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How did you get your username?


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You folks really don't want to know................

But If I must tell............

I registered as BawBag a while back but after like 2 weeks forgot my password :o

So I re-registered as BawBag 2 for a while and eventually changed that to BawBag™ when I learned of ASCII.

The meaning of BawBag? Well if your male then you got one......

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My username was a spur of the moment decision. I came to the choosing of a username while registering (to find out about SP & MP models and skins, the reason for me joining this forum:D), and the name "Darklighter" just popped into my head, for some reason. The name comes from Biggs Darklighter, Luke's pal from ANH. I was surprised no one had picked it already, since it's such a kickass name ^^


Originally posted by Jed

(affectionately started by Reb Starblazer - I miss that guy)


Same with me, funnily enough...Reb is always good with words when it comes to names ^_^ He nicknamed me "Darkie", which spawned countless alternatives such as "Darky", "Darkster", "Dark Stuff", the list goes on. You can call me anything you want, as long as it's not dangerously offensive...then I'll be sure to live up to the "Dark" in my name...




...just kidding XP

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As the oldies know, I used to be called AcrylicGuitar. I was thinking of an email name and that came from a bottle of Acrylic Paint and looking at my Guitar. I put them together. Hence AcrylicGuitar. Then, just a few months ago, I changed my name to Acrylic. I still play guitar (now more than ever). I changed it, because I felt the Guitar part was unnessecary since peolpe called me either Acrylic, or AC, or AG. So, I just shortened it. "The More You Know."

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I got my user name Neverhoodian from a kooky claymation computer game called The Neverhood Chronicles. It's created by the same guy who made The Tick and Earthworm Jim. Think of it as Looney Tunes meets the Nightmare Before Christmas in its feel.


It's a bit of a rip-off of Myst, since the game is mainly moving around and exploring and solving puzzles. That said, it's MUCH more entertaining and funny than Myst ever was. Your character, Klayman, wakes up in this claymation world having no idea what the heck is going on. It's up to you to find out.


All of the characters in the game, from Willy Trombone to Big Robot Bill, are crazy and zany. The fact that everything is in claymation really highlights the game's uniqueness. It even has a morality choice at the end of the game where you get to choose between good and evil. The game was made in 1996, even before Jedi Knight's morality choice system! If you like unique bizarre games, you have to try The Neverhood Chronicles. (if you can find it, that is. Your best bet is ebay.)


I became such a fan of the Neverhood that I decided to call myself Neverhoodian when I had to choose a user name. To my relief, no one had chosen that name.


Here's the box for the game with Klayman on it.http://www.adventuregamesforever.de/NeverhoodBF.jpg

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Last year I was playing percussion in my schools band. I played the Bongos one day and then got moved in my next class(algebra). I then got moved by Mrs. wombatWabara and then I realized that the girl sitting next to me was a guirl in my Band Class. She was like,"Hey, you're the kid that was playing the bongos! YOU'RE BONGO BOB!"And the nickname just stuck. I have since used it in countless things, except JA and JO(uinstead it's |GG|Mateo(PS, the orange should be yellow). And if you must know, my AIM thing came from my zone account. I wanted to be Legolas, but it was taken, and it gave me the number 7686 at the end. I forgot my password on AIM and then put 7686 at the end, so then when we got AOL(bleh) I kept it.

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