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Te Darasuum Mandalor

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Status Updates posted by Te Darasuum Mandalor

  1. I was wondering if you can help with a TC mod?

  2. Outstanding! I don't know of many people who have the guts to say that! I'm a christian too, and even though I get angry at people, I NEVER seek revenge. I also hate when people hate something I have said or done. I get upset easily and am kinda sensitive, but I am a very intelligent kid. i love writing too, I love making SM vids with legos and I enjoy what I have learned so far with modding. And oh yeah, that Jerk just closed another one of my threads!

  3. When your done with your ROR mod, can you help JM and I on the Jedi Knights mod?

  4. Indeed I did. Its a new TC Junior Modder and Seth Clearwater and I made.

  5. Can you help me and JM on a TC mod?

  6. I was wondering if you wanted to help JM, a few friends, and I create a TC mod?

  7. I was wondering if you wanted to help JM, me, and a few friends work on a TC mod?

  8. Yo, I was wondering if you wanted to help me, JM and our four friends on a TC mod?

  9. I was wondering if you wanted to help me and my 4 friends work on a TC mod?

  10. hey, I was wondeing if you can help me and my 4 other friends work on a TC mod with me?

  11. I was wondering if you wanted to help me and my 4 other friends with a TC mod?

  12. not modder, I mean modderator.

  13. That modder really made me upset! (please don't sue me for saying this!) but I personaly feel that he is abusing his position by just closing my thread of a commercial I think would be cool just because he doesen't like clone wars! Thats kinda immature if you ask me. If he's your friend, I'm sorry for dissing him.

  14. He said what the, you know what. You know, the place where the devil lives? Thank God he didn't say the other one!

  15. sooo, sorry. I reread the thing and you said it was the clone wars you didn't like. I should have read closer.

  16. I don't know if you can report administrators, but Lynk Former has been using somefoul language on some posts. Its kinda annoying if you ask me. Why is he even on this forum, he says he hates star wars?

  17. Ok, i'll invite you to the group.

  18. Even though you are an administartor, can I please ask you not to use rude or foul language? Its fine that you don't like SW and thats your loss, but please keep your oninions to yourself.

  19. Ok, you can leave one of your social groups and then join mine. What did you have in mind to edit?

  20. Are you a modder? If so, do you wish to help me with the ultimate TC? I know alot of them become failed, but I am really ambitious about this one and I need modders.

  21. I am soooo sorry for double posting! I didn't realize it was such a big problem. i promise i will not do it again.

  22. Hey, are you a modder? Do you think you can help me out?

  23. Hey betrayal, are you a modder?

  24. how ya doin? With my new mod, however, what would you like to do? You said you wanna work behind the scenes right?

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