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I got teh Broadband.

ET Warrior

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It's true everyone, my 56k days are behind me. Got it hooked up today and i'm livin the dream. IT IS SO FAST!! Holy cow, downloading at 90 Kbps.........now that is nice.


I know there are people with faster, so don't brag, I'm upgrading from downloads at 2.4 kbps.




Edit- i had to laugh, I told you all not to brag, but here I am braggin........Now that's what you'd call Ironic.......


And all you out there still with 56K......I know your pain, and i am sorry.

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isnt the broadband a wonderful thing? after having it for only a short period of time you'll wonder how you were ever able to use dial up in the past for so long. you can download porn stuff so much faster and play multiplayer games over the net! multiplayer anything over the net is REALLY addictive!!!

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Originally posted by BigTeddyPaul

Pages load in less and 1/4 a second, practically no lag all over the world, and instant porrrr . . . . tugese language learning sites.


Have fun and Avs Conference Champions and nothing more in 2004!




Yes.......the broadband download speeds are amazing, and fun!!



And i'm afraid you are mistaken, paul kariya, joe sakic, teemu selanne, peter forsber, milan hejduk, and alex tanguay disagree.

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Originally posted by pbguy1211

isnt the broadband a wonderful thing? after having it for only a short period of time you'll wonder how you were ever able to use dial up in the past for so long. you can download porn stuff so much faster and play multiplayer games over the net! multiplayer anything over the net is REALLY addictive!!!



I must agree I don't know how i ussed to live with 56k. Also mp games on broadband are very addictive i play jk2 and bf1942 alot, ussually if i'm not on the forums, mapping, skinning, or something else, than i'm playing an online game:D


Welcome to the quick and enjoyable world of fast internet ET:D


Anyone want to battle?

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I have ADSL for like 3 years now... And I really CANT go back to dialup now, it's just impossible! I'd seriously have phonebills that weigh 20 pounds if I used dialup :) Especially with the swamp around ;)


So congratz, enjoy it, we must have a game of JA together when it comes out :)

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Originally posted by ET Warrior

And i'm afraid you are mistaken, paul kariya, joe sakic, teemu selanne, peter forsber, milan hejduk, and alex tanguay disagree.


Ab man agrees with me though. Hahahahah! Low blow. I really need to learn his name here so I can totally make fun when he leads to Avs to a 19-29 record.





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DSL rul ..


i only can use it at work ..


it would rul more if i had it at home ..

but: waiting times (WAITING TIMES yes.) are awful (i know people which had signed DSL 2 years ago.. NOTHING) .. and it cost 50bucks per month .. but let me say some .. 1MBIT dl rate .. average!




but my 56K is nice for me .. 0.78cents per minute..



*remark: get dsl by the time..*

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Yep, all of the above :)


ET Warrior: You've taken your first step into a larger world ;)


oh, and BB: I find it doesn't remove all lag, but it takes out a damn chunk of it! Bear in mind that if you're paying £15 a month for 'any time' internet access, it's only another £3 a week for Broadband (after any setup costs). WELL worth it, trust me.



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Originally posted by •-BLaCKouT-•

oh, and BB: I find it doesn't remove all lag, but it takes out a damn chunk of it! Bear in mind that if you're paying £15 a month for 'any time' internet access, it's only another £3 a week for Broadband (after any setup costs). WELL worth it, trust me.


:) B.

Well B., negotiations are underway. I am willing to pay extra for BB and the powers that be seem to accept. I reckon BT are still offering a free box and set-up, which could be good.

*Logs on to BTopenworld*


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