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So w'happen in the swamp?, oh & Hello again!!!

Jah Warrior

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Well swampies,


Its been 6 months since i was here last and the swamp seems to have changed little (if at all). Are you fellas and fella-ettes (leXX) gonna fill me in on the happenings here?


To those that remember me:- *hugs n kisses*

To those that dont remember me:- *Manly handshakes all round*


Peace & ting


Jah Warrior (HermeS, Ni-Ten etc etc etc):D

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yup, saw the JA trailer, (Damn apple and Quicktime grrrr) looks promising - VERY promising. It's kind of what was responsible for reminding me of this hell hole formerly known as the swamp :D


cant believe you lot remember me, i never said that much in the first place LOL.


It's good to be back though, *feels the LUUURVE*


Piece & tings,



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Holy f-ing ****, it's Jah! :D




Hehe, sorry for the violent reaction. It's nice to see you again! Get yer ass on MSN sometime ;)


Well, with JA coming and all, could a new, JA-based Hermes Place happen?


*wets himself at the thought*

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quoted from pm



aww my fleakin gowd, hes back!!!!


great to see you again jah, how are you doin buddy and what have you been doin?


Well, with JA coming and all, could a new, JA-based Hermes Place happen?

*wets himself at the thought*

that makes 2 of us

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well, where i been eh?


lets just say i've been on holiday and leave it at that. I'd rather not post my reasons for absence all over the internet ;)


*has a quick look around for the Mi5 agents, looks in lampshade for a bug*



Yeah no doubt -]H-P[- will be back for JA, btw have a new connection capable of supporting twice the ammount of players ;)


Is that crazy old dane Druid still around?


@Jais - I see you have your own lil section for sorting out the world now:D looks like just my cuppa tea:p

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Originally posted by Jah Warrior

Is that crazy old dane Druid still around?


Not from what I've seen :(


I haven't seen Living either, but Jubatus chimed in very recently asking for you, and Skinwalker's still around. I also got an email from Slacker a big while back.


@Jais - I see you have your own lil section for sorting out the world now:D looks like just my cuppa tea:p




Thank you!



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Originally posted by Sivy B

are you passing through, or are you going to stick around for awhile?


if i say yes then no doubt I'll be gone in days, if i say no I'll be here forever, so I'll just say "Dunno yet":p


we'll see :D


oh yeah ello sivy you ole goat!!!:p

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