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Weird binds??


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here is what u do.


1. play the game instead of using servers as emoting chatrooms.


2. chatboxes are in fact, bullseye's.


3. someone has their saber down they must be undercover trying to strike you down as soon as you turn your back. kill them as fast as possible.


4. wash, rinse, repeat.

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noooo what you do is this:


1. go into server with jedi academy mod (preferably g// server)


2. find a cozy spot in the middle of a big ffa


3. type /amsit in console


4. watch as you get your ass kicked by 10+ people kicking you while you sit


5. repeat as many times as you like. It just gives us more frags :)


<3, plaZma

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Wrong. Soon my new mod will be out entitled "Super Fun RPG Real Skill Jedi Mod". If you kill someone with their saber down or chat box up, or kick, or hit someone when they are knocked down, or use anything except for sabers, you are insta banned. also, if you FFA without private dueling for over 2 minutes you are kicked. However, standing around with your saber down will cause you to be rewarded by my awesome new RPG system. with this system, you get points for using emotes and for not fighting. You can use these points to buy AWESOME **** like DARTH MAUL skins and THE DESTROYER CHEATS so you can actually end up being an RPG DARTH MAUL! Also, you can buy yoda skins and Darth Vadar skins.

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I would just like to announce that I am changing the name of my AWESOME new RPG mod. It is now called:


"TRUE Jedi RPG Super Fun George Lucas is a genius christ-child and Jar Jar wasn't really that bad in fact it was a stroke of genius to put him in Jedi ++ Darth Maul ROCKED mod"

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Originally posted by boinga1

Guys? Shut up.


HAY U GTFO OF OUR THRAD. U HAV NO HONR. U = BAND FRM AL "TRUE Jedi RPG Super Fun George Lucas is a genius christ-child and Jar Jar wasn't really that bad in fact it was a stroke of genius to put him in Jedi ++ Darth Maul ROCKED mod" SERVRZ.



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Originally posted by Neverhoodian



Ummmmmmmmmm, okaaaaaaaaay. I really don't know what to make of these replies. Is this a joke or something?


observant, aren't we?


BTW, my response was the best, I think. :D FlashRam's wasn't that bad either. Very good info. I'm looking forward to the "TRUE Jedi RPG Super Fun George Lucas is a genius christ-child and Jar Jar wasn't really that bad in fact it was a stroke of genius to put him in Jedi ++ Darth Maul ROCKED" mod.

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Originally posted by [fk]mediablitz

The problem is you need the fantastic new "True Jedi Honor RPG Darth Maul" mod. don't worry it will be available soon




Originally posted by Shoman697

kinda ratty that i can't get but one normal reply if your not going to say something constructive why say it?? It was a question not an invite to a flame session. Reply when it is worth while


Their problem is that you're going to end up getting brainwashed by the admin mod plague and you'll probably turn out to be like the other 7 939 485 "tru3 jedi of teh h0norZ" roaming 90% of JK2 servers today. That kind of thing is frustrating for people who enjoy playing the game to...well, how simply can I put it....PLAY THE GAME.


Oh and I think you need to download the 1.04 patch for the user interface error thing.

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Originally posted by noide

omfg. how many points for darth maul skin.




you have to first unlock dooku, vader, and palpatine with the following:


/amiamyourfather (for vader)




/amiownyouyoda (for dooku)


then you have to:


/amstrikemedown (for palpatine)

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Originally posted by Rumor



you have to first unlock dooku, vader, and palpatine with the following:


/amiamyourfather (for vader)




/amiownyouyoda (for dooku)


then you have to:


/amstrikemedown (for palpatine)


OMG you fagt. You forgot the jar-jar binks and incestual Luke and Leia skins. You cannot get Maul without these.


Jar-Jar Binks:




Incestual Luke and Leia




only then can you get the Maul skin.

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In case you still have your user interface error, it's because you need the 1.04 patch.


Please ignore the "TRUE Jedi RPG Super Fun George Lucas is a genius christ-child and Jar Jar wasn't really that bad in fact it was a stroke of genius to put him in Jedi ++ Darth Maul ROCKED mod" posts, except for humor's sake. They're just making fun of some of the...less.desireable members of the JO FPS community. Which is to say, RPG'ers.

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