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Wtf?!?!?! Posts dissapearing?


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Lets look around and accuse people! That solves everything! But then again, who knows. It could be you!




Yes! YOU!


Sorry, to be honest I don't know whats happening. Sorry to hear that your posts are disappearing like free cakes at the mall though.

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Originally posted by LightNinja

maybe som moderator saw that you posted more than 30 times yesterday, more than 200 in a week, and he wanted to stop that a bit :(


If mods were doing that, wouldn't they have deleted HalfSwedeLarz's posts by now?


So, CG, dont worry about it, 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 posts doesnt make a difference. Sure, if you are below 1000, it does, but dont worry about it. It took me about a year to get to a 1000 I think, but custom titles arent all THAT exciting.


So, don't falsely accuse mods of deleting your posts.

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Are you mad???????????? First off, I'm not blaming them directly, I was making a retorical question. Secondly, the only ones capable of deleting posts are moderators and up.

Besides, if I wrote like, 200 posts in 2 weeks, is because I'm bored and I found out more ppl needs help and guidance than I could imagine. For each off-topic, simple chitchat post I have, I posted 10 helpfull, comprehensive replies.

Anyway, to be honest, I don't think my posts are worthy of moderators attention.

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Hahahahah. Pals little alien jedi thingy freaky. I never saw what he did to the side of the screen before. Subliminal Subliminial!


If a mod did delete your posts than they would have PMed you and told you why. The only way someone other than a mod can delete your posts is if the original creator of a thread gets rid of the thread. At least that used to be the only way someone could.



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Yeah, maybe you're right. That's why I was asking, not accusing. Maybe a guy asked his thread to be deleted and some posts of mine went bananas with it. It's not a big deal really. But I guess that's what Yoda's swamp is for, right?

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Originally posted by ET Warrior

Oh no, that makes me sad. Look at my face, don't I look sad?

Oh what a "bad boy" :dev6:, of course i dont care nothing of you getting sad or wathever you get :giveup:, but if post that makes you feel happy, nice for you! :thumbsup:

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mods don't just delete posts without reason, if there is a reason they would PM you explaining why they deleted it.


posts have been disappearing alot recently. this has been happening, not just in the swamp, but everywhere in LF.


apparently it has something to do with the database and something the admins are up to (upgrading vbulletin maybe?)


i'm sure if you posted this is the help & feedback forum...




you may get a better explanation.



now, I can't post without saying or doing something funny... so somebody pull my finger

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I swear I had a couple of more posts yesterday. How come? Are moderators so bored that they go and delete random posts without, at least, sending me a pm to say the did it?


Listen, bub. If you get your panties in an uproar about a few posts, you need to get your priorties checked.


If you double-posted, a mod will probably delete one of the posts. That's a probable cause.


If you posted two times in a row with different content, I know for one that I will take what you said in the second post and put it back in your first one. Usually I don't feel the need to publically warn you to make liberal use of the edit button.


Also, if a thread is utterly pointless, the thread will be closed, and possibly deleted. Simple as that. Nothing to get upset about. Unless it was the Versus Thread, and then most people from back then would have around 200 posts gone each :p


That answer your question? Next time you've got an accusation to make, you can feel free to send it here.

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Originally posted by Tyrion

Jed's lying. We all know that he likes to be a jackass and delete people's posts randomly.


We're proud of whom you become, Jed!




Jed may indeed be the LFs most magnificent creepy computer geek, but he has a cool av that is earnin him frequent mojo rewards :D


[b/nose]apart from lexxy, Jed has always been the coolest mod[/b/nose] :p


Corto, blame your posts going missing on WMD, and lauch a mass invasion on a third world nation :p



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Originally posted by KBell

Who cares, posts don't matter.


Once you get over 1000, they dont matter. I know I felt the same way when i was >1000. I was like "I gotta post MORE AND MORE", cuz I wanted the custom title. But yea,h the custom title isnt a big deal really.

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