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So I was talking to my counselor and...


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Well...it's extremely tough right now, but I was just talking and I asked what should I do. The counselor simply said, "Have you considered suicide?"




lol...he just saw what I was going through and thought he'd ask, but he didn't notice my question before he asked....lol


How's that for professional advice?

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Originally posted by RpTheHotrod

I KNEW you were going to make that picture your sig, Lexx...


No NO NO! *I* knew she was going to do that first! I just watched the trailer and though "Yeah...that's going to be in Lexx's sig."


So..um... I dunno.. whatever :o

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Originally posted by leXX

Bah, you all think you know me so well!


Yeah alright, you do.


HA HA HA! Owned! :D


.... Oh man... not again.. :o


Umm...this feeling, it's like.. Dude...this has like happened before! It's liek teh total deja vú stuff! Yeah..


.. O.o.. oh no! A glitch! They're here! RUN! :eek: :eek:

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Originally posted by Hèkx Nòxú

His career shall go down in RUINS!


Report him for unfair treatment, or something! :D


(I must've been hanging around near HobGoblin too much again, doh!) :doh:

Your only one step away from complete victory.





Hmmm Must have gotten my counselor....

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Originally posted by RpTheHotrod

Well...it's extremely tough right now, but I was just talking and I asked what should I do. The counselor simply said, "Have you considered suicide?"




lol...he just saw what I was going through and thought he'd ask, but he didn't notice my question before he asked....lol


How's that for professional advice?


that reminds me of a monty python skit


*undertaker walks in*


hello. are you agitated, depressed, tierd of life?...give it up


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Meh, I have never had too much luck with counselors (High School Counselors). The one at my old school did nothing, despite my asking for help when I especially needed it. When I moved, he didn't even bother mailing my High School transcript to my new school. He was a lazy a@$-hole.


My current counselor also doesn't do that much as well. He also gave me the worst schedule in the world. Taking 2 science classes, and 2 history classes in addition to all of the other required classes is not my idea of fun.


So all in all, don't expect much from your counselor, from my experience.

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Well.. at least I guess you've never been to a social worker who called you mean and all that when you were down.. I have :(.


F***ing S. O. B. I just hate her now. C' mon, even I know you're not supposed to say that you sad people, it just makes it worse..


"Hey, I feel down because (blank)"

She: "Your family gives you food, clothing, etc. and you're doing this and that and thot.." Oh, sorry I'm feeling down :mad:


Again: S. O. B.


Oh well, I've recovered from the recovery program now :D

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