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Ummm,hello there...


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Well I have alot of news to tell ya.


Not sure if I mentioned it but my father-in-law was diagnosed(sp) with cancer back in late December and they gave him a year to live. Well needless to say he only made it 7 months.


The wife had been taking alot of time off work to spend with him so that inturn made it so I took of time so I could watch the kids while she was away. He started his Chemo and radiation which just about did him in itself..


He died on July 12th at his house with his wife( he was re-married) and both my wife and her sister. My mom-in-law (first wife and wifes mom) came out and we had a house full of family and had a small memorial. We then packed up for South Dakota to go see the rest of his friends and family and have a service for him out there as well as that is where he was originally from.


We just got back to town late Sunday night and after almost a month off work I am now back at it.


One of the worst deals about this whole thing was he did from June 1988-October 2002 in prison so we didn't have alot of time with him better before he died and my kids never really got to know their grandfather real well. We visited him often in prison and really looked forward to the day he was released so we could make up for lost time.


We spent as much time as we could with him and we have some great memories and wonderful pictures of him.


He was a huge race fan and owned a few race cars and operated a race track when he was younger so one of the things he liked most was to go to the race track and watch me race my car.


And that is where he spent his last night on earth. The step mom-in-law, me,my wife,her sister and our kids all spent the evening at the race track. He was confined to the car but they let him pull up close to the action and he loved every minute of it.


We got some great pictures from that night of him with our kids.


One of the best things was is that he accepted Jesus Christ just a few months before he died so we now know he is in a much better place.


He was 55 years old.


RIP.. John Hayes Holland 1948-2002

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Hi Ed, Zoom..


Things are going as well as can be expected. Wife is still very much shook up. But it is geting better. Kids are starting to understand that grandpa John will not be coming over any more with grandma Nancy.


How are you two doing?

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Same old, same old. ;)


Actually, work's been good... pretty busy, which means plenty of extra income, although not much time off to enjoy the summer. But I guess that's OK too, since the weather around here has been either a.) stifling hot and ultra humid; or b.) raining. Nothing in between.


I'm taking a few weeks off at the end of the month to go down to Florida and visit my dad. That should be fun,.. although: Southern Florida in late August... hmmm. I think it's hot and sticky around here. :rolleyes:

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Sorry for your loss Gunner, I feel your pain, my mom died from breast cancer when she was 56, I was 21. It sucks, but at least you got to spend time with him. That is what counts. It is that time together that will keep you going when you are sad about him being gone. Every time you race, you can win for him, believe me when I say he'll be your copilot in that car. He'll always be your copilot, in your heart, for the rest of your life.


I am sure that I can speak for eveyrone on these forums in that you have our condolences and your father as well as you and your family will have our prayers, for what its worth.

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I'm sorry for you and your wife's loss. I've lost both grandfathers, one of them to a brain tumor. Be glad he stayed the same person 'till the end, because the last 4 months of my mom's father's life were one of confusion. He couldn't remember who any of us were most of the time, and he wasn't acting like the man he was.


But on a more cheerful note, I'm glad you're back. If ya check the birthday thread, you'll discover I cheated death last weekend.

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