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Happy Birthday Gonkh8er!


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Many thanks guys :) Guess I won't be banning people after all :p



Shame though.... Oh how I do love a banning :(





It was a pretty poor birthday, in terms of birthdays. I spent most of it alone/asleep :p


I woke up to a note scribbled on cardboard saying




Happy Birthday.


Please unpack the dishwasher.


Love, Mum"



So yeah, fun times :p


High point of the way - I won $150 on the pokies down at the pub. With $150, i can mail a decent amount of anthrax or botulinum toxin to Pad. Because I love pad :p


Thanks again, all... I plan on getting insanely drunk tonight. Maybe ill photograph some of my lame presents :)

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Originally posted by GonkH8er

Many thanks guys :) Guess I won't be banning people after all :p



Shame though.... Oh how I do love a banning :(



High point of the way - I won $150 on the pokies down at the pub. With $150, i can mail a decent amount of anthrax or botulinum toxin to Pad. Because I love pad :p


Thanks again, all... I plan on getting insanely drunk tonight. Maybe ill photograph some of my lame presents :)

O man, you know I wuv you too ;)


And btw, that pic feckin owned bigtime! I had quite some trouble trying to stay on my chair :D


Again happy birthday, and dont forget to send me those unapropriate piccies ;)

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Originally posted by GonkH8er




Happy Birthday.


Please unpack the dishwasher.


Love, Mum"




count yourself lucky, my parents totally forgot my last birthday.

a few days later they said, 'we forgot your birthday didn't we!!'

i thought about milking it... but they felt considerable guilty about it so i let them off.


"Never Coming Back Again" my fanny. Lost.


you know in the UK fanny means something else. which makes that whole sentence very amusing.


*slips Gonk a bribe to click on 'YES'*



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Originally posted by Siv

count yourself lucky, my parents totally forgot my last birthday.

a few days later they said, 'we forgot your birthday didn't we!!'

i thought about milking it... but they felt considerable guilty about it so i let them off.




you know in the UK fanny means something else. which makes that whole sentence very amusing.


*slips Gonk a bribe to click on 'YES'*





Actually, mum kinda did forget my birthday :)


The night before, i was sitting here on the net, and she walks in and goes "Your car is looking pretty dirty. You should wash it tomorrow, Ian. And you can do mine while youre at it"


"Errrrr, on my birthday?"


"Tomorrow's not your birthday!"




"Sure mum, whatever you say...."



heh, anyway, she walked back in 10 minutes later and goes "So I just checked the calendar.... I guess it is your birthday tomorrow."




anyway, im drunk. im going to bed. ill post tomorrow :p



oh, and you have no idea how tempted i was to click yes :D

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Originally posted by Darth Rythe



I have no Idea wtf you are on about......


Happy B'day GonkH8er, go some place warm for it, cause im sitting here freezing........DAMB YOU WINTER!!!!



Haha, forgot it was winter down there :p


*looks outside at his nice warm summer rains*






nah, I wouldn't ban pad, just torture him by taking all the italic tags off his posts X)

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