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Worst adventure ever?

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What do you think is the worst adventure ever?

And I doesn't have to bad or horrible just the one you think is not as good as the rest....


For me it would be a tie between:

-Leather Goddesses of Phobos 2: Gas Pump Girls Meet the Pulsating Inconvenience from Planet X

A horrible Sci-fi movie is cool, but a horrilbe Sci-fi game is not...

-Chewy: Esc from F5

I simply hate him, he is so annoying, his human friend is a rip-off of Bernand, and his aliem buddy, Flint I think has the worst voice ever.... Urk...:barf:

Sorry about that...:animelol:

I'll clean up the mess...

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I dunno, I havn't played any games that bad. My least favorite game would be... Louvre. I dunno if you've heard of it, it's a game that I have in a russian translation, anyway, it's not really that bad, just not really good.


I don't play bad games really :p:D

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Aliens: A Comic Book Adventure from Cryo... back in the mid 1990's. They had so much to build on... the movies, the kick arse comic series from Dark Horse Comics, great graphics (at the time), etc. I followed that game from the day it was anounce til the day it was released (skipped a day of college to take a bus all the way to Raleigh to get a copy). The dissappointment started as soon as the intro movie stopped. I returned the game for a refund 3 days later. It had horrible dialogue, obtuse puzzles, and pixel hunting galore. Heck, it probably had a maze, but I never finished it :( Thats what we get for turning a great franchise over to the French... just kidding...kinda :rolleyes:

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actually i haven't plaied an adventure i hated.....


is that bad? :p


nope that's actually wrong...


I hated Atlantis 2....It was awful...

No good story, no good dialogue, full of difficult not logic puzzles and well only the grafs looked good....


Absolutely Awful

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Originally posted by SamandMax

The Phantom of the Opera. The game took about half an hour to beat, and there was a maze. Most of the game had you walking back and forth through the theatre, picking up different colours of glass for the lights.


I had the misfortune of also playing that midden heap. It was in a $.99 bin, so I figured "99 cents? It's gotta be good!"



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I think there has been at least two threads on the currently-in-limbo AG boards about this over the past year or so, but I'll repeat myself: Stupid Invaders. If you don't know why, you obviously haven't played it. :¬:

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Corollary: Stupid Invaders also wins the awards for "most pointless" and "most disappointing" playable demo of all time. 120MB+ download, and not a single puzzle! Yeah, thanks.


Remi clearly should have learned from this experience. ;)

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For those of you that weren't regulars on the old forum - I get this out every time the worst game ever is mentioned and Stupid Invaders inevitably gets named and shamed. Here is the unedited version of my GameSpy review of the game -- censored by them for very good reason. I think they had cut at least half of the review out. And most of the nasty parts. Including the quote I'm most proud of:

The one thing I don’t understand about this game is, since the developers were honest enough to admit that the game was stupid, couldn't they have gone the whole hog and called it Boring Irritating Abysmal Invaders?

Also, terrible games: The Time Machine was even worse than Stupid Invaders. I couldn't even review that at all. Awful, awful game. Arthur's Knights. Bleh. Boring and blocky walking game. Then assorted tat, not precisely adventure, but that I had to review as adventures, like Martian Gothic and Catechumen. Poo.

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Ive played some bad stuff but nothing comes close to the horror of...


Gilbert Goodmate :(


..it tries to lure you in with its half decent graphics and fairly pleasing opening FMV.. but then the banal plot, script that makes no sense, endless frustraiting and illogical excuses for puzzles hit you. The sheer unadulterated twee-ness and how the whole thing is like watching paint dry saps your will to live at every second of playing this non-event.


Its goes beyond being a bad game. Somehow, someone, somewhere has managed to create a game so bad, a negative non-experience that doesnt even try, has no ambition, no soul and that game is this.


Even a terrible old cryo game at least tries. It at least has that fleeting moment where you can see what they were trying to do and what didnt work out. Gilbert Goodmate has nothing like that, i even played on to see if it got better.. I got sent this game free from fasttrak when i used to write for a website and was insulted at how bad it was, gawd forbid if anyone actually paid for this monstrosity. Every second you play is a utter waste of time you will get absolutely nothing out of Gilbert Goodmate and if adventures like this came the norm then I would be very happy to watch the genre die.

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Gabriel Knight 2. Horrible acting, some really weird... things and the ghastly music.




*falls over and dies*


a few games came to mind, but when i read this about GK2 my mind went completely blank... don't know if i'll ever fully recover...



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