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Matrix Reloaded: Reviewed (err... kinda)

Boba Rhett

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Three Matrix threads is already enough ^^




EDIT - Spoilers will follow =D


I should've posted this a while back, but hey ^^ On Saturday, I finally got to see the movie. I was utterly amazed by every aspect of it, from the intricate story to the breathtaking special effects. They really took a huge leap making another film. It looked like it was on such a more expansive and growing scale, especially apparent from the introduction of Zion.


As for the special effects, I couldn't tear my eyes away from the screen for a second. From Neo's Kung Fu fighting with the Agents to the mesmerising spectacularity of Zion, I was amazed by the effectively realistic use of CGI - really made you feel like you were there, inside the movie. The bullet time was incredible (especially on the bit where the lorries collided head-on, and then NEo swooped in and saved Morpheus and the Keymaker...how awesome was that! XD).


In terms of the story, there were some good and bad points. I loved how they twisted and integrated all the character's background stories, and the whole reason for the human's liberation was against the machines attacking Zion was cool. One thing I thought was a bit off: all the talk of Matrix "computer anomolies" and "deleted programs" to justify Neo's powers in the Matrix really took away the sense of spirituality from the first film. The fantasy feel of it was gone, and it was brought back down to real life. I thought it was a bit off (apart from the end when Neo stopped the sentinals...what was that all about? o.O lol).


Overall though, it was a damn good movie. Whatever critics say about the film, I believe they're looking at it from the wrong perspective. They compare it too much to the original, which is wrong, because the trilogy is essentially one story, and should be viewed as a whole. The ending was a little bit, corny, we'll say, but it just made me wanna see the third film even more. I can't wait for it to come out:D

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Hi, I'm back, anyone miss me? :D


Ok, saw it on Thursday...


Whoa, just whoa. I can't even begin to review it because I didn't understand half of it, but let's just say it absolutely blew me away and we will leave it at that for now until I see it again and start to understand it a bit more.


The action... THE ACTION!!!


*takes a bite of chocolate cake*

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LOL Welcome back leXX, was wondering where you'd got to:D


I know what you mean about the story, twas a rather confusing plot. I'm gonna need to see the movie a couple of times before it starts making sense - oh how agonizing that will be:rolleyes:




That car chase was absolutely crazy. Just sitting there watching the film, you can't even begin to comprehend how much time and effort went into creating those stunts. Well, those crazy Wachowski guys pulled it off again:D

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The car chase according to records, took 45 days to shoot which according to analysts is longer than most movies take to shoot, since nowdays, more time is spent in post-production like sound re-mixing, editing, CGI, etc.


One thing that confused me was the idea that Zee said she lost 2 brothers on Morpheus' ship, but I remember Tank living through the end of the first matrix, unless he died during the transition from the first matrix to Reloaded.

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Tank (according to the rumours) wasn't happy with the money he was offered for doing Reloaded, the idiot, so they had to write him out. He dies between 1 and 2.


The car chase was definately the best car chase I have ever seen. I thought to myself, nothing can out-do the car chase in Ronin, but that beat it easily. It wasn't just cars chasing cars and dodging, it was cars chasing cars with shooting and motorbikes and kung fu and jumping from car to car , and the camera angles were amazing. The camera went through trucks, under them, through cars, up, under and all over the place. How they did it the mind boggles. The very fact that they built 2 miles of freeway from scratch speaks for itself. When Neo flies in at the end of it and saves Morpheus and The Keymaker at the very last split second, it was just so awesome and I could finally blink.

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Originally posted by HertogJan

She looks different because the actress who played the oracle in Matrix and Reloaded died... That's why they hadto come up with a new actres... Pretty sad :(


So far as I could tell it was the same actress, Gloria Foster. If she looks different in Reloaded, it's probably because she was suffering with diabetes, which was the cause of her death in September 2001.


I wasn't aware of anyone else playing her in Reloaded, unless they did some 'behind' shots with a body double.



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Hertog did state that Gloria Foster did play the Oracle in the Matrix 1 and 2... but as you said, she died in 2001.


There is a new actress playing the Oracle (as revealed in 'Enter the Matrix', the video game), which is what I think Hertog Jan was pointing out.

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It's possible, but it's also possible that she died during filming. Since the footage for the game was also captured at the same time, it's strange that they would have a separate actress play the Oracle only to have Gloria come out again in Revolutions.


But we'll see. Though it's worth noting that the actress who does the narration for the Revolutions teaser trailer sounds the same as the one who plays the Oracle in Enter the Matrix.

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Originally posted by C'jais

Both Reloaded and Revolutions were shot at the same time.


It's very possible that we'll see Gloria Foster as the Oracle in Revolutions.


Actually, according to reports, Gloria Foster did not shoot ANY footage for Revolutions.. She barely managed to finish her scenes for Reloaded before her untimely passing.

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Yeah that's what I heard... In Enter the Matrix she is played by another actress, who doesn't do the job as good as the original oracle did :) So they make up a story about the merovingian threatening her and stuff, so she would have to hide :rolleyes:

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i think thats stupid, i think it should be she had to hide, so she changed her identity, that way, she still has the memorys of all the talks with Neo, Trinity, Morpheus, Ghost, Niobi, etc.

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Originally posted by Andy867

Actually, according to reports, Gloria Foster did not shoot ANY footage for Revolutions.. She barely managed to finish her scenes for Reloaded before her untimely passing.


According to those reports, I now stand corrected.


I don't like the new Oracle, though. Less acting ability.


And the voice of Gloria Foster cannot be recreated.

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Well, according to a transcript I recently came across, and after running it by a translation device, this is the translation roughly:





Name of God of whore of bloody hell of filths of jerks of ****ed up the ass your mother.



But then again, its not an official translation either...

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my opinion, for what it's worth:


Rather disappointing, quite long and dull in places. Special effects were very good, but the action scenes never really seemed that exciting, and there was definately nothing to match the classic matrix moments like the lobby scene, or the slow mo helicopter crash.

There was more plot and less action than i expected, but the plot didn't make much sense, there was almost no movement, no character development and many of the new characters weren't explained at all.

Oh, and the ending sucked... i guess it leads on to the next one, but hardly a thrilling cliffhanger or anything.

Some good bits, but not as good as x-men 2.


oh, and i liked the original, even if i didn't think it was the all time classic everyone on the net seems to think it was.


i always thought swearing in french was a lot more fun :D


i didn't like paying for a film and feeling throughout that i should have played the game and bought the animatrix to get the backgrounds of the new chars... surely that is what the film is for...

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You do realize that Reloaded is SHORTER than the first one right, if that says anything. And the problem you guys have is that you go to all the websites to get the inside scoop and see all the trailers, when in fact, you shouldn't see ANYTHING to truly appreciate a movie. NO expectations. None at all.

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A movie just wouldn't be a movie these days without a massive overhyped build-up.


Attention spans are shorter than they used to be, so the general public has to be pelted with trailers, previews, articles, and other junk that relates to the movie in some way (no matter how insignificant).

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