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Five words that describe you ^^


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Stubborn - I don't like to back down to other people. I set my own standards and do what I think needs to be done, not someone else's wants or needs


Short-tempered - I'm not very patient, and have been known to let fists fly around my school. I often raise my voice without knowing it, and have punched many holes in my bedroom wall. Something I REALLY need to work on.


Lazy - I put off school, and I don't really take it seriously. I still manage to get A's and B's though......


Intelligent - I enjoy reading, music, art, and other things. I like to increase my knowledge for my own sake, not other reasons (i.e. College)


Funny - I go out of my way to make people laugh. I do stupid things to get a laugh out of my friends, and it feels good.:)

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mmm ok, let me see



Witty i can make people laugh. sometimes i think people only laugh 'cause i try so hard - but hey that still counts, right.


Nonchalant i can be very laid-back sometimes. i hardly ever lose my temper. i'm also quite lazy, not because i can't be bothered but because i think 'why do it now if i can do it later'


Friendly i am a nice guy that gets on with everyone.


Helpful i often go out of my way to help people. it gives me great satisfaction.


Modest i'm a very humble and unpretentious stud muffin with a picture-perfect ass (lol :D)

only joking.

when people say i'm handsome or good-looking i usually check for gas leaks :D

and i'm my own biggest critic as well.

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Evil: That explains its self

Polite: In a way onlya arealy evil person can be

Pychotic: i normaly resort to violance,talking isnt a strong point

Intellagent: Im smart but crap at english, grammer stuff like that

Ginger: Im ginger when will you people let me forget (runs off crying)

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Quiet: I usually don't rush into a conversation, I just keep my mouth shut. =/



Lonely: Nobody seems to care about me...Whenever someone wants to hang out with me, it's usually because I have something that they don't have....



Selfish: I'm never in a rush to do things for others, it's rare when people rush to do things for me, so i just don't care. Don't know if that's really selfish though...



can't think of any others at the moment...

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