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Wtf Man.......


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First, if you worked with Raven to make JO, then I am a small camel that is a master in the arts of masonry.



Second, you are freaking out way too easy. I understand someone hacked your computer and you do not like that, but gee wiz, this is a bit much.




I mean wtf is with u kids always talking sh** in the servers.


I have never talked any sort of feces on any sort of server, and I never will, because that is, well, stupid.


You need some sort of anger managment program.

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Originally posted by obi-wan13

First, if you worked with Raven to make JO, then I am a small camel that is a master in the arts of masonry.



Second, you are freaking out way too easy. I understand someone hacked your computer and you do not like that, but gee wiz, this is a bit much.






I have never talked any sort of feces on any sort of server, and I never will, because that is, well, stupid.


You need some sort of anger managment program.


Plus it is against the LFJA code of conduct. There are a select number of forum members that take our pride above and beyond the forums.


I'm gonna keep my EYE open on this thread, because it seems to me like a red flag for disaster.;)

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

Have you tried deep breathing exercises? I hear they work wonders for calming people down.


oh it does work. When I had my old computer and trying to play games and stuff and it would freeze and I'd get so pissed and start pounding on the desk..... took deeeeep breaths and I calmed down. Like lettig steam out.



Besides, I believe a true hacker wouldn't just announce that he is a hacker. You can get in big doodoo.

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That is extremly true in my few years on the net i meet a few people on certain board's and they never announed they were hacker's and i mean dude i don't think you worked for raven dude to one fact.


While developing game's you get angry as there is alyways problem's and if you get so angry over this then imagnine how angry you would of got over a big error i think you would of blown up so thts my view on you working for raven.

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Originally posted by Darklighter

An if you really did help make it, you'd understand that these 12 years were part of your target audience, so you're a victim of your own advertising.


these 12 years olds




Darky, I really need to let you see Mr. Socko...

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Originally posted by TK-421

hmmm, kids will be kids I guess. So, lets kill them all. *nods* yup, that will solve everything. ^_^

I mean, kids who are 12 generaly get upset when their asses are owned. Most kids on the servers now are just on, expecting to win every match. And, generally, that never happens. I bet they cry for hours when they lose. *shouts*

time for an angry mob!!

*people start gathering to exterminate the kids in the servers*

:D or, call their parents and tell them that their precious children are gay.:D

*zippes up bullet proof vest*


Dude I'm 12:devburn: :firemad:

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Originally posted by Lynk Former

Good, glad we understand eachother *signals for Mr. Weasel to cease his ambush on Ttl*


I can't believe there are 2 lynks now..... 1 was bad enough.... you better keep your hands off of him. We don't need you to brainwash him and have 2 lynks.

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Originally posted by kstar__2

see, both ty and seph are 12, there's your problem:p


now if we could lure them to another game :evil1:


*kills Kstar*


*revives Kstar*


*kills Kstar again*


Never insult a 12 year old! grrrr!

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Buddy, you can't be a maker of JO. I mean, you can't spell right, you act like your freaking 8. And your screaming about "kids." Take bottle of sleeping pills and chug it.

Or as I would do, take a Pixy Stick or a mint, crush the mint. And snort it. Yes...I am very stupid but it gives me joy! :p

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hmmmmmm Well u are right but i no those bad bad people are out there and FOR all of u i am working on a new tool and i do have info on jedi 3 so if u want to here about it just pm or something and i will get back to u:p i am calm now i took a few pills snorted some pixy hahahahha and i am set so i think this post can end now:D

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