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Rumor: Two lightsabers


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You shouldn't believe every rumour you hear on the net. Considering duel lightsabers is one of the key selling points for the game, it's highly unlikely they've taken them out. The resulting storm of bad feeling from the community would be a worse burden to bear than any potential problems in their implementationl.


The only thing related to sabers that we know won't be in the game is the ability to switch between single, duel and dualstaff, which was seen in one of the video footages from E3. That was just a cheat so the developer could show the three types of lightsabers in action. So you won't be able to join two lightsabers to make a lightstaff, or switch between them at will.


I think the rumour-mills are doing a bit of overtime. :rolleyes:

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Nah, they wouldn't kick the dual sabers. I mean, half of all Star Wars fans want to fight with dual sabers after seeing Anakin use two sabers in Episode II. (albeit for only twenty seconds or so. Now that I think about it, there was also Boc from JK) The other half want a double bladed saber:D . With Episode II still reasonably fresh in gamer's minds, and with the dual sabers being one thing they promised from the start, it will be included.

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It would be madness for Raven to remove something that since they are basing the entire game primarily on saber combat and with Episode 2 and the great work of Dest and Tckoucky and others, the dual sabers became popular in Jedi Outcast, hence the reason for the game developer to introduce dual sabers as an option. Oh and the Release date has been confirmed Troopr-undr-fir.. It is set for 9/17/03

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What WOULD suck is if it were single player only. ; p


However, I doubt they would remove that, since they have told us all along its in there. Even if it were, they could always add it back in with a patch.


I'll keep an open mind, but yes, rumors are rumors. Now you got me started!

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Originally posted by The Count

Well if they do get rid of the Dual Sabers, then I will download the Warez copy!


Don't go all rash now because as we speak, Kenn Hoekstra is working with Activision lawyers to shut down all known and unknown websites that have any connection to the warez copy.

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Probably some guy downloaded a warez version without the dual sabers, or he couldn't figure out how to get them. Or he meybe was able to get the double saber, thoguht you could switch some daul to double, and assumed they had been removed when he couldn't switch.

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Nah, they wouldn't kick the dual sabers. I mean, half of all Star Wars fans want to fight with dual sabers after seeing Anakin use two sabers in Episode II. (albeit for only twenty seconds or so. Now that I think about it, there was also Boc from JK)




I remember it being more like THREE seconds...talk about bs!


There is no way that they'll be taking out twin sabers from JA, it would be an extremely dumb move. I also hope they include the Tavion and Desann stances for multiplayer and single player.

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Check out the new video... shows dual sabers in action in SP.



Of course, it's POSSIBLE that they were removed since then before it went gold, but why? It would make no sense...


I could see them being removed from Multiplayer because of some balancing issue (though I find it hard to believe they couldn't come up with a way to make it available AND balanced, if they can let you use a lightstaff), but not Single.


I'm just going to go along with everything we've heard so far and assume that they are both in Single and Multi, unless LA/Raven announces differently.

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