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The Worst/Funniest pick-up line you have ever heard. *Spoilers for tryhards included*

Darth Rythe

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Some guy tried to hit on me once. I went to an art place with my male friend to for a college assignment and we had to somehow prove we went so we went to go get some postcards with the places name on it. When we got their my friend paid first and the guy just gave him his money, 17 cents, and then paid him no mind. When I went up there though he was rather talkative and handed me my change one by one, 67 cents, touching my hand each time. Two quarters, a dime, and 7 (bastard picked 7 pennies as opposed to a nickel and two pennies) later he asked is a lowered voice, "Soooooo you like ART? I was freaked and my friend gave me a hard time about it all day. He still does actually.


Not a bad pick up line but his whole thing was you like art to represent gaydom. I am not exaggerating this story and have nothing against gay people it was just a little weird being asked if I was gay in that manner.



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a friend of mine had a friend who was studying to become a therapist, and her field of studies was eating dis orders. she placed an ad in NOW magazine, she wanted to date only those into art, culture etc, in other words an 'ART FAG' well she met a guy and they hit it off, and for a while things looked happpy ever after, until she asked him candidly to tell her what 'he' really liked about 'her' in the first place, and what made him 'want' to go on future dates with 'her.'


women always say they want men to be honest with them

people also say honesty is the best policy.


Quid Pro Quoed, the suitor replied with the following frank and earnest reply.


'well I really love art,

and my favourite time period

was the 'Ruebenesque peroid.'


:confused: surprisingly their courtship ended then and there

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One of my friends where trying to hit on a girl... And he walks up to her and says "Nice shoes.... You wanna have sex?"


LOL I couldn't stop laughing for the longest time. After he said that the girl just looked at him angrily, pushed him down, and walked away.

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' The Spoon' has returned, wow............He helped me when I was a Bantha fodder..........


Nice shoes, LOL, i'll try that, I'm happy i made this thread.

Here is a few:


1: "Would you like to dance?...No...Sorry, I mean to say that your arse looks good in those pants.


2: I lost my phone number can i have yours.


3: If you were a door i'd bang you all night.


4: Do you belive in love at first sight or should I walk by again?

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Keep it clean, I'll keep it open. ;)


1.Are your parents retarded? 'Cause you're a special gift.


2. Am I being too forward, or can I chew on your butt?


3. Did it hurt when you fell from Heaven? 'Cause it really messed up your face.

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the beat ones are from FAMILY GUY (STEWIE MOSTLY)



1.While trying to potty-train Stewie

Peter: Maybe you don't have to pee. I'll just give you some beer, it'll run right through you.

Stewie: Beautiful. And while we're at it we can light up a dubey and watch porn!


2.Stewie: These huggies make my ass look big?


3.Stewie: Dammit to pus spewing blood gutted hell!



4.Peter: Hey Stewie, I see your bum.

Stewie: Well, take a good look, fat man, and while you're at it take pictures, so I'll have something to take to court, you flithy wretched pervert!



stewie is my idol

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if a really hot guy said the phone number one id go for it. but when its like ghetto people who hit on everyone its like no thanks.



Sttct member in costco the guy who said "come smell" in a alluding manner was just the weridest crap on the planet. he was at some candel thing and made it sound all sexual. i couldnt figure out wtf

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My Absolute favorite one was used up there^ but i must put it anyway


Legs is the word of the day, lets go back to my place and spread the word.


Is It Hot In Here Or Is It Just You?


I hear you spread like peanut butter, Can I be the bread?

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