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Te Darasuum Mandalor

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Status Updates posted by Te Darasuum Mandalor


  2. Thanks for adding in my saber name for the mod.

  3. Thanks for your amazing advise!

  4. Thanks Logan, and good luck with ROR!

  5. That I am, the ban was only temperary, something having to do with nominating an already nominated mod, I was advised by Jonathan7 to take a week off and reread the terms of service.

  6. That is tooo funny. Carth is pretty cool and I would have voted for Carth if the Forum said Favorite KOTOR character overall. It just breaks my heart to see such a good guy leave after turning DS.

  7. That modder really made me upset! (please don't sue me for saying this!) but I personaly feel that he is abusing his position by just closing my thread of a commercial I think would be cool just because he doesen't like clone wars! Thats kinda immature if you ask me. If he's your friend, I'm sorry for dissing him.

  8. That was what I was going to get to once the RP started and got going, after everyone creates their characters.

  9. Thats good, I'll need a scripter!

  10. Thats was gonna be my second guess, they look so much alike!

  11. The ban was only for a week.

  12. The ban was only temperary, actually.

  13. the doombringers feel that they need blood and humans to survive. They kill for a living hence the name Doombringer. They come from Africa, South America, and parts of England and live in secret. Gothics generaly come from Europe and Russia and believe that they need to strike fear into the hearts of humanity by revealing themselves and killing a paticular human instead of anyone they see. Such include of Vlad Tepes, Saladin, Caesar, and Adolf Hitler (Gothic Vampires Age wheras Doombringers don't)

  14. The F word in Mand'ao? LOL

  15. The group is simply called "Mando Pics"

  16. The Jedi masters mod is epic! However, are you planning on doing any Vos any time soon. That aspect of the game was poorly done. Other than that, the storyiline rocks!

  17. The mod is for TSL, I suggest you perchess a new one or have somebody else test it until you can get it replaced, or clean off the scratches (if thats the case) with one of those cleaner devises.

  18. The scripting and modules would be great!

  19. then maybe you can just give me your home phone number.

  20. Then u better get a new avy.

  21. then you are a year and a half older than me, I will be 14 Aug. 1st.

  22. think you can post all the finished pics in the mod area? And maybe with LOP, you should make him have just eye socetts.

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