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Te Darasuum Mandalor

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Status Updates posted by Te Darasuum Mandalor

  1. my next rp post is out, it should be fun. Wanna friend me?

  2. My personal favorites are Plato and Cicero, I not only love Plato's sheer brilliance, but also find his Atlantis lore and symbolism fascinating.

  3. My SW Christmas Carol is alost done. I have more chapters posted!

  4. mybe an idea for a new quest.

  5. naa, it's ok. I understand. It's hard to get me mad at little things like this. If you have seen Forest Gump, you will remember that one license plate in the middle of the movie. You-Know-What Happens.

  6. Napoleon: Total War is already out!?

  7. never mind, I googled it, it was the M4-78 theme.

  8. never mind, I thought I saw an evil hamster by u on someone's profile.

  9. Next RP chapter for Malak is out Spitfire.

  10. nice avatar. Was this fellow related to u? And ohh yeah, don't know if i already asked u, but do you want to help with my mod?

  11. no, the one in my casting call. Remember? Its called Star Trek Final Frontier and it suggests that even though it controdicts cannon, it is supposed to of taken 100,000 years before Star Wars. Its about loosing comunication with Earth. It is loosely based on a popular mod for a Video game I used to play.

  12. Not at the moment, I lost interest and time and not very many people were supportive of it. Who knows, maybe I'll get back to it someday

  13. not modder, I mean modderator.

  14. Not RC, I mod (modify & edit) SWKOTOR actually.

  15. Not when I gots the Pearl mate.

  16. Now I don't hate him (wrong choice of words). I just told you down bellow that Sonic X is an exeption. I like it. Its stuff like Pokeymon, Yugio, and crap like that. I personally think Sonic X is a great show.

  17. Oh, I kinda wanted my character to have a sister.

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