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I can't believe this thread wasn't created already....

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Ok, maybe somewhere esle has created it, but I really haven't looked that hard....thank you ICQ & your nifty reminders!....Uhm, I mean thank you my incredible memory!!! :D


*Hands Rhett a Lava Lake Playset*


Here ya go!! It's great at melting down action figures that belong to Chase! :D:D:D:D

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So you're what? 54, now? :p


In l33t years maybe. :cool:


Anyway happy birthday Rhett! My Elf had an affair with a lawn gnome and you can have their *astard, illegitimate child! :D


His name is Lindu of the Mortenhouse, and he's a necrophiliac. Don't let him get too close to Chase. :p



...wait a second... Holy Hairy Armpits Batman!


Chase is Rhett's twin! So that means it's his Birthday too! ...I hope.


Happy Birthday Chase! And always remember these words of wisdom...



Those who refuse to follow are doomed to lead. :cool:



A happy Peterson birthday thingie to all, and to all a good afternoon. [/homestarrunnervoice]

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Originally posted by Darth Homer



Ok, maybe somewhere esle has created it, but I really haven't looked that hard....thank you ICQ & your nifty reminders!....Uhm, I mean thank you my incredible memory!!! :D


*Hands Rhett a Lava Lake Playset*


Here ya go!! It's great at melting down action figures that belong to Chase! :D:D:D:D


It was created over at Yoda's Swamp at JKII.net, but I agree, it should have been created here first. Rhett seems pretty loyal to GB.com.


*prepares spanking stick again, just for the hell of it! Mwahahahahaha!* :evil2:

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Thanks guys/gal for all the warm wishes. :D I had a really good day. I had lunch at an awesome chinese buffet, cruised around looking for a tv and then walked the mall for a while and found some cool stuff. I then came home and was about to take a nap when an old school buddy dropped by and we hung out for 5+ hours just talking. :)



I'm getting a new TV for my birthday, btw. My old tv stopped working a short time ago. Here's a Picture of the one I'm getting.

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Originally posted by StarWarsPhreak

Happy Birthday!


how old ARE you??? It should be one of the worlds greatest mysteries... next to 'Is Redwing a boy or a girl?"



I'm his/her brother. I will tell you...for a price:D





oh yea, and happy birthday, whenever it was Rhett:cool:

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i'm late, too, but anyway: happy birthday! i'll give you a present...


hmm... let's see...


i've got it! i'll give you my little brother to be your slave! he's pretty annoying, but at least he'll be out of my hou... er.. you'll get used to him. enjoy.

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lol.. i congratulated Rhett through PM.... :D

on the his birthday that is :D


but ill just do it again :D


Happy Birthday!


I'd like to thank you on behalf of the SWG community for helping us out so much with your admin stuff :D I hope you enjoyed your b'day :D



A.K.A. Wraith 8

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