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Who Agrees Lucasarts Should Make Xwing Sequel!


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The main reason, which LucasArts made clear when the new Prequel Trilogy of Star Wars movies came out was that any Original Trilogy SW stuff would have to wait until after the three movies were released.


So, do not expect anything to really get back to the heady days of X-Wing and TIE Fighter series of games until Episode 3 is well off the cinema screen. Jedi Starfighter has been it's replacement so far for the prequels.


Perhaps a Episode 3 inspired game to help fill in the time line between Episode 3 and ANH, that will have X-Wings, B-Wings and A-Wings returning to the fray. It really depends whether these fighters will make their way onto Episode 3, or at least prototypes of them. It would be an easy link to the two sets of movies.... Perhaps even TIE Fighters to be seen, and a TIE Fighter inspired movie tie-in game (One can only wish)

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I think a prototype X-Wing will be in Ep 3. I dont think that the others will be in the movie, because they started to manufacture them between ANH and ESB, or between ESB and RotJ! I'm not sure, but I'm pretty sure that I read it somewhere.


As for the topic. It would be nice to see a sequal, allthough I never played the original game. So I dont really know how the game was back in the day!



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Ooooh, I loved Teras Kasi..... I mastered the art of the Vader saberthrow.



Anyways, I definitly think there should be an X Wing alliance sequel. The "rogue" series does not cut it for me. I enjoyed learning all the controls and stuff for Alliance. It felt as if I was really piloting:D

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If they do X-Wing sequel, should cut down on the extra ships a little so that they can put in more details on those they keep. IRD, Pinook and Planetary fighters would not be a great loss in my eyes.


Have campaigns from both side.


Have historical missions. The main campaigns could be during the Zsinji / Warlord crisis, not leading up to Endor as all others do. Make a change and us the great EU outthere.

Historicals could be Yavin, Hoth, Endor, against Thrawn, a NJO one (which would rock so much w/ stutter fire tactics and dovin basals and stuff....)


Just make the storyline more interesting, beter ending, and have the ending be WITH the character you have played throughout as rather than suddeny dumping you in Wedge's shoes (always annyed me abit about that)


Make your choice of vessel ACTUALLY mean something - different objectives accordingly.

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Originally posted by ckcsaber

Ooooh, I loved Teras Kasi..... I mastered the art of the Vader saberthrow.



Anyways, I definitly think there should be an X Wing alliance sequel. The "rogue" series does not cut it for me. I enjoyed learning all the controls and stuff for Alliance. It felt as if I was really piloting:D


I loved choking people, and doing that lightning thing he does! I still say this game has some sequal potential. If done right! ;)

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Originally posted by JediNyt

Ive been dying for the next X-Wing game. Alliance ruled but is outdated now. I think the title of the next one should be X-Wing New Republic or something. Fighting an Eclipse Star Destroyer would be incredible...and suicidal. :D


Dude - that is nothing!


Being a B-Wing pilot, I decided to test my mettle, and searched the net for vessels of realistic scale....


Real scale SSD, ESD and iggest of all - Bulwark Battlecruiser!


Thing was HUGE!!!! One engine pylon was the size of a Ligth Calamari Cruiser!


Was impossible to take down - not enough firepower between 72 B-Wings with full space bombs to get it 1/4 of the way!


Made a gret set piece to fight over though - REAL hull skimming acion when doing A-Wing versus Squints!

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Power Battles was the best out of itself, EpI and Obi Wan (urrghhh), and it would make a nice game oin the next gen consoles.


Imagine if you could go four player. Not on all, but on some specially set up ones, like... Geonosis! YEAH! Ruck Class A four-way on Geonosis!

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