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Kotor Tool - v1.0.2210.16738 (2006-1-19 12:38)

Fred Tetra

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Originally posted by maverick187

I don't mean to be a pest, but I sent you my registration info, and I was wondering if I am supposed to recieve something back????


I'm having the same problem. I've sent it 3 or 4 times. I'm sure you're just busy with real life and all. Great tool!

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Indeed I have been. I discovered that the laundry tub in my place was hiding a very damaged and moldy section of wall; all black and puffy. (yech!) As such, I have been busy most non-office hours ripping it out and rebuilding and haven't been up on the email. I will try to get to all of you who sent your reg info. I only ask that you PM me if you have Q's in the future, as would prefer the thread stay more on the topic of Kotor Tool itself.






Everyone who sent in their userreg.info file has been sent their registration key file. Thanks for your patience!

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A KT wish :D


Fred now that some of the models are accessible and we have started to get our hands dirty with them. I would love to see a model preview screen like that of the tga viewer


Maybe a break down of poly count, texture' s used and a viewable window of the actual 3d model would help us alot.


Thanks for your continued work on Kt



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Originally posted by svösh

A KT wish :D


Fred now that some of the models are accessible and we have started to get our hands dirty with them. I would love to see a model preview screen like that of the tga viewer


Maybe a break down of poly count, texture' s used and a viewable window of the actual 3d model would help us alot.


Thanks for your continued work on Kt




Unfortunately, I think a 3d viewer is beyond my current ability. Believe it or not, Kotor Tool is not that different from the tools I write for a living, but it's a fair leap to 3D. Not that I wouldn't enjoy the challenge, but all of you would be waiting a looong time before you'd see any results :)

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fred, you rock. oh, btw, does your conversation editor allow you to activate combat scripts, give or lose items (ie credits), etc???


Yes, you can do those sorts of things. Each node in a conversation tree has two scripts associated with it. One I'll call Script to run for this node, which is the script to call when you reach this node in the conversation.


In Kotor Tool, go to RIMs | Modules | tar_m02aa_s.rim | Dialog | tar02_preraid.dlg, and double-click it. In the editor, Expand the tree fully (icon on the left, read the tooltip. And, yes, I know I spelled Expand wrong.) Look at the 5th node under the Root, the red-colored (Entry) node labeled [Continue]. Click it, then change to the Node Scripts tab. See that k_ptar_shoot is specified? That means when KotOR moves down onto this node, that script is called, which is when the Sith fires on the poor alien and kills him.


The other script you can specify, Script to determine if this node is shown, is one that should return a boolean (true/false) value to determine whether a particular node should be available. I have never seen this applied to Replies, but I haven't search through all of the conversations, either. If you look at the tar_postraid.dlg in the same module as above, and examine the Node Scripts of the first node under the root, you will see that there names specified for both of the scripts.


A special case for the root-level entries, each of which is a valid place for an NPC to start when you talk to them, is often handled with such a script. In this example conversation, there are two root-level (called StartingList entries). Kotor goes down the StartingList entries from top to bottom (start to finish) and follows the first branch it hits, assuming that it's script says it is available, otherwise it moves on down the list until it finds one whose script says it is available or has no such test script for it. Back to our example... The first StartingList entry has a script defined for its Script to determine if this node is shown; the script tests a local variable, using the global script k_act_talktrue to see if we have talked to the alien. Since it is initially false, and the script returns the inverse of that condition, the node is followed. Next, the node has a script specified for Script to run for this node that then sets a local variable to indicate that we have talked to the alien. In this way, you'll see this branch of the conversation tree only once, since the next and all subsequent times, KotOR will run the node's Script to determine if this node is shown script, determine that it is unavailable, and go to the next StartingList entry, which is where the alien says "Thank you once again, human. And as I said earlier, don't worry about the bodies. I will take care of them for you." and ends the conversation.


You can apply these two scripts in a number of creative ways, from determining whether the player has completed a certain task, and thus the NPC will mention/congratulate them on it, to giving and taking items/credits/etc. and making the NPCs walk around and such. Look at the conversations in the various modules for ideas; the STUNT modules are especially interesting, as well as the scripted scenes, such as the raid in the Taris apartment complex just described.


Hopefully this is the short answer you were looking for. :D

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Has anyone experimented with Camera settings in their conversations/dialogs?


I'm trying to improve the Camera Settings GUI in the Conversation editor so that only the appropriate child controls are enabled based on the type of parent controls' settings.


For example, in my tests, only when the Camera Angle is set to '6' does it matter which Camera ID is specified.


Also, if anyone has specific effects they have consistently observed for certain settings, I'd like to know. For example, I have seen the following:


Camera Angle:

1,2,4 - Zoomed in tight on Speaker

3 - 2 shot (both parties on screen, 1 on each half, left and right)

5 - Wide shot from behind PC; PC is centered


Cam Vid Effect:

-1 - none

0 - blue filter

1 - blue filter

2 - red filter (never saw it in the game - try it!)


Fade Type:

0 - none

1 - Cut to Black (or Fade Color - don't have that fully implemented)

2 - Cut from Black (or Fade Color - don't have that fully implemented)

3 - Fade from .....

4 - Fade to .....


In this way, I can replace the numeric up-down controls with menus.


Thanks a lot!

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New version of Kotor Tool posted today.


v1.0.1728.20772 (2004-9-24)




  • Added support for AnimatedCut, CamFieldOfView, CameraModel, Quest and QuestEntry values in Conversation (DLG) files in Conversation editor.
  • Improved GUI controls interaction in Conversation editor - when a "master" value that determines whether or not other "subordinate" values are relevant is changed, the controls for the "subordinate" values are enabled/disabled accordingly.
  • Treeview appearance now adjustable in the Conversation editor.
  • Conversation Type, Computer Type, Fade Type and Camera Vid Effect controls are now popup menus instead of numeric controls.
  • Support for Conversation Type #2 added (Types 3 and 4 are for experimentation and may not actually do anything in the game, but who knows?)
  • Conversation editor now inserts the name of the file when saving it and also changes the window title when a file is renamed upon saving.
  • Support for Conversation nodes that are links as well as link targets added. This wil allow many more of the game's Conversations to be opened, even the 253 KB "dan14_bolook.dlg" (Dantooine Murder Investigation).

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In the Options screen (Tools | Options), make sure the "Build Model BIF node in Tree" checkbox is checked, then you should be able to get to the models.


The reason for this setting is that it can take a long time to build that part of the treeview on some slower PCs and not everyone needs to get at the models. This lets those people start up Kotor Tool more quickly.

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Originally posted by Fred Tetra

New version of Kotor Tool posted today.


v1.0.1728.20772 (2004-9-24)




  • Added support for AnimatedCut, CamFieldOfView, CameraModel, Quest and QuestEntry values in Conversation (DLG) files in Conversation editor.
  • Improved GUI controls interaction in Conversation editor - when a "master" value that determines whether or not other "subordinate" values are relevant is changed, the controls for the "subordinate" values are enabled/disabled accordingly.
  • Treeview appearance now adjustable in the Conversation editor.
  • Conversation Type, Computer Type, Fade Type and Camera Vid Effect controls are now popup menus instead of numeric controls.
  • Support for Conversation Type #2 added (Types 3 and 4 are for experimentation and may not actually do anything in the game, but who knows?)
  • Conversation editor now inserts the name of the file when saving it and also changes the window title when a file is renamed upon saving.
  • Support for Conversation nodes that are links as well as link targets added. This wil allow many more of the game's Conversations to be opened, even the 253 KB "dan14_bolook.dlg" (Dantooine Murder Investigation).

Your making soo many new versions, there great though;) :D

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I like the what I see so far but i'm still patiently waiting for my registration number so that I can try and use the rest now that I'm trying to mod I need as much as I can get to learn from. I like that you moved your open files of different sorts options (with exception of gff) to the other menu option.

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New version of Kotor Tool posted today.


1.0.1731.29104 (2004-9-28)




  • Fixed a bug that caused first-time installers to get a null path error
  • Kotor Tool can now be associated with UTC, UTD, UTI, UTP and UTT files and can open them from
    Windows Explorer. Attempting to open multiple files will launch multiple instances of Kotor Tool as it is currently implemented.
  • Added the ability to reorder the children of nodes in the Conversation editor
  • New InstallShield-based setup program

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Originally posted by Fred Tetra

New version of Kotor Tool posted today.


1.0.1731.29104 (2004-9-28)




  • Kotor Tool can now be associated with UTC, UTD, UTI, UTP and UTT files and can open them from
    Windows Explorer. Attempting to open multiple files will launch multiple instances of Kotor Tool

That's great! I've been waiting for something like that :)
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