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Where Do You Eat Out Most Often?

Boba Rhett

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It's rare that my family takes us (My bro and I) to a restaurant cause the prices are way too expensive. Heck, just a trip to Chili's costs over $60.00. But the place that I love to go is the Ground Round. I just love their food! *Drools* But the non-smoking room is some-what childish...

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Most of the time I like to cook dinner. I make some good food if I say so myself. But when I do go out to eat, we go to serveral places. Fast food we like KFC, BoJangles, Wendy's, and Dairy Queen. Nicer resturaunts are Golden Coral, Chop House, O Charlies, Plus a lot of little private itallian shops not far from campus.

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We'll usually when ever I go out to a nice fancy place I like to go to a Mexican Place called Don Jose's around here. Very good Mexican food. Other times when I want Italian I go to a place called Gussipe's. Very good food.


Usually when it's fast food though I go to Jack In the Box.




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well, for fast food it's pizza hut. gotta love that pizza. i also eat semi-frequently at taco bell and subway. but i eat at home at least 2/3s of the time. if it's an actual sit down restaurant, i'd have to say chili's.

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