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Cantina 12: The Republic Strikes Back


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*F. Irvine sat at a security station. Half of the monitors flickered on. Portions of the consoles were in operative, but still enough to do something.


He noted that Deac and Rwos were about to make their enterence into the building.


With his knowledge of Imperial tech, he managed to hotwire some of the controls back online.


Sitting behind the emergancy controls he looks at the array of switches.*


F Irvine *speaking to himself* "What do we have here, turret guns,..." *flips the switch, and half the lights on the main control panel flickered on.* "Hmm, oh sad, most of them are already destoryed. Ah, whats next... Here's one, battle droids." *he hits the switch and half the lights for them flicker on.* "I just hope that they have some improvements."


*F. Irvine turns on his comms*


F. Irvine "Lokpihet, if you may, send me a few squadrons of stormtroopers to sectors 15 through 20, and have them rondevious with the 'security' that I've activated,... to delay our 'guests'. It seems that most of the security has been distoryed but a good supply of Imperial battle droids are still operational, they should be programmed to 'cooperate' with stormtroopers."


"That is if the previous resident hasn't allowed so himself."

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Deac: Uh-oh.


*Deac ignites his sabers as the thumping of battle droid feet move toward him*




*Lokpihet exits another tank, having had a power up for his bio-circuitry*


Lokpihet: Fine. Destroy them both. Try to keep the non-human in one piece, we could learn a lot from his cadaver...


*Malice takes her saber and leaves*


Lokpihet: Malice, where are you going?


Malice: I'm going to kill Starkiller. You weren't man enough to and I'm not going to let you make that mistake again.

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Nom walked into the building where Greer was staying and looked around. He acted as if he was looking for a specific room, but what he was really doing was checking the security in the area.


Glancing up, Nom's eye caught the sight of a large air vent in the ceiling.


"Tarila's small enough," he muttered. "I'm not."


Glancing around, he removed a small device from his pocket and tossed it into the vent. Then, he took out a small controller and directed the mini camera around inside the ventillation system.


"Perfect!" he whispered to himself. The ventillation system had a large opening in Greer's room. Retrieving the camera, he went back to his shuttle and flew back to the ship to join Tarila.

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*Perez finished setting up his equipment. Almost immediately, he detected the camera's signal.*

Perez: Hey Greer, take a look at this.

*Greer walked over, and Perez spoke in a low tone to not be heard by the camera*

Perez: There's a camera signal here. Should we block it?

Greer: No. If it's someone else's we'll appear to suspicious. Keep it monitored though.

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*Deac forces pushes the rest of the droids down and makes for the door. It opens, and Malice, flanked by the advanced battle droids, exits*


Deac: You.


Malice: Syrnl gone wrong? Well now I'm going to do something he couldn't


*Activates Saber*

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((Okay, again sorry guys. I've been crushed under the weight of coursework. However it's all done now so I'm back. Just assume my characers have been tagging along until now.))


*Hal sees Malice.*


Hal: Hay, Sith spawn, you'll have to get through me first.


*Hal withdraws his sabre from his jacket and activates it, then almost as if as an aside he carelessly withdras a second sabre and activates it. The two sabres snap together and Hal sumersults over Deac. Landing between him and Malice.*


Hal: Deac, get inside. I'll deal with these.




Dasken: Greer, do you want to hook up with the local resistance, we might need the firepower.

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((BD, i'm attempting to move forward with 'Forgotten', so if you're willing to hop on that one ^_^))


*Battle droids roll in from behind Malice and deploy themselves infront of Malice, with their modified sheild generators, creating a semi bubble infront and around the droids.


it wasn't even thrity seconds later that a squad of nearly thirty stormtroopers sorrounded Malice and pointed their rifles at the three invaders.*


F Irvine *through the force, and sent directly to Malice* "The droids and Stormtroopers are of course no match for them, but allow them to make a mistake before you strike..."

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*Malice force pushes Hal back and sets the droids on him*


Malice: I'm here for Starkiller.


*She lunges, and Deac parrys with one saber, countering with the other as the two move rapidly in their duel*

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*Rwos brings down some of the shielded droids with thrown explosives, and cuts apart others with his lightsword*




Aren: Really. *to Kioet* I'm sorry, but we don't have a contract ready for your friend. Perhaps we can negotiate one in the future...or we could draw up a limited one now...what kind of help were you intending to provide?

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Nom and Tarila went back to the building together and Nom led Tarila to the opening in the ventillation system. Tarila was pleased with the work that her brother had done. If Greer had not found the camera signal, he was less intelligent than they thought. If he had found it, but did not know that it was fake, he was intelligent, but they knew more.


The signal made by the camera Nom had used had been traced, but the signal that stayed was not real. The real camera had dropped a small device that sent a camera signal to whatever might be scanning the area. Tarila wanted Greer to know that something might happen.


Tarila did not weigh much, so Nom had little difficulty boosting her up into the ventillation system. From there, she crawled silently until she could see into Greer's room. Here she would wait until she spotted a good time to get Greer.

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