became such a great nation.


In God we trust, one nation, under God.


A couple of people have mentioned this now, and as an American, I feel it is not only my right but my duty to set straight some preconceptions I think you might have.


The first people to cross the pond from Europe (that'd be the Pilgrims, folks) came in search of religious freedom - or more accurately, to escape religious persecution.


Apparently, the founding fathers thought that freedom of worship (or religion) was something that they thought was a good thing. However, they also saw fit to exclude and separate religion (very wisely) from matters of government, to keep any one religious group from oppressing another. Well, that was the goal, at least.


But when the Pledge of Aliegence was written, it did NOT, repeat, did NOT contain the words "one nation, under God." That was something that was added to it within the last few decades, and it's been in debate ever since... The reason it's in debate is because many U.S. citizens are NOT Christian, and it's unfair to ask them to recite those particular words if they don't believe in them. In fact, many people choose not to and are criticized, stigmatized, and ostracized by the American society at large simply for exercising their right, as protected by the U.S. Constitution, to worship whatever they want. This is just wrong.


"In God We Trust" is a different matter altogether. The Federal Government can put their trust in whoever they wish - it doesn't infringe indirectly on the citizen's right to worship the same way that the Pledge does.


In closing, I disagree with RPTheHotrod's statement that America became great because of God - I think it's more accurate to say that America became great because the founding fathers gave us the ability to become great ourselves, no matter what God we may (or may not) believe in.

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I like it how people think the founding fathers was for religious freedom while they gladly killed of all the heathen indians and enslaved droves of heathen africans. They were not baptised so they had no soul. God doesn't mind if you burn those eh? :/


I don't mind the american way of life(in fact i live it myself and love it) but i do mind it's double standards. Your nation is built on blood just like all the rest.

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Originally posted by griff38

I think RpTheHotrods picture is a flame itself.


If you are a U.S. citizen and not a Christian , it's very offensive.

If you are Christian and not a U.S. citizen it's very offensive.

If you are not a U.S. citizen or Christian it can still be offensive.


Also remember Bolivians are American, Canadians are American, Terra Del fuagians are American as well as the citizens of about 50 other countries who could not care less about the U.S. flag.


I find that rude and offensive.


How on earth do you find it offensive? By your mindset, I should be offended whenever I see someone elses flag. "Take that down, it's offending me because it's not mine!" Bull, and you know it...


The picture was meant to present a certain point of view. This view was RP (and maybe, maybe the photographers) idea that god blesses america. Whether you agree or not isnt relevant. But the fact that you dont agree doesnt make his posting it rude and offensive. If you dont like it, dont look at it.


YES, it's the "Pledge of Allegience" that U.S. citizens are required to participate in. (in which you say. "1 nation under God")


Bull. Nobody is required to say the pledge anymore. A teacher might give you a hard time in elementary school, but they cant punish you for it. Nobody has to say it. Personally, I never did. I didnt see the point in pledging my allegiance over and over again. I did it once, and until it changes, that first one stands.


Damn, this thread got even worse than I thought it would. IT'S A PICTURE. LIGHTEN UP!

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Originally posted by CagedCrado

Im not saying atheists are bad people, but i do think they will be condemned in life by not living it to its fullest. I dont believe that the same god i am talking about would condemn a person to hell just for being an atheist. That is absurd, that isnt right at all. I know a lot of good people who dont believe in god, i also think theyd be better off if they did but thats just how i think... i feel more fulfilled now. I dont feel less important, i feel better. Thats why i believe in god.... its not something you can prove. You have to want it and look for it. I dont believe being an atheist gives you a one way ticket to hell.


Also with the crusades (and it fits in nicely with the if you are an atheist you go to hell thing) is that the church was a political entity, thats why i dont like catholic or mormon churches. I also dont take the bible verbatim or go to church, so i guess i just do it on my own.


Oops. went off topic again.


PS i like the picture.


Since when did I need god to live life to the fullest?


I'm gonna die anyway,so I should just live it to the fullest.:p

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Originally posted by Flanders

I forgot to put some in there.


Didn't mean all of you, only some.


This sounds familiar....

"Damn I was just trying to bash America in a good way. Now everyone got all intelligent."



I have to say something that Gandalf said. This is to all those people who thinks we show off or your sickened by it (Rouge Phonotic, looking at you) "Keep your foul tounge behind your teeth!"

America is my favorite country. I was born here and will die here. No one, NO ONE, can take our liberty away. Thery can't say or do anything to take our dignity away. We have faith. Some other have doubt. I stand by my country all the time.

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Originally posted by TheHobGoblin

America is my favorite country. I was born here and died here. No one, NO ONE, can take our liberty away.


America isn't a country, it's a continent (2 of them, actually). And you died here? You communicating with us from beyond the grave? :lol:


And no one HAS to take our liberty away. US Citizens are giving their freedoms (liberty) away every day in exchange for empty promises from the government. We keep going at this rate, and it's going to be 1984 in no time.

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Originally posted by CagedCrado

Hey, to all of you atheists..... you will be turned long before you will turn one christian....




AH, to be young again.....


My friend, I was a christian for 20 years before I turned.


100 bucks says more Christians become Atheist than the other way around.

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Originally posted by STTCT

personally I am very offended by its use of orange...I mean are you trying to poke fun at the fact that our state of alert is orange? Really if you have something to say just say it!;)


How about a Pirate Flag???





You moron!


Black symbolizes that Black people are better than all,so it's racist.


The skeletons say that skeletons are better than black people,and to be specific, half-blinded skeletons! IDIOT!


I demand the color of every skin type,and absolutly no pictures of anything kind from your obviously biased mind.






To anyone not Christian, it kinda does say "We're better than you" since there's a cross there.


How would you feel with the words "All Antheists helped make the United States great, not Christianty" around the flag,hmm?


Of course,we're all cynical bastards anyways,so just forget everything I said.:D

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Originally posted by griff38

AH, to be young again.....


My friend, I was a christian for 20 years before I turned.


100 bucks says more Christians become Atheist than the other way around.


I agree with Griff, here. It's all these young folk that have no experience in the real world that can hold on so tightly to their religion.

I guarantee, once all you die-hard Christians get some life experience under your belt, it'll be much harder to keep your faith.

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Originally posted by TheHobGoblin

America is my favorite country. I was born here and died here. No one, NO ONE, can take our liberty away. Thery can't say or do anything to take our dignity away. We have faith. Some other have doubt. I stand by my country all the time.


Tell me why you think America is such a great country.


Have you ever lived in other countries, or do you have nothing at all to compare your values with?


Sure, Freedom über alles. And the chance to wield an M60. And let's not forget all the fast food available everywhere.

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All I see is a double post by Hotrod.


I happen to like the sig of C'jais. And I happen to agree with him on his comment about the US. I live here, I'm a US citizen, but I've also lived in other countries, so I have places to compare it to. The words mean nothing if you can't back it up with some kind of reason.

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