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Which do you like better? Jedi Outcast or Jedi Academy?


Which do you think is better Jedi Outcast or Jedi Academy?  

69 members have voted

  1. 1. Which do you think is better Jedi Outcast or Jedi Academy?

    • Jedi Academy
    • Jedi Outcast
    • They're both pretty much the same in every way
    • They're both have their different good and bad points

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It was about a year ago when I played my first Jedi Knight game, Jedi Outcast and thought it was fabulous(is that how u spell it?). I was very addicted to it and I only stopped when I read an issue of PC Gamer. The reason? Jedi Academy. I immediately ran down to a computer software store and bought it...and was disappointed. For those impatient ppl out there, I'll get to the point. Jedi Academy isn't as good as Jedi Outcast for a number of reasons: The puzzles are less fun and more tedious, the levels aren't as well designed, the storyline pretty much sucks, and isn't really as fun as the previous Jedi Knight. Don't get me wrong, I still think it's a great game but just worse than Jedi Knight. If any of you out there have the same thought and/or comments, feel free to post.

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well i didnt use any cheats with ja, but cheated all the way through jo pretty much, so i think i missed a lot of the funnes of jo, so, but MP/SP are hell different so it depends out of mp and sp which u like the best to decide, i think JA multiplayer is better due to the staff, but i think that the next sequil will be the best SP cos its a continuing story line if u went dark side, and maybe they will improve on the MP too, so i think the next game will be aweseme, logically.

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I prefer JA's SP game due to the limited degree of freedom you have choosing the order of progressing through missions and being able to choose Force powers that you want. Additionally, the new creature enemies,

such as wampas and rancors

add some variety from your usual humanoid enemies. The fact that you can go to the dark side

and go on a one-man-against-the-universe killing spree

was highly satisfatory as well. Due to these and other perks, (such as using saber staff and dual sabers in SP WITHOUT mods) I've enjoyed JA SP much more than JO's.


That being said, I would have to say JO MP is a little better than JA MP. If JA had more siege maps, it could have been one of my favorite MP games. That being said, the FFA and CTF game modes have been somewhat disappointing. For some reason, the action there has a kind of stop-and-go feeling rather than the nonstop thrill ride you get from (competitive) FFA and CTF modes in JO. Duel mode in JA is fun, but I would have to say overall that the JO MP experience is a bit more enjoyable for me.


Both games have their strong points. I like them both.

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Originally posted by Slayer_JJ

BTW, do any of you ppl play Neverwinter Nights or Morrowind? If you don't but heard of it I highly recommend it to anyone who likes computer games(which would be most of you).


I do have morrowind and its two follow ups somewhere but have never played them. Im still negotiating Neverwinter, between, KOTOR, previously JA, and PS2 all the way through(mainly sports games, Final Fantasy X-2 !)


One must realise though that not everyone who likes gaming is attracted to a game where you have to walk around to talk to people for ages and every now and then get into a little fight, namely RPGs ! As much as I love RPG I can understand that there are ppl that just want to plug in and play at a fast pace, and perhaps with a competitive edge; all the FPS +/- MP games aim to deliver this, to a certain extent......



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I like JA more than JO...Though the story was a bit stupid in JA and those levels with gigantic rooms etc rocked in JO.. Hmm.. I find the MP better in JA but SP better in JO


I have morrowind somewhere here next to me but I onlyp layed it for a couple of hours, didn't like it so much. Kotor on the other hand -> best sp ever

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Originally posted by acdcfanbill

but i would have to say, Jedi Knight 1 ;)

:D Oh yesh..........


JA had it's moments. Vehicles, the new creatures, new moves etc.

The storyline was more or less the same as JO


In the sense that all the siths had been "magically" empowered



I've moved on from SP to MP with enthusiastic interest. (i.e. I haven't been outside much) :p

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Originally posted by Slayer_JJ

BTW, do any of you ppl play Neverwinter Nights or Morrowind? If you don't but heard of it I highly recommend it to anyone who likes computer games(which would be most of you).

No offense, Slayer_JJ, but you seem to keep popping into threads with NWN or Morrowmind comments. I have quickly become a RPG nut this year - I'm in the last chapter of the NWN expansion Hordes of the Underdark now - but Jedi Academy (and JKII) is a 'first person shooter' game, completely different genre.


I do encourage people to try different genres - I had played Diablo whenever it came out and thought I hated RPG's until last summer I was gearing up for KotOR and someone suggested NWN ... so I bought NWN, and loved it, then bought Shadows of Undrentide expansion, then Baldur's Gate 2, and IceWind Dale (these are all on my Mac) and more recently BG2:Throne of Bhaal and HotU. So now I love RPG as well as FPS.


I still don't like strategy games or 'platformers' or sim games.



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I think the gameplay, mainly the saberstaff & dual sabers and the new beasties & vehicles (rancor, wampa & swoop bikes) were the only things that saved JA. The plot sucked...it might have been worthy of a JO expansion pack, but didn't really cut it as its own title. Also, after playing as a character as developed as Kyle Katarn (you have some deep history on who you're dealing with), playing a basically empty, unexplained character really took the gusto out of JA...they had the chance to delve into Jaden's personality right at the beginning, and they ruined it. Also, it just didn't feel right to me that Kyle didn't get to finish the job that he started.


A minor point...the sandworm level was totally ripped from Frank Herbert's Dune. I don't know if I missed it in the credits, but I didn't see credit given to him anywhere, and being a big fan of Dune, I must say that they may as well have called the planet Arakis and got it over with (I could be wrong about it not being credited, please correct me if I am).


My final complaint about JA was the reborn. While I appreciated the extra challenge that came from fighting one saber-wielding reborn while another tries to throw you around & zap you with lightning, there were just too many of these guys. After awhile, I found myself thinking, "Geez, I gotta fight another reborn?" Some of the fights were challenging, some were fun, but I find slicing through hundreds of stormies with my new saberstaff so much more fun.


JA did have some awesome levels (SWOOP BIKES ROCK!!!), and some great challenges (MUTANT RANCOR), but these didn't really make up for its lack of a good plot, good enemies, and good characters.



In conclusion, I believe that if another Jedi Knight installment is ever added, the powers that be should put these aspects into it:

1. The awesome gameplay, moves & sabers of JA

2. An original, creative plot with developed characters and original enemies

3. The cinematics of DF2 (Live-action & great scripts)

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....and the people complained the puzzles were too hard in the last game. this game was designed to incorporate noobs, and if your too proud to die to a noob go back to jo. this game is, as i look at it, a whole new combat style. you have to dodge more. people complain all the time at sequels. if its changed too little, theres no point. changed too much people complain that its too different. if you hate the game, why are you at this forum?

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As for multiplayer, JA is ever so slightly better, just because JO got kind of stale and it mixed things up a bit, but not enough for it to be an improvement really. Single-player JA has the locations going for it but I thought the levels were more interesting in JO and the story was much better. Just for my two cents on Morrowind, replaying it isn't any fun because the only real viable way to play though is basic hack and slash, and that gets sort of dull partway through and the magic and esp. stealth are not good enough to make a radically different experience, so bah....

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Originally posted by |GG|Crow_Nest

Well the one thing im disappointed about JA is because the graphics was still the same as jk2.


Exactly. Graphics, gameplay, format were the same style as jk2. That's why a game engine other than the Q3 engine would've been sweet.

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Originally posted by |GG|Crow_Nest

It wasnt that short, its about the same. JA did have a wow factor at the ending. :p


what 'wow' factor are you referring to Crow? You mean Jaden being evil and jettin off in his/her star destroyer..... as far as gameplay, the new moves and sabers were nice to look at, and the speeders/tauntauns were fun I gotta admit.... indeed though, JO really did knock my sox off, as I was naturally comparing it to its predescessor, which although good *in its time* is just damn frustrating now IMHO. The only games that have cool replay value years down the track are rpgs, I had heaps of fun playing Final Fantasy I when it was re-released last year, 8 bit graphics and all....but then again I am a FF devotee


But back to teh question, despite various factors I will give my vote to JA, simply because it is more of a quick fun fix. I hate reloading JO and having a great old time on some cool levels only to get to a damn puzzle..... but with JA its easy to load hoth or the 'speeder bike level' and many others and have a good quick romp, but I have to admit I havent done this *recently*...... Im sure I'll have a nostalgic play a few months into the future.....




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